


I took a seat next to the Jason like the teacher said. The Jason smiled at me politely, briefly. The teacher waited for me to get comfortable.

"Good day class"

Someone tapped the table, making everyone rise and greet.

"Good day Miss Cassy", they said.

"Thank you very much, you may be seated.

Miss Cassy went back to her desk while the rest of the class took their seats. She addressed the class.

"For the sake of our new student, I'll be doing a few introductions".

Just then, the bell rang, signalling the end of the first period.

"Looks, like our time has been exhausted. Nevertheless, we shall continue this tomorrow"

Everyone carried their bags and books out of the classroom. I also carried my bag and left into the hallway. I walked over to my locker putting in the numerical combination to unlock it. The principal had previously given me with my schedule. As I dropped my bag into the locker, I saw three girls approaching me. I easily recognized the one in the middle as the blonde girl from earlier.They paraded their shiny uniform and short skirt, with their rolled up black socks in sparkly heels. Not to forget their "designer bags" and more.

They came up to me, the blonde one spoke up

"Hi, I am Bexley, Welcome to our school", she said smiling oddly cheerful. I sighed, even a child could tell there was more behind this.

As I placed the books out of my bag, into my locker, I managed to send her a "thank you".

Bexley nodded,

"Alright", she said.

"You see darling, Netherland Academy is not a place just for anyone. We have a reputation to keep and we certainly don't need red heads soiling it for us".

I rolled my eyes inwardly. But then, I decided to play along anyways. I was already done with arranging my locker and was currently holding my textbooks to my chest. I locked my locker and focused my attention on what she was saying. I smiled and said enthusiastically.

"Okay... So what are the rules are need to know , in order not to spoil the reputation of this school?", I asked adding a finger gesture.

Bexley smiled in satisfaction, on hearing that

"We are really academically and socially buoyant. Hope you can have what it takes to cut it in, one of them, or maybe both"

"Also, you can't ever wear that", she continued pointing to the ruby bracelet on my left wrist.

"Netherlanders do not have such long socks, we wear mid--leg neat socks".

She went on and on, rambling about the most absurd rules I have ever heard of in my life, for about two minutes.


I sighed internally in relief.

"You can't dye your hair a vegetable, especially carrots".

Bexley and her minions giggled softly, but they couldn't clearly hide it. I chuckled slowly and softly.

"What's so funny?", one of the girls with a long ponytail asked me.

"That you guys expect me to do all these just to certify my presence in this school"

Bexley and her minions looked stunned, while I just smiled in satisfaction.

" Look...In order to be one of us, you would have to follow MY rules", Bexley said

At this point, I was uncertain whether she was referring to becoming a true student of the school, or her third minion. Either way, I didn't want anyone.

Bexley spoke up, "So, are you in or not?"

"Take a guess", I replied her.

Bexley and her minions faces turned into faces of disgust, instantly. Bexley walked closer to me and whispered in my ear

"Irene, I really thought we could be allies, not enemies, but it looked like fate had other plans", she said, shaking her head in disagreement.

She slapped the books I was holding down to the floor. She and her minions finally left for class. I picked up my books from the floor, I held unto the books tightly, restraining myself from giving them a sidekick. I heard the bell seconds later, I was almost late. As I turned in the other way, to find my next class, I bumped into someone, accidentally and my books fell again. While, I crouched to the ground to grab them, the person I bumped into, did the same. When we were done, I finally saw the person. It was a girl, but I could have sworn I had seen her before. She had a wavy blonde--platinum curls and brown eyes. Her hair was styled in one curly bun while a two strands of hair were pulled to the front. Her little star--shaped birthmark on her lower left cheek caught my attention.


I left there immediately, to my next class. i could feel her gaze on me as I turned in the other direction. It also looked like she wanted to say something, but I didn't wait to find out, what.


I was walking through the halls, after completing all of my classes today but one. I got to my locker. I leaned my head down on my locker and sighed .So far, all the classes I attended, no one seemed suspicious. I have observed everyone keenly and there still wasn't a single sign of anyone acting strange. I was having a hard time coming to the conclusion, of a paranom, in this prestigious school. Just then, while I was lost in my thoughts, I felt a presence close to me, while I thought on my locker face down. The figure moved much closer to me. I immediately slammed my locker and looked up to see the figure. It was a boy, staring down at me, I had seen him before.

"Hey, are you okay?"

From the tone of his voice, he sounded genuinely concerned.

"Yes, what made you ask that?"

"Well.... your head has been faced down on your locker for almost five minutes now", he replied.

I was still not fully engaged in our conversation, until I heard a loud scream from the upper floor. The boy and I hastily went through the marble white stairs to check out the reason for that scream. By the time we got there, we saw a large group of students and a few teachers gathered in front of the chemistry lab. I hurriedly approached the group, pushing past the crowd, with the guy, right behind me. When I got to the front, I was stunned, with what I saw. I gasped, It was our chemistry teacher Mr. Ryan. He was lying lifeless on the cold floor. This part did not frighten me at all, what did was when I examined his body closely. I finally realized, that he had previously been possessed by a PARANOM.