
Being Bobby B : Robert Baratheon SI

some guy died and reincarnated in Robert baratheon body. The novel is game of thrones/ A Song Of Ice And Fire fic It's for fun, nothing too much, a bit of a wish fulfillment novel. . I don't own anything this is novel belongs to George R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R Martin .. English is not my first language and I will have some grammatical and spelling errors, please just point them out and I'll correct them I write for fun , no regular release .

mask95 · Book&Literature
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15 Chs


{ Robert Baratheon party. 3rd person POV}

Robert and Ned were traveling through the Crownland and the Riverland, they were traveling light, with minimal protection. And Robert loved it, going from town to town fucking wenches, hunting and if they get tired sleeping in some noble's castle and fucking his daughter or sister.

Robert had a feeling that most of this was the old Robert fault, in his past life he wasn't an outdoorsman, but here he can't get enough of it, riding all day, hunting your meals and fucking anything that moves, to be honest with himself, Robert needed the vacation with everything that happened, he didn't know the tension that he was carrying. It was the first time that he was relaxed.

And throughout the journey Robert would plant weirwood seeds wherever he goes, amd every place he plant a seed in he would make the area around it more fertile and mark the locations in his map so he can bring the children of the forest to carve faces later.

Robert didn't need to look at his map to know the Isle of faces is near, their is a strong magic coming from that direction.

After talking with Ned, they agreed to visit the small Island, Ned wanted to go for religion/historic reasons, and Robert wanted to see if he could tap into the magic that was there .

One of the worst things for Robert is the lack of music since he got here and he has been having an ear worm after ear worm , the problem is that he can't ask a friend about the songs or Google them himself, and as he got closer to the Isle of faces he has been humming a tune that he didn't know the lyrics to, and it was killing him, he remembers a few words, but not the song title or where he heard it.

( tell me that you mean it .....

tell me ....


.... all or not at all ) .

The lyrics didn't make since to him, but for two weeks they have been stuck in his head.

Anyway now Robert's party was two hours away from the Isle of faces and it was almost dark, so they agreed to camp out for the night and go to the Isle in the morning.

{ Robert POV}

In the morning, I woke up with Ned and the men, we all ate some breakfast, it was a preserved meat and cheese, and then we broke camp and rode to the magic island.

I knew that there was strong magic coming from it , and I want to see if I can suck it all up or use it in anyway, shape or form, I did not know yet what will I be using it for if I could, but better to have it and not need it than to need and not have it.

We arrived to the lake two hours later and we wasted another three finding a boat to carry Ned and I across.

The closer I got the stronger the magic feels. When I finally sat foot on the place I can almost taste the magic. The Children must have done some major MOJO in this place. Ned started to talk to me but I didn't hear him, I began to see some events that happened in this place, first was the destruction of the Arm of Dorne, the ritual took fifty green seers to complete, I swear one of them is looking at me by the end of the ritual.

Then I witnessed the packet between the first men and the Children, again as I was flouting there one of the Children turned his head and looked straight into my eyes. I didn't know many Children to understand his/her expression, as I was about to speak I was yanked out of the memory.

Next was the Andal invasion, I saw Andals killing First Men and Children around the Isle, and again some of them were looking straight into me in their last moments.

Then I watched as the sun had gone down, Aegon flew Balerion high above Harrenhal, before plunging down upon Harrenhal, burning the castle beneath him. All that was flammable, both suplies and ironmen, caught fire within the castle, while Harrenhal's stone towers cracked and melted. The rivermen outside observed that the towers glowed and melted like candles. Harren and his sons died in the largest of the towers of Harrenhal. With their deaths, House Hoare was extinguished and their hatred and malice lingered to become a curse that plagued the castle to this day, killing all that rule it .

I saw The battle Above The Gods Eye next. The sun was setting as the two dragons took to the sky. The dragons' shrieks and roars could be heard from a dozen miles away. So bright was the dragonfire tha the sky looked aflame. Caraxes slammed into Vhagar, locking his jaws on Vhagar's neck. Both dragons were grappling as they descended from the sky. Caraxes's jaw continued to tighten around Vhagar's neck even as Vhagar's teeth tore Caraxes's wing and his claws opened Caraxes's belly. Prince Daemon leapt from his saddle on Caraxes on to Vhagar. Daemon drove his blade Dark Sister, through his nephew's empty eye socket just as both dragons collided with the Gods Eye lake below, sending up a gout of water so high it was as tall as the Kingspyrs Tower at Harrenhal. Neither man survived.

The next thing I saw was Ned worried face, " Robert, Robert, are you alright? What happened to you. All of a sudden your eyes became white and you were murmuring something under your breath " .

" I saw history Ned. Not all of it but things that happened near the Gods Eye, I the Children of the forest destroying the Arm of Dorne, I saw The First Men make peace with the Children. I saw The Andal invasion and how they killed First Men and Children alike. I saw Aegon burning Harrenhal and I Saw the Battle Above The Gods Eye, I have seen it all" I said catching my breath.

Ned believed me, I can see it in his eyes, " ask Ned, I know I would if you were the one with the visions" .

And then I spent half an hour retelling my tale. " And Ned, keep this between us, I don't want people to think that I've gone mad" Ned gave me a look that said ' I'm not dumb, I know what to do' .

I need to get every living Child of the Forest here, they will know more about it, and maybe they can replenish their number in this place. I don't want them to die out, they can br useful, especially if I want to end the religion of the Seven, people need something to believe in, that is why I have been planting weirwood seeds everywhere I go.

The more the smallfolks turn from the Seven the better, the Children can act as priests teaching people how to worship, and since the old gods don't need a central authority figure like the Seven, I would have less to worry about later.

I have a plan to weaken them further in the future. But that is later, now I need to test the magic here.

Ned and I sat in different areas, I started to meditate under a heart tree and suddenly I can feel every weirwood tree this side of the wall simultaneously, I can hear what anyone within 500 meters of a Weirwood tree is thinking, saying or praying. I was overwhelmed.

I can influence what people are thinking but to a small degree, I can just plant the idea and put it in the forefront of their minds, but whether they act on it or not that was there problem . I can respond to the prayer, don't asked me how I know , I just knew.

I didn't want to stay in Harrenhal longer than needed, just one night and then I was out of there. I can break the curse, but I don't want to, I think that I can have this castle in the future if I decide to let King's Landing burn. And I don't want the curse to effect me in anyway, so when we arrived at Harrenhal, already one of my men went there this morning before us to tell Lord Walter Whent of our arrival and that we will be staying for one night if possible.

Lord Walter wasn't anything special we had a small feast we talked for a bit, I did give him the idea of the tourney and that it should be at the year 284. ( now is the end of 278, and the original tourney was supposed to be at 281) .

This will give me a room to grow, If I can get to Essos by 280 then I will have three to four years of war experience me and my men will be hardened and I will have an heir and a spare . My reputation will be that of a fearsome warrior and a general,

The journey continued from there, we arrived at the Crossroads Inn , I asked Ned " if we go left to the River Road we cam visit some more towns and villages and maybe even Riverrun, or we go right to the High Road to The Eyrie, so what say you my friend, up for more adventure or shall we go visit Jon, Gods I missed the man" the truth is I wanted to fuck Catelyn Tully, before she was betrothed, but it didn't matter much, I was just horny the idea of making Cat blush every time she sees me is somewhat appealing. But Ned wanted to go to The Eyrie so we went to the high road.

Throughout the way there I kept checking the map for the mountain clans, we are just 8 people not enough to fight our way through them if they attack in large force, I can survive and maybe kill them, but Ned and the guards with us will die, especially if they ambush us .

Thank the Gods no one interrupted us and we arrived quickly.

The Eyrie was just like in my memories, I wish that I could stay here for a while, but I need to go to Braavos and the North and north of the North. So I just need to spread the word about the Thunderstorm and go to Braavos next.

[Robert Baratheon

Age : 16

physical stats

Strength: 500

endurance: 500

vitality: 2020

defense: 350

speed: 400

dexterity: 415

Mental Stats

Intelligent: 122

wisdom: 175

perception: 270

magic energy: 4700

Charm and Charisma: high as F@#k

Skills and abilities

Regeneration .

Add 1600 to vitality. and 200 to the physical stats.

Concealment .


Green seers magic. ( can warg )

Mental Magic ( mind arts)


Healing Magic.

12 one kilograms Valyrian Steel cubes .

1 half kilograms Valyrian steel cube.

2 millions gold dragons.

15 weirwood saplings.

200==>105 enchanted weirwood seeds.

25==>4 kilograms beef .

20==>6 five leter waterskin.

50==>2 bread .]

( Author Note/ please check out my new novel

Life of a Lazy Gaming Ninja) .