
Before you theirs me

Senia_Seay · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The storm

After thinking some more while walking I realize that it started raining hard then I remembered something..there was going to be a Storm tonight I think mom said a hurricane, where am I gonna go..I mean I could go to the dark forest and find a cave it would most likely be empty I started to run over to the dark forest good thing I did too right then and there I heard loud thunder *boom and crackle* I started running and running I was so scared..in our town we never actually had storms so this was my first scene I was a baby. I felt tears running down my face I sat down a large lake I realized I was so deep in the forest it was so dark the only thing that lit up the sky was the lighting .

I sat up against a tree whimpering. I heard footsteps I got really cerous and opened my eyes it was blurry but I saw beautiful golden eyes and a tall figure, I started backing up against the tree I felt hands grab me I cried and started shaking not just from fear but because I was all wet and cold. I felt warmth though I felt someone holding tightly I was tired I fell asleep.