
Lonely Is A Man Without Love

'Oh my sweet Kanzaki~' Selena thought with a smile as she caressed his face from beside the bed. She knew what she was doing was wrong but it was oh so right in her mind. Her feeling of obsession and now her new identified feeling that she thought was love was rising at an absurd pace causing her to now have strong cravings for Kanzaki.

So strong that she ended up in a situation like how she was now with a drugged Kanzaki below her as she caressed his face. He was in her full and utter control at this moment. He had no ability to fight back and she could do anything she wanted to him.

Thoughts like these run rampant in her mind but she was still able to hold her sanity when she remembered all the good times she had with Kanzaki, 'Not yet.' Selena thought to herself with a slight frown. She wanted his first time with her to be when he was awake and fulling willing to give himself to her.

She wanted the true love story and not just try and take it from him without his knowledge. She knew that it would be more satisfying for her that way and she wouldn't regret it.

In the meantime, she still had many things she could do without pushing it too far. One of those things she decided to do at that moment. Selena opened up the blanket and pushed her body under the covers with Kanzaki. She pushed herself so close to him that she could feel his breathing tickling her nose as she stared at him sleeping.

His body was completely still yet she could feel the heat rising between them. Her whole body was heating up and her face was red from the close contact with him. It was a surprise that she didn't devour him then and there but she somehow had a strong sense of self-control.

When Selena was going to make herself leave the bed since she didn't think she could control herself much longer a pair of arms suddenly latched onto her, 'Huh?!' Selena screamed inside her mind when Kanzaki suddenly attached to her body.

Selena began panicking for a moment thinking he was awake but she soon realized that wasn't the case. Instead, he was just attaching to her in his sleep hugging her closely similar to the time he hugged her in his apartment after she hit Landon with a pan.

It was a very warm feeling that she was in no hurry to get rid of but while she was enjoying it she suddenly felt her shirt getting wet. Confused and worried Selena quickly looked down and was surprised to see tears coming out of his sleeping eyes.

It scared Selena a lot but she had no idea what to do. The more tears that came out the tighter of a grip Kanzaki had on Selena not allowing her to escape. Selena finally gave up trying to do anything and just took her hand out petting his head and reassuring him by rubbing his back slowly.

Selena found that when she did this the tears began lessening until they stopped completely. She had no idea what was bothering Kanzaki but she decided to stay there a little bit longer to hold him tight.

Of course, as she was holding Kanzaki she was still in heaven since this was one of her dreams for the past few days. It had been a simple one that always woke her up with a red face but now she was doing it in real life and she didn't regret a second of it.

Selena continued to cuddle and stare at Kanzaki for a few hours until the drug was beginning to wear off. Once it did the person would wake up immediately which was one of its side effects. With this thought in mind, Selena slowly slipped out of the bed pulling Kanzaki's arms off of her much to her dismay before walking out the bedroom door with his shirt.

Once she was out of the bedroom she slowly closed the door letting it shut just how it was before she walked into the apartment. After she did that she slowly made her way out of the apartment using her master key without touching anything else.

She had successfully made it in and out without a worry in the world and was now going to sleep like a baby with Kanzaki's shirt pressed against her nose. She would give it back to him once the smell went away saying that he left it in his apartment and the police gave it to her.

As for Kanzaki, he continued to sleep like a baby completely oblivious to what was happening around him. As for the thing that made him cry in his dreams only time would tell the deep burden stuck in his brain since early childhood. In fact, it was a lot closer to being shown than even he expected.

"Why do I feel so sleepy." Kanzaki said out loud as his eyes began opening. He was feeling super drowsy and like he had just come out of a coma but after blinking his eyes a few times he was even more surprised by another factor.

'My alarm hasn't gone off?!' Kanzaki thought in surprise as he quickly grabbed his phone to check the time. He was hoping and praying that he didn't oversleep and miss his scheduled stream time, much to his happiness he hadn't missed the time.

'It's even earlier?!' Kanzaki thought awestruck. Not a single time in his life had he ever woken up earlier than his alarm. If anything the only thing he had done was sleep later than he was supposed to.

It was a new situation that he had never experienced before but he would be lying if he said it was a bad thing, 'I guess that means today is going to be a great day!' Kanzaki thought pumping his fist excited to stream for the day.


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Authors Note: Thank you all for reading! Hope you have a great day and don't forget to send power stones so you can get extra chapters on Sunday! Currently, there will be 1 extra chapter on Sunday but there's still time to make it 2! Thank you all so much for the support and I will see you tomorrow. (Also we have reached 72nd in WSA! Keep up the great work and thank you guys again.)

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