
Beginnings And Middles But No Ends In Sight

The various jobs that Reborn took up as a hitman which lead him towards the odd characters he calls friends. (Yes, he had intended to kill everyone he now hangs out with.)

Ourliazo · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


Reborn is sitting on a park bench, a lovely a breeze wafting by as he sips an espresso, his free arm slung over the back of the seat. He tilts his head up when someone comes to a stop in front of him, their shadow falling over the hitman and blocking out the nice sun.

"Why were you following me again?" Viper snaps, their hands balled up into fists. Indigo Mist flames visibly leak out of the cloak at they float higher in the air just to better loom over the hitman.

Reborn huffs out an approximation of a laugh at the esper. "Why do you think? Stop blackmailing people for money and we won't have to do this."

Viper scowls from under their hood, eyes covered but definitely glaring. "You're low on cash, aren't you?"

Reborn smiles, nodding in excitement. "I bought the entire range of Malvagio guns and they handle so nicely, just pure perfection." He sighs, genuinely and hopelessly in love.

Viper makes a sound close to a pained groan, falling a bit so the esper hovers lower in the air. "You have that lizard, don't you? Why bother buying an actual gun?"

Reborn shakes his head sadly, clearly mocking the other. "You wouldn't understand."

"I hope I never do," Viper retorts sharply. "Now how much did they pay you to kill me?"

"No, no," Reborn says. He raises the hand holding his espresso and points a finger for emphasis. "Torture, get back the money you stole, and then kill. I've been told I should keep you for four days, minimum."

Viper grits their teeth in anger. "How much?"

"Four million, seven hundred thousand," Reborn gives up sweetly with a purr to his voice.

The Mist slams their hands onto the hitman's shoulders, startling a few birds nearby from the sudden motion but not caring. "Are you fucking with me?! What, were you sucking their dick when you negotiated the amount? That's ridiculous!"

Reborn shrugs off the grip on his shoulders. "I don't see why you're so shocked, you took nearly three times that amount from them." He blinks in an approximation of innocence. "Plus, if they wanted a blowjob, then that costs extra."

"No," Viper states, still angry at the sheer injustice. "You are going to go back and demand a reasonable price. I had to jump through hoops covered in flaming shit to steal that money. I am not giving you that much of my hard earned cash because you gave bedroom eyes to some poor son of a bitch."

Reborn raises an eyebrow. "You're supposed to be bribing me to walk away. Maybe don't insult the hitman, Viper, because I can simply kill you and take your money."

Viper sighs and crosses their arms. "Fine. I'll give you an even six mil."

"Only seven digits?" Reborn asks in over-dramatised shock. He sweeps his arm down from the back of the bench and places a hand over his heart as if he felt a twinge of pain. "Viper, I'm supposed to be torturing you. We can do better than seven digits."

Viper says nothing for a long moment. "One day, Reborn, you're going to meet your match."

The hitman's smirk widens to a wicked grin. "Today is not that day."