
Being a student of the supreme dragons starts with the system

[DİNG! WELCOME TO SUPREME DRGONS STUDENT SYSTEM SERVER] Damn, have I been reincarnated in one of those cliché systems stories?

NaneLimonCuk · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Body Cleansing, Lineage İntegration


This strange system just says a few things and leaves.

Anyway, let's use this gift.

Of course, I should go to the bathroom first.

From the stories I've read before, I know that something called "impurities in the body" will come out of my body and smell bad.

I went to the bathroom and took off my clothes and got into the large pool.

This place is as big as an Olympic pool.

Seriously, why is this house so big?

Anyway, let's drink this elixir.

As soon as I opened the bottle cap, the smell of medicine spread around.

Without waiting too long, I drank the bottle in one go.


Ah, why are my bones breaking?

"AARRRRRGGH!" I screamed because I couldn't bear the pain of my bones breaking, but this sound only echoed inside because the bathroom was soundproof.

First, my bones regenerated, then my blood was cleansed, then my muscles were cleansed, and finally my skin was renewed.


Even breathing is difficult.

What happened to me? The system didn't tell me it would hurt this much, I just thought it would get rid of the impurities in my body, but this was a complete renewal.

If you add that I'm just a child, how can there be so many impurities in my body?

I've consumed too much elixir and medicine, but there shouldn't be this many impurities.

Why is the pool so black?

Luckily, I have the option to clean the water with magic here.

I pressed the button to quickly clean the water and then prepared to undress.


I took a breath to calm down.

If you're wondering why I asked for this from the system, for God's sake, how do you want me to hold the water in my hand?



Ah, I roared again.

Why the hell is this thing burning me?

Why am I going through a second body renewal?


Fuck off, why am I roaring involuntarily?

Some changes happened in my body while I was roaring.

My horns, which were previously small, grew about 5 cm longer and now look better.

My hair grew, and the left side turned black while the right side turned white.

Blue wings emerged from my back.

My height, which was normally 40 cm, became 70 cm.

Now I'm as tall as a one-year-old child.


Fuck, even breathing is difficult.

This is really hard, why was it so hard?

Now the pool is blacker than before, and I vomited my bones.

How did I vomit my bones?

I pressed the button to wash the pool again, and the pool was cleaned again.

When I got out of the bath, I couldn't immediately adapt to my new height.

Ah, luckily I'm a dragon.

Thanks to dragons' amazing ability to adapt, I adapted to my new height and body, and I also retracted my wings into my body.

Now my wings are not big enough to fly.

I went to my room and slept for the rest of the day.

My mother said I didn't need any more elixirs or "metals".

One other thing my mother said is that I need to awaken my mana to go beyond my current level.

I don't get to see my dad much because he's usually busy managing the dragon clan.

My dad is the emperor of all dragon clans.

I, on the other hand, was told I'm the crown prince and have a sister.

My sister is currently traveling the mortal world because she wants to experience life.

According to my dad, my sister will come to my awakening ceremony.

I can't wait to see her.

When I asked my mom and dad about their cultivation levels, they said I didn't need to know now and I would learn when I woke up.

Seriously, just tell me something. I've been wandering around here aimlessly for 6 months, and there are barely more than 10 servants in this palace.

Now let's forget about all this and look at the third gift.

I clicked on the tab in the system inventory where souls are.


Ah, fuck.


Seriously, all I've been doing for these 8 months is rolling around from place to place. My mom and dad keep saying I don't need to do anything, that I'm already very strong, but how am I strong?

If I'm strong, make me do things that show my strength, and how can I strengthen myself while lying down?

All you do is make sure I lie down and sleep.

I haven't eaten any medicine or medical stuff for the past 2 months.

I'm going to my dad and asking him to teach me something.

Thanks to my rapid growth in the past 2 months, I've become faster.

According to my mom, I've been growing much faster than I should normally.

Good lineage really works.

Actually, I thought it would slow down my growth, but it didn't.

When this boring system is active, I need to ask it more questions.

I realized I had arrived at my dad's door while drowning in my thoughts.

Fuck, why is this door so big? I should ask my dad about this today too.

I kicked the door open and walked in.

"HEY, HOW ARE YOU, DAD?" I shouted.

"No need to shout, son, I'm busy with work here," my dad said.

There were a lot of papers in front of him.

I really don't know why an emperor of dragons would have papers.

"Dad, why is this palace so big?" I asked my dad.

"Because we used to wander around this palace with our normal bodies before you were born," my dad said.

"Dad, why would we wander around a palace with normal bodies?" I asked.

"Dad, you should go live in a cave or something," I said.

My dad laughed at what I said and replied.

"Son, the reason for this is that the human form normally bothers us dragons," my dad said.

"Why would that be, dad?" I asked again.

"Because the human form compresses our massive dragon form and makes us uncomfortable," my dad replied.

"Then why am I in human form, dad?" I asked my dad again.

"We don't know the reason for that, son," my dad said.

"The seer in our clan said you would be born in human form, and our investigations proved that to be true," my dad said.

"That still doesn't explain it, dad," I said to my dad.

"That means you're an anomaly, son," my dad said.

"What does anomaly mean?" I asked again.

"It means you're a being outside the rules of the universe, son," my dad said.

"So does that mean I don't conform to the rules?" I asked my dad.

"Congratulations on that observation, son," my dad said.

"Are you going to ask more questions today?" my dad asked.

"Just one question," I said

 to my dad.

"Ask, and I'll answer," my dad said.

"When are we going to train? I'm really bored," I said to my dad.

"After your awakening ceremony," my dad said.

"Promise?" I asked.

"I promise, son, you won't forget that day," my dad said.