
Chapter 4 That's my Wife!


The sound of a table being broken could be heard. Frowning at this loud noise and very curious as to what was happening, Rouqi's feet starts to stray away from her path home to the loud noise instead. Daisy saw what her miss was doing and immediately catches her wrist to hold her down.

"Mistress, you said that you'll go straight home." Daisy says and tries to drag Rouqi back to the stairs to go down. Rouqi stands in her place and shakes off Daisy's hand and refused. "No. I promised that this will be the last time. Not that I will go straight home. Something has happened, and I can't leave trouble to brew in my family's city."

Knowing that she won't be able to convince her mistress to go back home, she sighs and follows instead. Upon reaching the room voices could be heard.

"Don't touch my master! I will kill any of you who touches him!" A voice yelled out and in response to that, a sinister voice replied.

"Hmph! What can a little girl like you do. Don't try to run. Even if you say you and your 'Master' are men, who would believe you!" and just after the voice faded;


A stool was thrown aiming for one of the men in there and broke through the door. Dodging quickly, Rouqi avoids getting hit and now clearly sees what was going on in the room. In the room, two men were trying to gain up on one girl in black clothing with a tighter fitting and one man who was slender that the other two men was trying to reach in for another girl with cold eyes. But there seemed to be a barrier put up and the man couldn't reach the girl at all. Understanding the situation in here, Rouqi quickly comes up with a random plan at the top of her head to save these girls.

"Stop! What are you all trying to do to my wife?!" Rouqi screams out at the top of her lungs and immediately releases her strong domineering pressure she had learned from her father. Her father was a city governor and at the same time a general as well. Training under her father and the military men who serves her father, she too also learned how to emit a strong domineering pressure. However, since she has yet to kill anyone; unlike her father who also a strong killing intent mixed in, her pressure only worked on those who were weaker than her and not on those who were stronger or on the same level. After seeing that her pressure helped subdued the two large men, she moved her gaze to the slender man who seemed unfazed at all.

Looking at the man more carefully, she noticed that his strength was not higher than her and can only be said to be a little lower than hers. Knowing that she won't be in any danger fighting the man in front of her she made a quick gesture to Daisy. Daisy seeing this, immediately went to tie up the two large men with the girl in black's help.

"What are you trying to do with my wife?" Rouqi asks with immense anger in her voice, as if the one behind the barrier really was her wife and she was the husband. It can only be said that her acting is also too great, and the man believed her quickly that the person behind the barrier was also this youth before him, wife. Even the 'girl' in black almost believed it but caught himself and was about to refute it until Daisy slapped her hand over his mouth, whispering to him so that they can only hear it.

"You can't force women in this city. If my master claims that she is his wife, we can get you out of this righteously and arrest these men." Listening to this calmed his heart down quickly and looked at his master who was in the lotus position, trying his best to stabilize his body's condition to heal faster. The one in black nods in understanding and Daisy lets go. She looks at her mistress in hopes that she doesn't go crazy in this fight. Knowing how her mistress fights, she only can hope that if her mistress ever goes berserk, she can hold her back.

The man in front of Rouqi sneers in displeasure of being interrupted of inspecting the goods he was about to sell; "So what if you are this woman's husband. She is already going to be sold."

"Hmph! Seems like you don't know the regulations of this city! No women are to be sold with force and every woman in this city has the same respect that men have here! You outsiders have been warned! Leave or I will have the guards arrest you!" Rouqi threats, only to have the man look at her with disdain and disbelief. No city in the Sun Empire has such laws, he doesn't believe it. However, the man doesn't know that even though the Sun Empire does not have a law like that; the Sun Empire respects the small Eagle city and the regulations and laws are left to the Li Family. Every person who enters the city is given a small list of the regulations upon entry. Whether or not they read and understand the laws was up to the individual.

"No such law exists. If you want to save your wife, you'll have to beat me!" The man says and quickly charges in with a punch. Seeing the fist coming, Rouqi doesn't hesitate. Instead she is calm and looks for the opening of the man. Such a large opening at the left side, how could she not kick him there.

Crack! The man's rib broke and the man falls from his momentum. 'How?' he thought. He had setup a barrier in the weak spot of his move and if anyone strike there, there should had been no damage. But that was not so here. In fact, what Rouqi did was not just a regular kick. In that kick she charged her own barrier there and caused the man's barrier to bend in and crack his rib.

Gasping on the floor in pain for a second, the man quickly gets up and charges at Rouqi again with craziness in his eyes. She looks at the man in disdain on how he was using the same move again to try and attack her. Not wanting to drag out a boring fight, she sends a punch to meet straight on to his incoming fist as well.

Crack! His bones in his fist broke. Immense pain quickly brings down the man and he look at the youth before him in disbelief. 'How!? This impossible. How is this youth able to bring me down with such simple moves?' the man thought.

"Too weak! You clearly don't know how to fight at all!" Rouqi says and smiles evilly. "I already told you the regulations and gave you a warning and yet you broke this already. Didn't that old man tell you about the regulations of this city?"

Shuddering in both pain and fright of how strong this youth was, he definitely was not able to register what the youth said at all! Seeing that the man did not respond, she put her hand in her mouth and blew out a sharp whistle cutting through the sound of the bustling night easily.

In the Li family home where the large blue winged eagles were being feed with by Feng and Fang, Rouqi's eagle suddenly flew up and away into one direction. Seeing this, both brothers looked at each other and knew that it was their sister calling for them. Dropping the feeding duty to their own personal servants, they ran to their horses and immediately followed the bird into the red-light district. Upon arriving, they spot the bird perched onto the window of a brothel house. 'What is Rouqi doing in there?' they both thought to themselves and went in and headed straight to the room Rouqi was.