
Before The Catastrophe

Everything is so surreal. It was as if I could take all these buildings with both of my palms. The humans walking, and the vehicles driving in the road, look really tiny as if just a mere touch of my toe would destroy them. Yeah, it finally come to an end. I looked up to the bright blue sky... The sky, clear blue sky, filled with the whites of clouds. Now, was full bloody red, with a mark as if the sky itself got slashed, and from that, crimson tear dripping to earth, as if the sky itself bleeds.

Rainy_Yuu · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Recollection of the Night

I was strolling around the city out of boredom. Some strangers sitting while sipping some coffee at a café was waving his hand to me, signaling me to come over, and out of curiosity I approaches him.

Some conversation happen, an agreement was made, and he gave me his business card.

Business card, huh? Where did it go after that?

Well, it doesn't really matter anyway, alright next.

Things happens, turns out He was someone my parents already know and was one time, a partner in businesses. It'll be really funny if it was pure coincidence looking back at this, he definitely know who I am for this to happen.

What was the agreement again?

Ah, right, it was to help Stella, protect her, and do whatever I can to support her, and in turns He will

also do the same for me.

He was Kaku Stiffen, some big-shot in the entertaintment business and some niche market such as technology advancement, and the front for the research of making communication network other than radio, when if by chance, the internet died, which won't happen unless something destroyed everything globally.

And the reason I was interested for this was…The story of him going to other-world when he was struck by unknown disease to the point of comatose.

Things happen, and for some reason both my parent and Kaku agree to arrange me and his daughter, Stella, to an arranged relationship.

It's been 3 months huh? Something definitely changed, but she and I simply doing this because our parent want us to, we didn't do anything even after 3 months of doing thing 'together' and live under the same roof.

*knock knock*

Someone knocked the door? Stella?

"Just go inside, I didn't lock it"

"So? What do you need from me, Stella?" 


"I just want to see your face, that's all."

Trying to copy something from an animated story, I was tilting my head like some confused pose that

I found cute.

"You know, it's not cute at all."

"I know. So? What you need? Don't play guessing game with me, I hate it."

She approached me, step by step, pulled the rotating chair I had as backup in case this one got

broken, and sat beside me. Our eyes met, and she looks straight to my eyes.

"I don't understand, and won't do anything if you don't ask it."

"So you'll do whatever I want to do?"

"A yes, and a no. Depends on how the action will impact me."

"Hug me."

"Why? Were you feeling lonely lately?"

No answer.

Why not, I suppose? Just as I was about to hug her, something flashing, and time seemed to be stopped for a second.

No, not a second, It was still stopped.

I can't touch her, as if I was simply a hologram. I could phase through her body, phase through the walls, yet still was standing at the floor.

Just when I was trying to phase through the floor, the door for my room, for some reason sucking me towards it.

It was somewhere, yet nowhere. Something to be seen, and nothing to be seen. A flying bed, buried chair, a normal tree.. Normal?

Anyway, all of these also false, and as expected, also phase through.

Suddenly, the whole scenery changed, now it was a hallway with wall in both side and only one way to

go. For every one step I took, a wall was generated instantly behind me, and I can't phase through it.

A light on the right side, another one on left side, the light kept coming.

From the first one, I saw Roller Coaster? A minecart with a looping track that does full 360° but didn't lose any speed.

Second one was a flaming bird.

Third was-


What am I doing again?

I see Stella, relaxing her body, as if waiting for an impact.

Ah right, I was about to hug her. I take it back.

"You don't need to push yourself that far, you know?"


"Doing way too much effort just for a hug, did someone forced you?"

"…No? As you said earlier, I'm lonely, that's all."

"Yeah nope."

"Let's just go outside."

"It's a date, Stella."


And here we are, at the biggest amusement park in the city, Fantasy World.

"I'm sure the question is , 'Why?' "

"No reason honestly, I was also bored, same as you."

We simply strolling around, exploring every nook and cranny.

"Rinka, let's ride that!"

Pirate Boat? Really?

"I won't help you, if you feel like want to throw up."

She tilted her head, as if questioning what the meaning of my sentences.

"Isn't it you that always feeling nauseous after riding these kind of rides?"

"…You got me there."

"It's fine, it gonna be fine."

She pushing me, towards the queueing line.

"Why do we get into the queue?"

"Eh? Why not?"

"Then, these premium membership will lost it's value y'know."

"I know that, but, don't you think chatting while waiting the queue to move, quite fun and romantic?"

"you know what? Nevermind, I'm sure you will regret it soon."

"So, what do you want to chat, my dear Stella?"



"Be normal, please."

"Your face, is kinda red, are you feeling sick?"

"Want to rest? I mean we have basically walking around the whole park, so I understand that you was


Ah, she finally back. Truly a no-guard ability user.

She look straight into my face, with kinda angry face.

"You intentionally do that huh? Fine, I'll play along, my love."

What? Didn't expect that.

"Come here, I want to ride it fast."

Uh-huh. She grab my hand, and practically cutting the queue line, well... back to the queue entry point

and not the riding point.



"People are looking."

"You aren't the type that cares whatever other people think."


"But you are the one that usually cares a lot about it."

"I don't care about it for now. I said, I'll play along with your little games, Rinka."

"Hoooo? So I was the top priority for you? I'm happy for that."

I let a smile out, and yep, critical hit.

"You're a little active today, aren't you?"

"Yeah, just feeling like it today. I was cooped up in my room the whole time anyway."

Woah, having the power of money sure is nice huh? I mean, we only spent 4 or so minutes queueing, but instantly getting a seat simply because you're paying the park a bit more than normal is astonishing.

"Umm, please wait until it's done."

The ride operator was saying those thing over and over to both queue lines, like an automated voice.

Well, I can't blame him, the queue kinda long thus making it harder for people to be patient.

"Is it always like this?"

"Yeah, people really like the rides and this amusement park is the best in the country."

"True that, many people from the other side of the island coming here just for 1-2 days of experience."

"Your wife?"


"Ah, congratulations in advance then. Have fun."

"Keep up the good job."

Ah, she keep looking at me with confusion.



"Just spill it out."

"Soon-to-be..huh? I thought you didn't like arranged relationships like this."

"I don't, but I like you."

"Ah, the rides is ready. Come on, Rinka, take a seat."

Ah, she evaded that by changing the topic, or did she?

"Here, here."

She was gesturing me to sit beside her.

"Alright, alright, I'll go there."

We rides everything the park has to offer, well not exactly everything but we're exhausted now.

Resting after doing something actually is nice.

Stella was drinking her café latté. Ah, I might actually in-love with her. Even the clumsy face she was showing here, is kind of cute.


"Nothing, you're just cute."

"Stop it, will you?"

"Well, that is the truth. Anyway, why do you want me to hug you at that time?"

"I'm lonely."


"You kept focusing yourself with your thing."

"That just how I am, I'm not sorry you feel that way."

"So I tried to copy it, by ignoring you."

"Ah, that."

"But you weren't fun. I was thinking you will disturb me there, and was waiting for it, yet you really

does back to your room, doing your thing once again."

I, really don't understand. So it was my fault?

"Mhmm, if you want it, just be straight-forward about it."

"Exactly, I ask you directly, yet you refused."

"Fine, fine. I'm sorry."

"Is that enough for you, Stella?"

sigh "Why did I like such weird person?"

"But I'm also weird for liking him."

"Oi, I can hear that."

"Kiss me, and I'll forgive you."


"See? I was straight-forward about it and you refused me."

"I think this is the time we part, don't you think, Rinka?"

Break up, huh? I, don't know about that.

No, I don't want that.

Umm, while yes I will sacrifice some more time to her, lately it's been boring doing the same route, rotation and other thing in-game, so finding new hobby and new goal could be good.

Ah, this is stupid question, you stupid me.

Just say, you don't want that.

I grabbed her hands.

"Rinka? What's wrong?"

No words, nothing.

I kissed her.

Startled, or caught off-guard, she was resisting at first, then relaxed herself.

I feel like time stopped for a moment there.

"Is that enough?"

Ah, her face became red-ish from the embarassment.

"stupid rinka, stupid stupid."

"What? I can't hear that."

"Did you planned to do this? I meant, you kind of reserved these whole room for just the two of us,


"I was planning it, but You, you…"


"Please, say something before you want to do it, next time."

"That was just a fleeting moment, something I do just because. There would be no next time."

"Hmph. There definitely a next time."

"Just keep hoping it'll happen, fate might hear your pleas."

"What was that, that stupid. I'm not hoping it'll happen, it definitely will happen."

"Oh? Was that a challenge, or you playing with me~"

"It was my newest goal for now, be prepared for-"

"something." She said say something if I want to do it, right?

I kissed her again.

… No resistance at all, I guess the same trick won't happen twice.

And once again, time seemed to stop for this moment.

I slowly, stopped. "That should be enough, as I don't think I want to do it more, I have enough."

She is actively avoiding my face, for whatever reason.

"Umm, Stella?"

Really? I mean she was asking for it.

Nope brother, you are going too far just for teasing her.

Well..I guess it was kind of too far.. wait, did I just talk to myself?


"Anyway, should we go home?"

"Thinking it twice, nope , we need to go back, and I'll force you whether you like it or not."

"Hey, Stella?"

She still avoiding me.

This will take quite a long time.

"You know what? Nevermind. I will wait for you forever. Even if heaven and hells will sprout on this earth, I'll still wait for you.

Ah, she finally faced me.

That was quick.

"That line is so cringy."

"True that, I was possessed by something when I uttered that nonsense, my sincere apologies."

"Also…you..you..aaah let's just go home."

I extends my arm.

"Let's go."


Our daily activities is now kind of normal interaction.

We tried our best to help each other, spending time with each other.

Didn't expect such small changes could have this much impact to be honest, as I only sacrifice like

10% of my daily time to her.

Right now, we were watching a movie together at home.

A door opened and closed sounds? No bells?


"What's wrong, Rinka?"

"Wait here."

" ? "

Kind of heavy footsteps, this means they were at very least have good builts.

They seemed to stop, and place their shoe..at least that's what I heard.

I tried to peek a little.

"Is that you, Rinka?"

Familiar voice.

Ah, that was Kaku.

"Well, perfect timing. I need to talk to you first anyway."

"Also, where's Stella?"

"She were watching a movie in the living room."

"Oh? Watching a movie together? Why don't you take her to the movie theater as a date?"


"As long as you two could get close, it doesn't really matter wherever did you brought her to."

"Both me and your parents was kinda sad that you two was forcing yourselves to be seen as having a close relationship everytime we met."

"Mhmm, so what you wanna talk about?"

"Would you believe me, that we'll get struck by catastrophe by 14 April 2023?"

"Is that one of the things you mentioned that was kind of erased from your memory as in blurry memories?"

"Yes…" He hesitated for a moment, but "and a no."


"That was intentional, as there might be a chance the time that whatever knowledge I have would change if more people knew about it.

"But, I was running out of time, and for that, I decided to told you about this, at least."

"Because, as per our agreement, that you must protect Stella from whatever, whenever."

"Is that all?"

"Yeah, the time was the only thing I have, as I can't seemed to let go of this hourglass in front of my vision."


"You know? The ancient clock that using sand or dust to count time?"

"I know that, but what should I do, upon hearing that kind of bad news?"

"Just refrain from telling her this information, I'll do it by myself."

"Also, you'll understand the reason behind something I prepared for both of you."

This guy, speak in riddles. I rather get someone straight-forward than someone that kept running in circles when speaking.


Stella's voice echoing away.

"What took you so long? The movie almost hits it's climax."

Her sounds getting closer.

"Eh? Father? When did you come?"

"Stella, my lovely daughter!"

He, hugged her tightly. Is this doting or incest?

"Sto-Stop it, will you!"

"My daughter has grown into her rebellion phase, or so it would seems."

"It's must be hard for you, doesn't it?"

I hate this kind of question. I really hate it.

"No comments."

"You should've just say what you were thinking at once, without recalculating the outcome. It's a bad

habit, a really bad one."

"Yet, you seems like calculated everything, including my response."

He doesn't even show a surprised face. He come with instant reply to such 'insult'.

"Well, we businessmen need to see the gain and loss of something after all."

"So? Is there anything urgent that you need to go pay us a visit all by yourself?"

"Stella~, your fiance is going passive-aggressive here~"

"If you didn't like him, you could annul this relationship by yourself, aren't it father?"

"Hmm? What was that? Did you just defend…support his stances?"

"Well, the agreements between us the parents was to not involve ourselves too much, so yeah


"Anyway, I want both of you to come with me today."

*whisper* "psst, rinka, do you know anything about that?"

"No. You should ask that to him. Isn't he is your father?"

"weelll, as much as I'd love to do that, I can't read his behaviour at all."

"I'll just get along with it at least for today."

I don't know why you telling me this, anyway.

"Come'on you two, keep the flirting inside the car."

That type of car kind of standard here, like why did he use such old-ish car. I was thinking he would

choose something with more luxurious value for this kind of casual occasion.

The car engine started, the radio started, and for some reason, I feel a hit of nostalgia.

"Have I drove this car before?"

"From my recollection, no. Why? You want to drive this baby?"

"No, you seemed to be enjoying this. I won't disturb it."

"No matter what happen, no matter how big I became."

"I was still myself when I drove this car."

"I could see my younger self blasting the radio with even more louder than this and singing along whatever song the radio channel was playing."

Talkative about hobbies and nostalgia, huh? It's such weird ones that I doubt it'll be much use to make it a way for milking information.

"Was your father always like this?"

"Yeah, if he drove this car, he always doing this and talking about everything, he became kind talkative."

"Well, he IS indeed someone with good social skills. What I meant was he seemed a bit more open."

"I- I see."

We chat about more things, but Kaku seemed to drove the topic back into the situation about our relationship.

That was a long road, I need to dodge a lot of bullets.

Turns out, he was just circling around while the actual destination was 3 minutes away from home.

"Welcome to the Stiffen's Special Training Center!"

Uh huh?

So this is what he mean.

Stella, still having a bit confusion.

Our eyes met.

"What…Rinka! You definitely knew about this don't you!"

Is it that obvious?

"While yes indeed I may have known about it, but I also didn't expect this is what he meant."

"That was the most AI-generated response I heard today."

"I want both of you to free your schedule for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday."

"Well, I was free anytime."

"But I suppose your daughter have good amount of things scheduled?"

"You don't need to worry, I will make sure her schedule be freed for this."

"I didn't heard any of that!"

"Why did you decide things like this all by yourself, father!"

"I still have classes I need to attend."

"I have talked about that to your professor."

"And, trust me. It will be something worth the effort for you."

"Anyway, let's start first training!"


A bunch of people, no, Instructors was gathered here.

I bet he paid a lot for them to be this quick and with such discipline.

"I leave those two to all of you, the schedule is what we have discussed earlier."

"As much as I'd love to see them train, I need to do something else."

And…he left.


"Well, today training was stamina and body-building."

Someone, that seemingly have more charisma than the rest, was sitting down while lifting dumbells.

"Go get changed, and start the training."

"I'll give both of you exactly 200 seconds to change with things we have prepared."


Aren't this pace, a bit too awkward?

Stella, she read the room way too fast.

I thought she was gonna question things first.

After that, we need to run, swim, jumps, practically everything we could imagine.

Holy, that was really, really tiring.

"Sir Kaku really ordered us to do something quite questionable, but these child, they actually doing it


"It really feels good when the trainee actually training with this much effort. How time flies."

What. *huff* Did *huff* They *huff* Talking about *huff*


Finally *huff*

"Both of you completed the 6-hours routine with just 5 hours and a half, that wasn't what it supposed to be but we will reduce the daily training from today onwards as it seemed to us that both of you

have great stamina already."

I was lying in the grass field, and then Stella also lie down beside me.

"Reduced- routine-"

"I was expecting you to fell off first y'know?"

"Being a shut-in and all."

"Didn't expect you to give it your all and surpasses my pace."

"I was- About to- give up- but I see you putting that much effort- it sparks my competitive spirit."

"True true, competitive spirits is what fuel our drives to train!"

"Training will be much more effective if you have a clear goal, and someone that pursue the same goal

as you."

The instructor was looking at us.

"Well, training with your beloved ones also boost it as much."

"Anyway, today training was over. You can rest there if you want, or you can keep training here."

"This training center was free to use to your heart cont-"

I..dead tired, and fell asleep.