
Beginning Of Multiverse Saga

What happened, when the super guy lost his powers. And to recover back his powers he needs to play the simulation game. But he is also kick out of his Universe, because his powers were not able to adjust it. So then, he will start his Multiverse Journey and his simulation journey. Both going to be amazing, just read and you will found it.

Sharky_Monster · Sci-fi
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97 Chs

R18 Wedding Night

In their bridal chambers, Sophia and Rosie awaited Sharky's arrival. Rosie was particularly shy about this moment, and Sophia, understanding her sister's apprehension, offered words of encouragement.

Sophia said while smiling at Rosie, "Don't worry, Rosie. This is a special moment for all of us, especially you. First time it hurts, but I am with you, so I will encourage you. Sharky loves us, and we love him. We're in this together."

"I know sister, but still I am shy about this," Rosie said, she was still blushing and shy.

Soon, Sharky entered the room, his eyes filled with affection for both of his brides.

He goes and sits beside Rosie and Sophia. "Rosie, my dear, you're as beautiful as ever. You are a raw fruit for me, can I break it and taste it." Sharky whispered quietly in the ear of Rosie after approaching her.