
Behind The Screen!

Warning: This is a yandere romance novel. Kanzaki is your average everyday guy. He has just finished college for a degree he didn't even care for but luckily by the grace of God he was able to get a job that he liked much more than the one he got a degree for. He became a V-Tuber! Kanzaki was quickly becoming a streaming sensation at an astonishing rate but there was always one person that commented strange things about loving Kanzaki. Where will this lead? Read to find out!

Unmasked63 · Realistic
Not enough ratings
114 Chs


'I wish I could just call them or contact them.' Kanzaki thought once the good morning message was sent. There were many methods in today's time that would allow someone to talk to another but that required information that Kanzaki didn't have.

The girl Kanzaki was dating is named Fria. She's someone Kanzaki has dated for a few months now despite her being gone almost half of the time. Fria was someone Kanzaki met while playing online one day and she had joined Kanzaki's friend group he was playing with.

When they met they were just acquaintances and played games together with the rest but as time went on they began developing an interest in each other. Kanzaki really enjoyed her company and it made it even better since she was into everything he was into. He thought he had found true love and decided to completely devote himself to trying to make it happen which she seemed to also agree with since she did the same.

Eventually, they started dating despite never meeting in person and Kanzaki found out she lived in the city beside his own which made him very happy. They had planned to meet at some point in the near future but after talking for a while she suddenly stopped appearing and didn't come back online.

Kanzaki thought something must have been wrong and that she would come back since she had said herself that he was the one she wanted but after 30 days of no messages he was starting to think that it wasn't the case, 'I don't know anyone that can't send a single text after 30 days.' Kanzaki sighed as he closed away Cord trying to forget about it for the moment since his time to stream was coming up soon.

Once Kanzaki threw his thoughts on Fria away for the moment he went online and began researching how he could improve his stream quality and make his stream just as good as Hinojosaiii's. What he found were simple tutorials that explained how to make different aspects of the stream improve while he also learned about something that he hadn't understood before.

Apparently bigger streamers gave people that they trust a moderator role. This was a role that was different than the rest on someone's stream. This person could ban people, mute people, and make stream wide announcements for the streamer. They were almost like the people behind the scenes of a movie that Kanzaki thought was really cool.

'I don't think I'm big enough to need something like that yet.' Kanzaki thought as he remembered the number of people that were in his stream the day before. Despite him gaining many followers the day before he still didn't expect any of them to actually join his stream.

After Kanzaki learned about the moderator role on streams he glanced at the clock and saw it was almost time for him to begin his stream so he quickly turned on the game he would be playing for the day and began getting his stream ready. Once the stream and everything else was ready he copied a technique he saw from Hinojosaiii and went to Tweeter to post about his stream being live.

From what Kanzaki understood posting that he was live right before going live would up his chances of people joining since the post would notify all of his followers the second he sent it out. He had also read that these notifications were more reliable than those from Witch.

Once Kanzaki sent the post he quickly moved to hit the go-live button but he slightly hesitated, 'I promised I would.' Kanzaki thought as he went back to his stream editor and pulled out a text box to put on the screen.

In the text box, he quickly typed and put the name of the person that made his model. Once the text box was finished and he made it look good he placed it right under his model that way whenever someone looked at him they would see who made the model.

'I hope this helps them out.' Kanzaki thought as he finally pressed the go-live button beginning his stream once more.

At first Kanzaki stayed silent as he waited for the first person to join but when no one showed up after a moment he looked away from the screen and got his game ready by logging in and starting his first match.

Once he was in the game and beginning to play Kanzaki took a moment to look toward the viewer count and almost fell out of his chair, '102?!?!' Kanzaki thought with shock when he saw how many people were watching him.

Now that he knew there were so many he began talking as he normally would thanking them for their time and hoping that they enjoyed albeit he was stuttering quite a bit after seeing the number.

[TypeRacer: Look he seems nervous lolololol!]

[KirbyPlushie: Yeah wake up streamer the horde has arrived!]

[ITouchDucks: YEAHHHHHHH STREAM TIMEEE! You should get a duck model.]

His chat began going wild as he finally began talking after he realized people had begun joining. Like this Kanzaki began playing his game once more while talking with his stream and doing his best to make his stream as enjoyable as possible.

His efforts weren't in vain since the entire time he was streaming he gained more and more followers. Not only that but the view count that he had while streaming was slowly rising until it was just below 200!

The chat was moving so fast as he was playing that he had begun to miss a few messages and he was starting to feel a little overwhelmed. It didn't help that once he started missing a few messages some people started to not take it too kindly.




Many hateful messages began appearing in the chat and Kanzaki didn't know what to do. This was not something he had experienced before and he had to say that it didn't feel good at all. It was beginning to distract him and make him play worse which resulted in even more comments being vulgar and demeaning.


Witch: 190 Followers

Tweeter: 210 Followers