
Behind the 2 walls

Ever wondered if there was a whole new world out there? Well there is, and it could be just like ours or completely different but it's definitely gonna be filled with thrilling adventure and new mysteries to uncover. Did you know there was a way to cross boundaries and enter a new dimension? Elia never knew there could be a gateway to another world... Especially not in her community. But how did she encounter a gateway and what does she find? Keep reading this novel which is packed with action, comedy, tragedy, mystery, betrayal and so on... With a spice of the strength of a mother- daughter bond. BEHIND THE 2 WALLS( updates are inaccurate for now )

Aspa_Est · Fantasy
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Elia was one of those lucky kids who was born with a diamond spoon in her mouth. She was born into one of the richest family in the state ( maybe even in the country), and yes obviously she was a spoiled brat sometimes because she could get anything she wanted, lives in a huge mansion, never has to do chores, or cook, has designer clothes and the best products.. but despite all these, she was still taught etiquette and manners all thanks to her grandmother. Elia lives with her dad and her grandmother. As she was told, her mother is dead but still lives in their hearts. Due to this fact, her father is very protective of her.

He already lost someone who meant everything to him and he wouldn't want anything to happen to his precious Elia. He is really caring, loving, protective and a little overbearing sometimes but Elia loves him more than anything in this world too. They wouldn't trade this bond for anything else.

Although, there were sometimes when he was really really overprotective ( actually, all the time). He never lets her go to school alone, hardly lets her attend parties, gets worried over a little scratch and can be pretty embarrassing to her at times. He never even let go out on a date, let alone have a boyfriend. But luckily for her, she managed to make a friend. Her Best friend ever for as long as she can remember; Lita

Elia sometimes just wanted her freedom and felt like she was always kept under house arrest. Well, not anymore because she's finally heading off to college ( and luckily her dad agreed). She did realize how much she was going to miss him and decided to take a year off to spend time with her family before moving out. Her bestie also decided to take a break with her so they can start college together ( going to the same school xD).

This break was really fun and interesting for her and she finally got to work and earn money independently for the first time, for only a year though. She finally tried different things which her father never let her try. And when it was almost time for her to begin school she wanted to try one last thing; a sleepover. She's always heard of friends having sleepovers and all but her dad never allowed that. Yes she was allowed to go over to her friends'

house but they were never allowed into the house let alone to sleep over. So she decided to invite at least just her bestie over, but this was in her father's absence ( on a business trip). Her grandmother protested about this but after Elia promised her no troubles she reluctantly agreed.

But little did she know that a little sleep over could be the cause of a new found discovery.

•stay tuned for the next chapter•