
CHAPTER 6: Future Plans

When the LA-AT landed on the venator's main hangar bay and opened its doors,when Adam exited the LA-AT what greeted him was was two rows of 5th fleet security clones facing each other saluting, at the end was three non clones in a white navy uniform.

they walked up to him and greeted him " YOUR MAJESTY" Adam just nodded and asked them to show him around the ship they first showed him the hangar they aare currently in, he seen some T-85 X wings he was told they have a total of 192 of them he also seen 45 LA-AT gunships 36 AR-170 Starfighters 25 Y-Wings 24 AT-TE Walkers after which they went to the canteen, engine room, armory, personnel quarters and then to the bridge. on their way to the bridge he was told they have 7200 crew and 2000 troops.

when they reached the bridge they were greeted by the 40 personnel and continued walking towards the window to stare at the fleet and Adam had to admit he felt proud and dominence looking at his fleet, looking at them Adam got an idea in head " should i just conquer every thing" .

Adam:" Atlas make another 500 ships also make 2 mandator IV class dreadnought and one Eclipse class all fully decked out please " Adam needs these for his future plans, " also can you make me 5000 hk-47 assassin droids with higher technology and weapons with a cloaking device please"

Atlas" Uderstood "

Atlas told him that construction started right away and will be done in 3 days and they will be filled with crew and fighters. Adam was done with everything with the fleet but he did leave an order for the arquintens-class vessels to explore the nearby systems and report what they discover, Adam went back to the awaiting gunship to get back to the surface.

back on the surface inside Adams skyscaper, Adam and his companions are having dinner in silence which was extremely awkward Adam didn't know what to say or how to start a conversation to them until he remembered he didn't know anything about them he looked at the four of them and said.

Adam:" can the four of tell me about yourself"

Next chapter