


A month passed.

It was February already. As I said, we haven’t talked with Raf since James’ birthday. Nothing has changed. And I still didn’t get used to James being so comfortable with me. No matter how many dates we’ve been to, it was still weird for me.

It was 18th February. The weather was warmer than in January, but it was still cold. I was getting ready for school.

James has already arrived to my house. I said goodbye to dad and went out of the house. I sat in the car and he leaned to kiss me. I kissed him back.

/"How is my favourite girl?/"– he asked and started driving.

/"Who is that girl?/"– I asked sarcastically.

/"You!/"– he exclaimed.

I laughed and answered:

/"I’m good/".

/"I wanted to ask you one thing. It’s important to me!/"– he started.

/"I’m listening/".– I stated.