
The journey to a determined heart.

This is the story of a young girl born into a home where love wasn't found or easy to come by. She grow up alone with a lonely mother, who knew nothing else but the agony of life. Been abandoned by the love of her life to groom her little baby girl Barbara.

Barbara was a young beautiful smart girl, who gained Independence at a very tender age. Parented by a single mother, who tried her very best to give Barbara a beautiful life. She tried her best but couldn't give back to her daughter the love she never had. Days passes and years came running faster and Barbara grow missing the very one thing that matters most in life LOVE.

The only thing Barbara experience was bitterness,sobering mother who cried day and night seeking and wishing things could get better. She grew up with the quest to find true love who would kiss away her bitter experiences in life.

Barbara fell in love with her first true love,hoping life has offered her the best,only to wake up years later that her first true love, never really loved her but was using her to get sexually satisfied

While flirting with other beautiful teens. She was hurt,in pains but never gave up nor reserve her heart to whoever would love her again. She trusted so easy and this made many people who had come in contact with her abuse her physically,emotionally severally. Barbara has been raped by a friend.faced with many abuses and toxic relationships but yet never was willing to give up loving. Still masking her hurts with smiles,marriage came and she was excited that finally her pains would be kissed away by her husband to be and everything she's been through would finally come to an end but little did she know that was just the beginning of it all.

Barbara got married to her heart throbe,was very happy and excited that she had finally found forever love..few months after her wedding,she was faced with much pains and pressure to quit but never had the courage to leave because she has so many people who always come seeking for help in relationship life experience from her hoping she's has the best life always wearing a smile. So she decides to endure all she's going through to give hope to those always looking up to her. Barbara has survived many storms but yet decided and determined to be a shinning light to others around her,hoping that one day love will smile back at her.