
What is this?

Somewhere, far, far, away from The Milky Way, stood the Andromeda Galaxy. Billions of light years apart, who knew if Mankind could ever reach this place.

On a desolate corner of the solar system, there, stood a...house? a house floating in outer space, ontop of an asteroid. As we head closer to the mysterious house, I saw a beautiful girl bathing.

Her spotless jade like skin, her legs swaying like the leaves in spring time, and her long, golden hair, cascading down, much like a waterfall.


I feel the atmosphere around me stiffening, and the lady giving me a stare. A stare filled with disgust, pity, a gaze you give on people you would label, "Degenerate" or, "Garbage of Human Society."

The lade opens her tiny mouth, and spoke these words rather harshly.

"Author! I can freely break your 4th wall, come to your Universe, and beat the crap out of you!"

She says that while simultaneously throwing large, multiple asteroids the size of Earth, at her beloved Author.

"Don't dare show yourself again, or I will seriously kill you! And next time, don't sneak up on girls bathing!

After a while, she seemed to have calmed down. An old man, who looked like he already has one foot in the grave, with a face so withered, it looked like the bark of an ancient tree. His hair as white as snow, spotless.

"What's the matter, my dear granddaughter?"

The old man spoke, breaking the tension. Every word was filled with wisdom, but, you can tell he...will depart, return to the soil, and be one with the Universe.

"I just want to see him! Where did you place him? From what plane of existence did you banish him from?!"

The young girl, looking very angry, retorted.

"My dear, I placed him where he will never find you, and you...will never find him. But, don't worry. I sent him a farewell gift, that even the Gods would fight and die for. I may look like the villain, but I sent him there, for our own good, and his. His potential...is much too great for one person to ever have. I will never do any despicable means to harn the acquaintances of my grand daughter."

The young girl let out a soft whimper as a response, trying desperately to fight back the tears threatening to flow, and burst out.


After a long time, I woke up. I seemed to have woken up in a strange room. It's nothing but endless darkness, as far as the eye can see. As I thought, I'm dead, aren't I? And this must be the purgatory, where the souls that has yet to be judged, reside. Or..so I thought it would be. As I was contemplating, a myriad of of colors started to form around me. First, there was white, then black..blue, then yellow. More and more colors started piling up, forming a wonderful plethora of vibrant, rich, colors. These colors seemed to form the stars, galaxies, solar systems, and all of the Celestial Bodies in this Universe.

As I was feasting my eyes, strange symbols and numbers appeared on my view.

"Huh? whats this? Is my mind playing tricks with me, again?






[Re..qüęśting tō boōt]

[Ÿ3s 0r ńo?]

From what I could point out, this thing was asking me too boot it up, and it had two options, yes, or no. To feed my curiosity, I held out my hand and reached for "Yes".




[I welcome thee host, to the Primal System!]