
The Search

(The next day)

"Hey Kokoro meet up with me in ten minutes. Oh and bring your expedition supplies." Yuzu called out to Kokoro. "I wonder what's got her so hyped up today." thought Kokoro. He meets up with her. "What's up?" asked Kokoro. "Take another look at these coins." Yuzu exclaimed. She handed Kokoro the coins. When Kokoro looked at the coins he noticed something he had missed beforehand. He noticed that one had a pyramid on it and that the other had Poseidon's Trident. "Why would these be on here? What could that possibly mean?" They asked each other in unison. "Jinx" They both yelled and laughed about for a few seconds. "I don't know but there is only one way to find out. We need to go back to the place where we originally found these coins." Said Kokoro very excitedly. "OK!!" Replied Yuzu.

A few hours later

"Why did you feel the need to return here?" Yuzu asked. Kokoro replied, "I have a hunch. Help me find more of these artifacts, I know there's more of them." "How can you be so sure? What makes you say that? Did you find something interesting?" Yuzu barraged Kokoro with questions repeatedly in excitement. "I can't answer your questions if you don't stop asking." Kokoro replied laughing. Later in the day, the two of them went onto searching for any other artifacts that could answer their questions. After a few hours of nonstop searching they found a golden orb with a luminescent object within it. Engraved on the outer surface of the orb was Poseidon and someone else, an ominous character with an elaborate crown standing along side one another. "Who this mysterious person along side Poseidon possibly be and why would they be together on the orb? What does this mean?"