
 It's Normal to Have a Boss in the Newbie Village

"Why isn't he moving?"

[Two ghosts are hiding inside the mirror, beyond its processing range, equivalent to a system crash. However, if the two ghosts come out of the mirror, they will be instantly obliterated. Until then, it will remain stuck.]

"It feels just like a computer program, even has a crash setting."

Emmett muttered to himself. Since the supervisor had crashed, it was his chance to escape.

[Gotta admit, the teacher's combat power is scarier than I imagined. I wonder if he can go toe-to-toe with that insta-kill security guard.]

[This ghost's level isn't high. Unless it's severely provoked, it will generally follow the standard ghost settings.]

"Just as the usual intel said, there are levels... What level is this supervisor?"

[Evil Ghost level. It still needs a lot of ghost energy to reach the Fierce Ghost level. It's already beyond the difficulty of this stage. It's estimated that an experienced player has mixed in, breaking the balance.]

Hearing the analysis, Emmett paused slightly, his brows furrowing involuntarily.

So, there's a high-level player mixed in, huh? The initial exam is already too absurd for newbies.

During the exam, according to the prompts, there were only five players in the classroom, including himself. When they left the classroom to avoid the security guard, there was a prompt that one player outside had died at the hands of the guard.

That high-level player mentioned in the prompt is likely among the remaining ones!

Why would a high-level player suddenly be matched with newbies...

But Emmett didn't dwell on it. As long as it didn't interfere with his survival, it was fine.

Peeking out of the bathroom, he confirmed that the ghosts in the corridor had all fled. Only then did he step out, thoughtfully closing the bathroom door behind him.

Walking down the corridor with ease, Emmett habitually raised his arm to check his watch. It was already 2:30, and there were still more than two hours until the stage's end time of 4:44.

According to the rules summarized by players with their lives, the closer it gets to the end time, the fewer restrictions there will be on the ghosts in the stage, and they might even go berserk.

This time, the difficulty has been broken. The riot at the end will probably be even more terrifying. 

Well, I need to find a place to hide...

"This teaching building is definitely not safe. Better get out first."

Muttering to himself, Emmett hurried to the main entrance. But when he saw the scene outside the glass door, his eyelid twitched involuntarily.

Outside was pitch black, not even a silhouette of the buildings or roads could be seen, as if someone had covered it with pure black cloth. A chilling coldness permeated the air, frosting the glass.

"What the hell is going on?"

[Visibility restriction, preventing players from escaping the teaching building. There's a cafeteria directly opposite the building, and two players are already heading there quickly.]

"Prompt, can you guide me and help avoid the ghosts in this situation?"


With the prompt's affirmative answer, Emmett tentatively opened the glass door.

As soon as the door opened, a bone-chilling wind hit him, making him shiver. The blood flow in his body seemed to slow down.

"Damn, it's freezing! What's the temperature out here?!"

[Ghost energy is overflowing due to a riot. It's estimated that a ghost in the campus is gradually transforming into a Fierce Ghost. There's a high chance it will reach the semi-Fierce Ghost level before the stage ends, posing a high risk of a team wipe. It's recommended that the host collect as many cursed items as possible.]

A Fierce Ghost in a newbie stage?!

Emmett was dumbfounded. Just dealing with an Evil Ghost supervisor was enough to make his scalp tingle, and now a Fierce Ghost was appearing. 

Can anyone even survive this?

While he was stunned by the news of the Fierce Ghost, the viewers in the live stream were also getting restless, their eyes wide as they stared at the scene outside the glass door.

"What the heck is going on outside? It's so dark, it feels like I'll be blind if I step out."

"Anyone here who knows what's happening?"

"Ahem! According to some top-tier players, this situation is caused by ghost energy overflow."

"Ghost energy... overflow? Does that mean there are a lot of ghosts outside?"

"Not exactly. It's actually the ghost energy from a single ghost that's overflowing."

"Holy crap, and that's just from one ghost?! What level is this thing? A Ghost King?"

"You're thinking too small. This is just an Evil Ghost that's about to transform into a Fierce Ghost. Once it completes the transformation, this stage is likely to be a total wipeout!"

"What the hell, who said this was a newbie stage?!"

"According to statistics, the pass rate for Fierce Ghost stages is only 30%, with a survival rate of 1%. The rest are all team wipes."

"Wait, I'm confused. How can the pass rate be 30% but the survival rate only 1%?"

Someone, clearly puzzled, couldn't help but ask. 

The chat in the live stream suddenly went quiet, as if waiting for the ID "Master of All Ghosts" to explain. 

This guy seemed to have a lot of insider info!

Soon, his message appeared in the chat again:

"You don't get it, do you? Unlike lower-level stages, starting from the Fierce Ghost level, stages have an additional main storyline besides basic survival."

"Survival is straightforward—just hide and survive. But if you want to get those insanely powerful cursed items, you have to attempt the main storyline of the Fierce Ghost stage. Almost everyone who tries it dies."

"The key point is, the storyline of a Fierce Ghost stage doesn't have to be completed in one go. You can hide and survive for now, and come back better prepared next time!"

"Currently, no one in the world has cleared a Fierce Ghost stage. That 30% pass rate is based on the progress of the only existing Fierce Ghost stage, which is why it's different from the survival rate."

After this explanation, the other viewers gradually understood, each one feeling a sense of shock.

Just pushing the storyline to 30% left only 1% survivors, and that's with top players involved!

If they push further, won't all the top players be wiped out?

"Damn, so now a Fierce Ghost has appeared in a regular newbie stage, does that mean another team wipe is coming?"

"Don't say that! We finally see a pro rising, and now he's going to be gone just like that?"

"If it were all newbie players, this wouldn't happen. Some top players must have been matched in, which caused the difficulty to balance out and led to the birth of a Fierce Ghost."