
Being a God Sucked, so I Quit

He was bored. Really, really bored. It's been countless years since he ascended from the lower realms and became a god, abstaining from all mortal desires for cultivation. However, becoming an immortal was the worst decision he has ever made! Flirt? All the goddesses were either taken or chaste to the point of nunhood. Cultivate? He was already at the peak and there was nowhere left to go. "F*ck it, I'm out of this sh*thole." Yu Tian finally had enough and used his Qi to blow himself out of the Nine Heavens. Hence, a new life begins. Yu Tian wishes to enjoy it peacefully, but fate had other plans in store. When his lost memories and mysterious past catches up with him, will he still remember how to be... Human? Chapter updates are usually once every few days. If I gain more supporters, am willing to try to do one chapter a day. Maybe more than one chapter a day if I get enough support. (WARNING: THERE ARE SWEAR WORDS IN THIS BOOK) Special thanks for those who donated the most powerstones (Top 3): Pandarun Me 2shadowx Also a special thank you to everyone else who had voted and supported my book.

Helldragon_xd · Fantasy
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32 Chs

The Brewing Storm

"So this is your martial spirit?" Li Mei Ling asked amusingly.

She stroked Qiu Xue's spotless fur with a wry smile. The little kitten looked up at her adorably and nuzzled the woman's hand.

A few days have passed. Although his injuries were much better, his back and butt still hurt. Li Mei Ling hadn't left his side except to fetch medicine or make him stew, making the former god feel grateful and warm.

Today, his mother wanted to see the martial spirit he awakened, so Yu Tian summoned the little kitten out.

"En. I named her Qiu Xue." Yu Tian stood while rubbing his back.

He felt as if the name just came into his mind by instinct. Nevertheless, it fit his martial spirit quite well, due to her snow-white colour.

The kitten's eyes have already opened up and was the beautiful colour of deep sapphire. The former god had peeked under Qiu Xue's belly, and saw that she was a female before giving her the name.

Yu Tian was surprised at how the little kitten smacked at his hand with her paws when he did so, as if in embarrassment.

"That's a great name." Li Mei Ling complimented her son's choice before going silent.

Yu Tian saw that his mother was deep in thought, contemplating something. She seemed rather diappointed. "Mother? Is everything alright?"

Li Mei Ling was broken out of her train of thought. Looking at her son, there were two major things were on her mind, but she decided to keep silent.

"Everything's fine. Get some more rest now." She commanded Yu Tian while returning Qiu Xue to his hands, before stepping out and leaving the room.


The biggest problem right now was some of the clan members. Even though Li You Zi had already given Yu Tian a punishment in front of everyone, the second and third elders of the family weren't as relenting.

Li Mei Ling didn't wish for her son to be prosecuted in the family. Both elders were also leaders of the Li clan and had a massive influence, even though her father was the patriarch.

Ever since she had become impregnated and given birth to Yu Tian, those uncles have long stopped treating her warmly. Not only have they shown open disdain for her, but the first and second elder hated her son even more.

Being a concubine meant that their family would receive gifts every year from the royal family. Not only that, their taxes would be reduced and the Li family would also have a connection with the Holy Qilin Empire, elevating their status.

The prince at the time, Wu Shi Min, became infatuated with Li Mei Ling's beauty and had personally asked her to become his first concubine.

The martial world had always been cruel to women, being used as pawns and viewed as inferior to men. Arranged marriages and becoming a concubine were the norm for most girls.

However, Li Mei Ling was unwilling to accept this fate. The young woman would rather die than be forced into a concubine. Without telling anyone, she escaped into the wilderness by herself for a period of time, as dangerous as it was.

It was there by chance that she met Yu Tian's father. He had been gravely wounded on their first meeting, landing in Tian Qi continent.

Wary, they both kept their distance before warming up to each other over time, after Li Mei Ling nursed him back to health. The young woman found him to be the most outstanding man she has ever met, in strength and character.

Love soon blossomed between the two, leading to fruit. After a simple marriage ceremony, her husband told her everything about himself and where he was from. Li Mei Ling also got pregnant around this time.

Unfortunately, their time spent together was short. He had to return to his clan and couldn't take her with him, because of how dangerous it was.


"I have too many enemies. Enemies so powerful they can lay waste to not just the Tian Qi continent, but this entire plane itself." That man told her while cradling her gently in his strong arms. "I can't bring you along, I'm sorry."

"When our child is born, I hope you can give them the character Tian in their name. Once it has become safe enough, I promise to return for both of you." He smiled.

"When will that be?" Li Mei Ling whispered sadly. Her tears had started to soak through the man's shirt.

Her husband looked at Li Mei Ling with love and affection, yet his voice was sorrowful. He couldn't answer her question. "I don't know, but I will be fine. My wish right now is for you and our child to be safe."

"In the case that they become ordinary or only above average, don't tell them anything about me at all." He told Li Mei Ling his final instructions. "If they become of age and I haven't returned, I don't want them to try to find me if they're not capable enough."

"No parent wants their child to die."


Li Mei Ling sighed. He was the one and only husband in her heart. Not a day goes by without her thinking and worrying about him.

After she returned to the clan, a massive storm ensued. The royal family refused to communicate with them anymore once they found out about her pregnancy.

Wu Shi Min was even more devastated, and its no doubt that he harbours a grudge against the Li clan. Once he stepped into the position of emperor, the taxes for Starlight ore had increased significantly.

His father had also raged for 10 days and nights. Everyone treated her coldly, and no one spoke a word to her. However, Li Mei Ling still heard their gossip and mean comments behind her back.

It was a cold and dark time. Her status was demoted to branch family, meaning she wasn't considered a full member of the clan anymore, even though she was the patriarch's daughter.

Only Yu Tian's life in her stomach kept her company, helping her persevere when she became an outcast. For her son, Li Mei Ling was willing to hold the weight of the world on her shoulders.

Remembering her husband's words, Li Mei Ling felt somewhat conflicted as she thought about her son's martial spirit. It was an adorable cat, but looked to be the lowest grade of martial spirit.

Yu Tian's talent in cultivation looked to be rather bleak.

Shaking her head, she told herself that it was fine. As long as their child was alive and healthy, it's enough for both of them to be happy.

Now the issue at hand would be regarding the clan's animosity. Li Mei Ling was already contemplating if she and Yu Tian should leave the clan. The mother was terrified that the elders might try something and plot against her son.

Losing the privilege for the annual aptitude exam was a huge blow to the Li family, and many of them weren't satisfied with just a beating. They were out for blood.

If they left, Li Mei Ling didn't know where to go. The mother and child would be helpless out in the wilderness. Not only would they lose the protection of the Li clan, but also any financial support to keep themselves alive.

Weighing all her options, she decided to go plead with her father for help.


"What do you think, big brother?" Li Chang asked.

Both men looked to be just stepping into their later years, with whitening hair. They wore simple black robes and shared similar facial features, possessing sharp eyes and upright noses.

In a different section of the Li home, the two grand elders were privately discussing the current clan affairs. Aside from the patriarch having the most authority, both of them were the second and third respective power in making decisions for the family.

Li Cheung took a sip of the hot tea. "I'm glad you're looking to root out the weeds of our family. However, don't you think Li You Zi would definitely get involved?"

Both of them were War Grandmasters like Li You Zi but of a lower level. The previous patriarch had chosen their cousin to be the next leader, because Li You Zi had the highest cultivation in the clan.

The brothers didn't have an issue with that. Strength was everything in the cultivation world, and the weak obeyed the strong.

However, the problem first began from Li You Zi's actions for his daughter when she came back pregnant.

His preferential treatment was going to cause the clan's downfall. First, they lose favour with the royal family, causing them to have higher taxes and hurting their profits. Now they've soured the relationship with Celestial Academy, losing the privileges for the annual aptitude test.

The mother and son were magnets for misfortune.

"Even if he does, it doesn't matter." Li Chang crushed the arm support of the chair he was sitting in. "He has been getting out of hand with his actions for too long."

Li Cheung nodded. "Then let's let the younger generation handle it for us. Ran'er just recently awakened his martial spirit, right?"

Li Hao Ran was Li Chang's grandson. The third elder doted on him and was pleased to find out that his spirit was of the mid tier high-grade. At only 9 years old, the boy's future in cultivation was already very promising.

"The pyro serpent. It's an aggressive martial spirit and is perfect for learning our Li clan's offence and fire techniques." Li Chang informed him.

Pleased, Li Cheung immediately spoke out about his plan. "In just a few months, our annual clan tournament is approaching for the youngsters. Let's have Ran'er learn some techniques for the competition."

"Then, have him cripple that little bastard." Li Cheung's eyes were cold and calculating. "I don't believe that Li Ling Mei wouldn't get involved, seeing how much she spoils him. Two birds with one stone."

He looked to Li Chang. "If Li You Zi chooses to interfere, then it's about time the Li clan has a new patriarch. Brother is already too old, so the task of leading the family will fall onto your shoulders."

"Brother..." Li Chang looked at Li Cheung, touched.

When they were younger, they had continuously competed with each other. Once Li You Zi took over the patriarch position, both of them decided to become pillars of support from the background instead.

Li Chang knew that his big brother also wanted to be patriarch badly. However, he was willing to forfeit the position to him, leaving him only feeling gratitude.

Everything they've done was for the Li clan because family was above all else to them. They wouldn't hesitate to give their lives for the clan either.

Right now, their priority was getting rid of Li Yu Tian and Li Mei Ling. Those two weren't considered members in their eyes anymore.

"I won't let you down, brother." Li Chang promised.


"Qiu Xue, I'm so bored." Yu Tian whined to the kitten.

After Li Mei Ling left, the former god found himself unable to rest because his body was still too sore. Bored, he called out his martial spirit and began to play with her.

Qiu Xue rolled her eyes at him in exasperation, licking a paw. Compared to Yan Yu's illusion crane and Li Hao Ran's pyro serpent, Yu Tian found it amazing with how sentient she seemed.

He wasn't stupid enough to think that his martial spirit was normal, especially after breaking the awakening stone. Yu Tian couldn't wait to see her growth progression.

Not only that... He examined his right hand again. Yu Tian had no idea what the black thing he saw was. It only appeared for a brief moment, but the former god was sure that his eyes weren't playing tricks on him.

Sighing, Yu Tian decided to stop thinking about it. Seeing Qiu Xue lying down and wagging her little tail, he decided to have a little fun by bullying her.

"Hmph." With a mischievous grin, he picked her up and began to pat her bottom.

"Meow!" Qiu Xue immediately glared at him, mewing her displeasure.

"I'm your master, so why can't I pet your little bum?" Yu Tian snickered, enjoying the feeling of the soft, silky fur.

The poor kitten immediately began smacking at his hands in embarrassment. Seeing that it was only encouraging him, Qiu Xue immediately began to cry pitifully, causing Yu Tian's heart to soften.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry, I'll stop." Yu Tian cuddled her and apologized.

Smacking his face several times with her tail as revenge, Qiu Xue dissipated into Qi and vanished into his body. The former god couldn't help but chuckle at her adorable antics.

"Li Yu Tian, get out here." A voice sternly commanded from outside his room.

Frowning, Yu Tian slowly picked himself off the bed. He didn't know what was happening, but prepared himself in case it was for the worst.

1. Qiu Xue = Autumn Snow

2. En is a way of acknowledging or saying yes in Chinese

3. Wu = War, Shi Min = resident, citizen.

4. Chang = An unhindered spirit.

5. Cheung = Fortunate man.

6. Ran'er. Adding a 'er to the end of the second part of someone's name is a form of endearment.

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