

Adam Coakley an normal teen to people standards, he drinks,party's,hangs with friends all normal teen stuff but hes an other side and that is he's scared,has anxiety and he likes anime/manga, star wars etc. but what will happen to him when dies meets god gets wishes and a universe of his choosing will he become an emperor and conquer worlds or will live he the free life adventuring the universe (disclaimer) i don't own star wars obviously this is just my fantasy and dream also there might be sexual scenes depends how well i write them.

outerself19 · Anime & Comics
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Ultimate God" Hi i know you're confuse right now but please stay calm and listen, i am what you humans call god and as to why you're here well to put it simply i killed you as to why there are two reasons (1) i was bored and decided to write to one of the forums you humans enjoy with a simple question (7 wishes in star wars) i decided to grant the wishes of whoever answers with the most interesting answer which so happens to be you (2) is to make up for the mistake i made concerning you, that mistake is the reson you suffered from the anxiety and other bad stuff in your life for that i apologies. now that the explanation for my reasons are over, here is the explanation for where you are, this place is a demension i created for you to train in the force and lightsaber arts, but not just them you will be trained in all aspects of the star wars universe (machanics,blasters,hand to hand combat,piloting,war tactics, etc) you will be trained here for a few thousand years but don't pannic

time flows different here one thousand years here is one hour in normal time, i've also made some changes to your wishes and the universe your going to you will know them when you get there, before i go i will give you one more gift."

after finishing reading the note a perferct 3d hologram image of Adam appeared in front of him, everything was spot on his height,weight,freckles,etc. a message appeared over the holograms eye's

"change your appearance "

Adam was over the moon he started right away he changed everything from top to bottom.

1)He changed his hair to ice silver with a comb over

2)His eye's lightning blue eye's (it look the lightning was having a battle in his eyes)

3)Handsome face with peerless skin

4)perfect body with six pack abs

5)10 inch little brother

6)6'3 height

after that the hologram dissappeared and light enveloped him for a couple of seconds before it was gone and Adam changed completely. he looked like a celestrial being perfect face,body and little brother, Adam could feel the changes to his body the height, the balance in muscle,the new little brother.

Suddenly a figure of a middleage man appeared out of no where, wearing half white and half black robe on each side.

"Hello young man i will be your teacher in the way of the force and light saber arts plus everything you need to know in the star wars universe."

Adam was still shocked seeing the man appear out off no where, but he quikly composed himself and bowed saying.

Adam: " Thank you i can't wait to learn from you"

Teacher: " Good i'll first get you to learn to feel the force then force abilities for two or three thousand years then lightsabers arts for 2100 years (300 years each on all the 7 forms) the a further

five thousand years on the rest ok let's get started shall we, get into the lotus position and try to feel the air for something foreign"

I done what he said and got into the position and tried to feel the air around me, there was nothing for a couple of seconds until i felt a foreign power being absorbed to my core.