
Being A Legend in Magical World

This is the story of a successful and popular business man named Vivek. Vivek sacrificed his life to save someone and went to a mysterious world, where people were not ordinary people but illusionary magicians. Will Vivek be able to become a magician? And after becoming a magician, will he be able to save the whole world from the world's biggest threat, the demon beast? If yes! So stay with me with this amazing novel.

Hell_World · Eastern
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3 Chs


Chapter 2: killers

When Grandmother was treating Vivek, Vivek saw that Grandmother was grinding some herbs and applying it on his body. Grandmother was not a magician, she was a common woman but she had so much knowledge of magic that even no magician had that much.

When Vivek sees his grandmother bandaging his wounds, he starts remembering his mother.

"Maybe if my mother was alive, would she have taken care of me in the same way, would she have bandaged my wounds in the same way?"

Grandmother also took care of all the children exactly like a mother. They also had a son and he was a magician. When he went on a mission, he was killed and eaten by the Demon Beast.

So in the memory of her son, grandmother opened this orphanage. And the name of this orphanage was also after the grandmother's son, 'Kushal Orphanage'.

'You will get well soon. You are very brave, despite being so badly injured, you are still alive.' Grandmother said lovingly while caressing Vivek's head.

Then they applied medicine on his wounds and Vivek let out a painful groan.

"Is it not hurting much? Forgive me if I became a little careless." Grandmother said with concern in her old voice.

Vivek tried to say something with great difficulty, but he could not say anything. His condition was very bad, leave alone walking, he was not even able to stand.

In her heart grandmother was feeling bad for Vivek. 'It has only been a few days since he came here and who has killed this innocent child so brutally and why? What the hell did he do?"

After applying medicine on all his wounds, grandmother left from there.

She wanted to live with Vivek but she was not able to tolerate such condition of Vivek.

Luckily, the medicines that grandmother had given to Vivek had some healing powers. Because of which he was able to speak a few words. But he was still having pain.

...at night...

"How are you feeling now son?" Grandmother asks while coming into Vivek's room.

"Better than before." Vivek said in his wavering voice.

After some time, grandmother remained sitting near Vivek and left from there.

Every day, Grandmother would apply medicine on Vivek's wounds, feed him and sit with him for some time.

Truly a mother's love is the sweetest in this whole world. Vivek started remembering that moment when he too lived with his mother and it was difficult for them to get even two meals a day. But still Vivek's mother, being hungry herself, used to give her food to her son.

Similarly, it had been more than a month now, Vivek's wounds and his pain had already healed. Grandmother treated Vivek every day and loved him like her own child.

After living with grandmother for so long, Vivek understood that she saw a glimpse of her son in every child. That is why she took care of all the children selflessly.

After a few days, Vivek completely recovered. He could now run and jump like before. Today he will go out to see this magical world for the first time, due to which he was very excited.

Earlier he had not gone out to see the magical world because he was afraid that someone would kill him again like before.

He wanted to go out, but grandmother had forbidden him to go out. When he took the first step out of his room, he felt a different feeling.

"This feeling…what is this feeling like? A little strange but familiar. It feels as if I have always grown up under this sky and every pore of my body is filled with this air.

uhhu… hu This world was made for me only."

He could not wait any longer and set out to explore this world. As he was walking, he started remembering some of his old memories. For example, he had come to this orphanage just 15 days before his death. Earlier, Vivek used to earn his living by doing some work in this world. Along with Vivek, he had another friend, Ronnie, who had been with him since childhood and was also an orphan like him.

Earlier both of them lived in a village, but a few days ago the government had sent all the orphan children to an orphanage. Ronnie and Vivek were sent to an orphanage in Lifecity.

When Vivek was roaming in the magical world, he saw some boys having a magic fight, so he sat there and started watching them.

Magic fight helps in increasing the magic power of oneself and others and by doing magic fight, magicians get the experience of doing magic fight. Which makes it easier for them to fight the demon beast. Many magicians lose their lives fighting the Demon Beast. Man has always been living in small space. Which is called safe zone.

Safe zone is also called green zone. The zone is also divided into many parts, like after the Green Zone comes the Orange Zone, where there are demon beasts but they are not very dangerous and their numbers are also not that high. After this comes the Blue Zone, where it is very difficult for a high level magician to survive. Out of approximately 100 magicians in a Blue Zone, only 10 to 20 are able to survive.

After the Blue Zone comes the Red Zone, where many commander level demon beasts are found and along with them is their king. After the Red Zone comes the Purple Zone, where king level beasts live as a herd. And the most dangerous is the black zone, after going there no one has returned alive. After some time, when both the magicians left after the magic fight, Vivek also left from there.

When he walked for some time, he saw a boy and a girl comparing their magic in a ground. Both of them were comparing the activation speed and magic power of their respective magic.

The boy said, "My magic is more powerful than yours and my magic was activated earlier than yours."

No, my magic is more powerful than yours. That's why I am a more powerful magician than you. You accept defeat, that you are weaker than me. The sooner you accept this, it will be in your best interest. 'That girl said teasingly to the boy.'

Both of them were arguing like this for some time.

Then three boys come in front of Vivek and say to him, "Vivek, you are still alive, you are not dead yet." Vivek was quite surprised to hear what he said.

He was thinking in his mind that the attack on him was a secret. So how did they know about my injury?

He racked his brains but could not find anything about those three boys. He didn't even know them, so he asked, "Who are you?"

A boy with strange and yellow teeth,

He said, "It seems that you have forgotten us, so we will have to remind you." That boy named oni said. "He was the leader of them all. His voice was very angry and threatening.

He asked once again "You really don't know us?"

So Vivek gave a straight answer and said no. So oni said in his threatening voice that we will tell who we are? Do you know who tried to kill you?

Vivek looked at them and asked, who? So oni said, "You remember that a few days ago you had got a boy caught by the police. Have you remembered something or have you forgotten?"

So Vivek said yes! I remember it well.

So oni said, he was my younger brother. Vivek was not much surprised to hear what he said. He had expected that, when the oni had mentioned someone, it would go in a similar direction. He was not afraid of them at all nor was he nervous. He had seen in his memories that someone had taken his life by kidnapping him and killing him like a dog.

Where was he thinking of finding those murderers, and they were all coming straight to him and threatening him. 'Well, how much of my time has been saved from being wasted. All of them came to me together.' Vivek thought in his mind.

Oni said, 'If you get my brother released from jail, your life will probably be saved. Otherwise get ready to die.'

All three of them were magicians, but still Vivek was not afraid of them at all. But he had just got up from his bed, due to which his body was very weak. But still he said with courage, "Do whatever you can, but I will never get him released from jail."

All three of them got very angry at Vivek's words and without thinking anything, they attacked Vivek with their respective magic powers. His magic power was not that much. But he was still very weak. Due to his magic power, Vivek got drenched in blood and went away. His hands, legs, head and many other places were also injured. Many of his bones were also broken due to that attack. I couldn't even stand it right now.

So the oni said, 'You still have a chance. If you get my brother released from jail, I will spare your life in alms.' Saying this, all three of them started laughing loudly 'hahaha haahaahaa.'

Vivek was feeling a lot of pain but still he groaned in pain and said, 'Absolutely not.' Then Vivek's dragon and phoenix tattoos started glowing.