

After the teacher left, class monitor Lin Xue stepped onto the podium.

I'm not sure where she pressed the button on the podium, but the large screen behind her slowly split open from the middle, revealing a white and pure lotus flower carved on the back.

The lotus flower took up almost half of the wall, and the lines and textures on the petals were clearly visible, emitting a faint, strange light.

Looking at everyone below, Lin Xue spoke calmly: "Martial arts is incredibly powerful, and it is not a skill that ordinary people can practice. Therefore, foundation building is necessary."

"The establishment of a foundation requires meeting two requirements simultaneously: having sufficiently active mental strength and having a body full of blood."

"The stone carving on the wall behind me is called Lotus Platform Meditation. It contains the insights of a skilled practitioner and can help each of you quickly enter a meditative state."

"When your spiritual power can clearly outline the lotus platform, it means you meet the spiritual standard."

"As for the standard of unobstructed qi and blood circulation, it requires completing the practice of the ten-turn cast body art within half an hour. Only when both standards are met can the foundation be established."

As Lin Xue explained, most of the students in the class remained calm, indicating they were already aware of this.

Only a few students, including Chen Chu, were hearing this for the first time. Their faces showed deep thought, and they listened attentively.

"Remember, it is a great privilege for ordinary people like us to have the opportunity to build foundations and practice martial arts. Not everyone can be innately awakened."

"Alright, everyone, spread out and let's begin the first meditation practice." After speaking, Lin Xue turned and walked off the podium, finding an open spot to sit cross-legged.

Upon seeing this, the other students followed suit.

Chen Chu sat down at the edge of the crowd. Following Lin Xue's instructions, he focused on looking at the stone carvings, and suddenly, the lotus flower began to magnify in his eyes.

The concept of spiritual power, which had always been intangible and elusive for ordinary people, became clear to Chen Chu when the lotus flower occupied his entire field of vision. Subconsciously, he closed his eyes and found himself perceiving the existence of spiritual power for the first time.

Within the boundless darkness of his consciousness, a transparent lotus flower with faint lines slowly rotated, existing vividly in his mind.

"This is the meaning of quick start! It's incredible!" Chen Chu couldn't help but feel amazed.

As a beginner, he understood how difficult it was for ordinary people to perceive their spiritual power solely through meditation. In normal circumstances, one's mind might wander, making it hard to concentrate, let alone focus on meditation.

The visualization provided by the lotus flower saved them a tremendous amount of time. However, as Chen Chu tried to clearly visualize the lotus entity, he discovered that progress was excruciatingly slow and required a significant amount of mental energy.

Within just half an hour, he felt dizzy, mentally exhausted, and had to end his meditation.

"I'm so tired." Chen Chu rubbed his brow.

Taking a moment to rest, Chen Chu looked around and noticed that most of the students had also ended their meditation. Some appeared dazed, while others stared at the stone carvings. They all seemed as exhausted as Chen Chu.

However, there were still a few individuals who continued to meditate. Lin Xue, Yi Rui, and four other boys and three girls in the front row, including Xia Youhui, were among them.

After a while, Xia Youhui and the others also emerged from their meditative states, one after another. Finally, only Lin Xue, Yi Rui, and another boy remained.

Although no one reminded them, everyone maintained a quiet atmosphere to avoid disturbing those still meditating.

"The meditation class has ended, and it's time for the body casting training class." With the sound of the horn on the wall, Lin Xue and the others slowly opened their eyes.

At that moment, Xia Youhui had quietly taken a seat in front of Chen Chu. He spoke in a hushed voice, "The duration of the first meditation actually reflects one's talent." Chen Chu turned to look at him, surprised that this chubby guy seemed to be quite knowledgeable.

Xia Youhui enviously continued, "Don't mind me. Although my spiritual talent is slightly better than yours, I still fall short when compared to those three guys."

"I'm certain that they have at least three lotus petals."

"And they don't seem tired at all. They're full of energy. It might not even take them two or three days to complete visualizing the entire lotus flower."

"Three petals!" Chen Chu was taken aback. He hadn't even fully visualized a single petal, and they already had three. The disparity was staggering.

Xia Youhui patted Chen Chu on the shoulder and comforted him, "Don't be surprised. This is the gap between geniuses and ordinary people. There's no point in comparing ourselves to them. Although they didn't prepare in advance like us, they must have utilized some resources to nourish their spirits. Their innate conditions are much stronger than ours."

"But don't be discouraged, Chu. Meditation is just one aspect, and we still have a chance to surpass them."

Just as the conversation ended, the large screen closed once again and lit up. A middle-aged man in a white exercise suit appeared at the door. He slightly lowered his body and began to make gestures.

"Everyone, pay attention," Lin Xue in the front row said calmly. "The next step is the Body Casting Jue. The eighteen postures are practiced in a specific order to open up our meridians and have a certain effect on body training."

"The bloodstone in the training room will automatically activate later. By basking in the light of the bloodstone, we can easily feel the blood energy within our bodies, allowing us to begin quickly."

"When practicing, we need to use our spiritual power to stimulate the flow of energy and blood in accordance with the practice. Each revolution completes one full cycle."

"Alright, let's begin."

On the large screen, the middle-aged man began to practice at a slow pace. Each posture was executed with great precision, giving Chen Chu the impression of Tai Chi and ancient yoga.

As the sixth pose began, the difficulty suddenly intensified. Many of the postures defied conventional human anatomy, and Chen Chu felt a tingling sensation on his scalp as he observed the last few poses. A few minutes later, after the middle-aged man had completed the demonstration, someone started practicing for the second time.

Simultaneously, a red spar the size of a human head on the ten-meter-high ceiling of the training classroom illuminated, casting a scarlet light that enveloped everyone.

Under the crimson light, Chen Chu felt a heat spreading throughout his body, his blood slightly boiling, and he instinctively began to practice.

The first pose was relatively easy to execute, the second pose presented some difficulty, but he managed to push through. However, when he reached the third pose...


Just as he extended his right leg and squatted down, stretching his hands backward and forward, Chen Chu experienced a sharp pain in the fascia of his waist.

His face turned pale from the intense cramping pain, and he dared not move.

Only after some time had passed and the pain began to subside, with Chen Chu drenched in sweat, did he gather the courage to attempt the fourth posture.

As he continued to practice, Chen Chu felt the heat in his entire body intensifying, and there was a subtle "qi" coursing through his blood, permeating his entire being.

Sensing this faint "qi and blood," Chen Chu's expression froze.

He couldn't afford to be negligent. He quickly focused the little mental power he had cultivated to guide this faint blood energy in circulation, aligning it with his cultivation.

Meanwhile, everyone in the room was practicing, but many were stumbling and struggling. Only a dozen or so individuals seemed to fare better.

For instance, class monitor Lin Xue and a few girls were practicing in accordance with the instructions on the big screen. Their movements were unfamiliar but precise, and their bodies displayed remarkable flexibility. Many boys found themselves mesmerized by their graceful performances, forgetting to focus on their own practice.

However, one boy stood out as the fastest to complete a full revolution. After finishing, he was drenched in sweat, and a faint white steam emanated from his head. It took him merely ten minutes.

Upon witnessing this, Chen Chu couldn't help but feel that his physical talent was truly lacking. He continued to struggle with each pose, bending over, extending his leg back, and executing the ninth movement...