
Being a God is a Game

I'am tired of this life. losing my mom, being deceived by my own father, then living like an actor to deceive people around me... Well since I don't have anyone to blame so I can just blame it all to the the Gods right?? "Fuck you all so called gods out there for making my life like this, at least give something fun for my life you bunch of shit!" *DING* [WELCOME TO GOD GAME ONLINE] [PLEASE SELECT YOUR WORLD TO START] . . . "WHAT THE FUCK?!?!" . . . Well... come and see how I become a being that I just cursed out from being pent up, yup I become a fucking God. ________________________________________________________ Average Words Chapter 1,5k-2k words This is my first time writing my own original novel and English is not my mother language so please tell me if there is any mistakes in grammars or wrong wording, or even any missing words. I'm writing this novel all by myself right now without any editor help at all so your help if there any mistakes is very appreciated.

SenYong · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


Looking carefully the village has a wall build from stone bricks and it surround the whole village. I can see 3 gates, at the North, South, and East. There's no gate at the west of the town. I see 3 mines located East from the village and 1 mine located north from the village. By the way if I look from the village perspective, the cave that i used to come here located at the south of the village.

There's a lot of small houses here but there is 1 large building located at the center of this village and I concur that it should be where the chief of this village live. I didn't see any other special buildings except some warehouses and smithy, a building that looks like a barrack, and a huge totem located right in front of the chief house.

I can't see any form of entertainment in this village. From what I know, dwarf usually love to drinks and a very loud race that likes to make things, but I can't find a bar here or even a barrel of alcohol. There's something wrong here, my sense are tingling.

Then i decided to look around and wherever I go, all I could see from the people face is depression. I don't know what to do. I don't know the cause of their depression and worse I haven't even have my own saint yet. Not many people are working right now, even the kids doesn't play around with their friends. They just crouch down holding their stomach in their hands. Wait a minute, holding their stomach?

Is it food problem? Well suddenly I got an idea to tap on them and you know what, a window appear with their information. Took me so long to figure it out damn it.

Name: Timmy

Potential: Silver Grade

Trait: Hard working, Kind

Loyalty: 70%

Faith: God of Fire Creation

Condition: Starving, Depressed, Gave up

Alright problem found, now I need to think how to relieve them from their hunger and to do that I need a saint first and also to check the land above to see if there edible food to eat for them. So I start to check each people status and I got a lot of information.

Like the grades of their potential, most of them have copper grade, some have iron grade, I only find 7 people with silver grade including that Timmy kid, and only 1 gold grade which is a girl in her late teenage. She have a glossy straight black hair that reached her waist. The color of her eyes are blue indigo. Her height is around 1,3 meter. If you look her carefully, she actually a beauty but with all this malnutrition happening in the village, her beauty is covered.

Name: Kagura

Potential: Gold Grade

Trait: Kind, Friendly, Faithful, Loyal

Loyalty: 93%

Faith: God of Fire Creation

Condition: Starving, Hopeful to her god.

It seems I have found my saint but what do I need to do to make her my saint? 'Hey system, I want to choose her as my saint, what should I do?'

[Do you choose her as your saint? Please confirm}

[YES] [NO]

'Yes please.'

[Player Valir Nezar has chosen Kagura as his saint.]

Suddenly there is a bright light that came from the huge totem. The light is so bright to the point that valir need to cover his eyes. While covering his eyes, he can glimpse a bit of the game screen and what he saw made him astounded. He saw that all the villager is bowing till their head touch the ground to the totem direction. He can see that they were crying with their face showing hope.

After 10 seconds pass, The light start to dim out till it became only a very small ball of light on top of the totem. That small ball of light then moved to a girl direction and went inside her. The girl is the person that Valir chose to be his saint. After that the girl body was engulfed and covered by the light, forming a huge ball of light and it goes on for about 10 minutes until it start dim out.

I felt very excited right now. I'm currently very curious about what will happen to her. Will her race changed or maybe she got some special power he doesn't know but what he know is if it something good then it will help the village grow much faster. After about 20 minutes of waiting, the ball of light explode into a lot of small light particles.

That sight was really breath taking, it was so beautiful, but that was not the focus. The main star is the girl that got engulfed with the light and now that she was revealed, It makes all the villager that look at her bow down. She changed a lot or should I say got upgraded.

Her hair turned to silvery white that glows a little but there still some strains of her hair that still have her previous black color. What changed the most is her body, her height is about 1,7 meters right now. She have an hourglass figure now, unlike her childish body before. Her beauty even got upgraded. In short she became a very beautiful person.

Name: Kagura Nezar

Age: 19

Occupation: Saint

Potential: Platinum Grade

Trait: Kind, Friendly, Faithful, Loyal

Loyalty: 100%

Faith: God of Fire Creation

Condition: Happy, hopeful, Faithful

LEVEL : 7 (347/800)

HP : 740

MP : 868

STA : 736

STR : 12

DEX : 15

END : 14

INT : 53

WIS : 62

CHA : 48

LUK : 21

Skills : God Voice(B), Fire magic(B), Healing Magic(B)

Wow look at that! I can see more of her status now. From these it means that I can't see all the information of a person that is not chosen by me or maybe bound to me since Kagura has my last name right now. But isn't her stats much higher than my own stats right now?

Doesn't that mean she's stronger than me. *sigh* there still a lot of things that I need to find out like how to improve my stats or what should I do to level up since I don't have any experience parameter. There also those skills part that currently I don't have and what those (B) at the back of every Kagura skills mean?

After I checked Kagura stats, I look to the people once again and there is no depression anymore in their face but it change to a face full of hope. Kagura herself looks very happy right now and seems to wait for something. Oh right she's waiting for my command *cough* I mean revelation from this great me. Damn that's embarrassing.

Without waiting much longer i tap the 'Saint Revelation' button and the system suddenly prompts up.

[You have 5 minutes to give your Instruction to your saint. 2/3 Usage of Saint Revelation remaining for today]

Alright, it's the time for me to turn on my acting ability to the max, then I start to talk to her with some divine touch.

"Do not be afraid my child as I am by your side" Fuck it's makes me cringe like a lot but I need to do this.

"Heed on my words, Send a hundred man to seek food, the rest will have to worship me. Put your Faith in me and I will show you the way. sacrifice some books of knowledge to me as an offering, it can be any knowledge as I am benevolent and kind."(Valir)

Wait, don't judge me first for asking a sacrifice. I know it sounds weird but it just an experiment. I'm trying to see whether the sacrifices will be given to me by the system or not since I'am their god after all. Their sacrifice would naturally be mine right? And what I need the most right now is knowledge of that world.

Well honestly I don't know a thing about this world so naturally I don't have any knowledge about what kind of thing that are edible and safe to eat so since I have a lot of people, I just send them out to search for food. I also need to check the outside as well and search for food. If you think my cam is an incredible thing than you are not wrong but it also not right either.

All this time I only look using birdview mode, if you doesn't understand this then it meant I look directly from above to locate the village easier. But to look for foods and animals to hunt, I need to zoom in and search manually using the cam inside the forest. Well basically the cam works like a camera drone.

Maybe there is an upgrade for this at the shop but who knows and it still in the future anyway, I need to focus with what I have in the present. I know that there will be some danger outside but what can I do at this moment? They know what they can eat but I don't so I sent them to search food first while I watch them and note everything that they will eat.

And for the rest that stay in the village, I want to worship me in order to divert their focus not on their empty stomach but to me so they will have hope. Well I know that my decision is not the perfect way to solve this problem but it's still the beginning and I still have a lot of things to learn.