
My story

"Jess" yells my mother from upstairs and i rushed upstairs to see what she wanted and that's the day she told me the worst news of my life and it was terrible to hear. She told me that we were moving to South Carolina. I really love Chicago and i would do anything to stay, but my mother has a new job and she starts next week. The first thought that rushed into my mind was changing schools. What if my new school is terrible ? What if i don't fit in ? Only negative thoughts about my new school , I did not think about anything positive about this whole situation. My mother told me don't stress or panic over it because it might not be bad , but i love my school, my neighborhood, my house, my room, my friends, and everything else ! It can't get any better than it is where i am but it is what it is i guess. 2 more days rushed pass and we move tomorrow morning and 5am sharp to get unpacked and settled. The one thing i will miss most about Chicago is my boyfriend Michael aka mike. He is so sweet, patient, gentle, and everything else you could ever ask for and more. When i broke the news down to him he took it badly and despised the fact that i had to move but he understood. But the sorrow in his heart deepened.