
Before The Catastrophe

Everything is so surreal. It was as if I could take all these buildings with both of my palms. The humans walking, and the vehicles driving in the road, look really tiny as if just a mere touch of my toe would destroy them. Yeah, it finally come to an end. I looked up to the bright blue sky... The sky, clear blue sky, filled with the whites of clouds. Now, was full bloody red, with a mark as if the sky itself got slashed, and from that, crimson tear dripping to earth, as if the sky itself bleeds.

Rainy_Yuu · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Life Always Find It's Ways

The next day, Stella appear to be more happy, as if yesterday cries was just a dream.

Like…bro, it only 5 A.M. and she already urging me to woke up.

We continued the our traveling plans after cutting some more destinations. Is this what it's called honeymoon? Going together, to somewhere, just the two of us?

It is, what it is.

Luckily…or as expectedly, nothing extraordinary happened. Just occasional soul-move when I was asleep for some reason.

If I counted it right, for every 3 times I let go of my conciousness, I could access the soul-state.

It happened so frequently, might as well give it a name, hahaha.

Funny joke.

Yeah, let's just say it 'Astral Vision'

From the usual Eiffel Tower of France, to Sydney's Opera House, to Door to Hell Turkmenistan, and some other landmarks.

Practically going around the world experiencing everything they could offer.

Right now, we were walking in England, at the road near the Big Ben.

"Hey, are you satisfied yet?"

"With what exactly?"

"The sightseeing, what else?"

"Well…your words most of the time have multiple meaning…."

"I'm always honest when I talk to you."

"See? That could mean you indeed doing that, if you weren't talking to me, which practically contradict


"Fine, you won."


I can't really predict what moves she would use. I can't understand her.

"I meant, the information of the Catastrophe."

Surprised, she stopped walking.

"Does that mean, Father told you that too?"

"But..but he said I was the only one that got that particular information."

She feel into deep thinking for a while. I really want to disturb her, but this is for the best.

"Yeah, exactly. You're right, he planned all this."

"Well, except that one time I got possesed during our trip in Indonesia."

Moreover, I'm sure he already track his daughter in real-time to see where we have gone.

Suddenly, a phone ring…to be exact, both of our phones were ringing.



We looked into each other…

"You first, I'll look somewhere to rest."

"We're fine."





"But…aren't it a bit too sudden?"

"Yeah, he's here."

"Hey Rinka, Father want to call you."

She passes her phone, just for me to hear, "What did you do to her?"



Silence for around 3-4 seconds.


"Nothing, just…drag that little girl back to me."

"I already prepared the means for transportation, all you need was just follow it."

"You know, that kind of statement could means a lot of things?"

"Whatever, where are you right now?"

"Doing big business, in Jakarta, Indonesia."

"I knew it, something is wrong…Fine, I already promised it to you anyway."

"We will be come home tomorrow."

Calls ended, and the phones UI instantly back to home menu, where she put…what the heck is this

background image?

"Hey, Stell-"

"No can do~"

I checked today's date, and it was 8th of April…time sure flies when you enjoyed them huh…

"Anyway, he already called you to go back."

"We were only halfway of our traveling plans…It's a shame."

"Better luck next time."

"But, don't worry."

"If you truly loves travelling around the world, I'll always accompany you wherever you want to."

Silences fills the air.

What? What do you mean? Did I said something wrong?

Nope, good job me!


"You with your sweety mouth…"

"But, I don't hate it."

"I…really can't understand what do you actually want from me."

"It is, what it is. So, is there anything you want to do left? We will go straight to your Father place

tomorrow afterall."

"Let's try the famous Sword in the Stone!"

"I'm pretty su-"

She already was ahead of me, even before I finished my words.

I tried to follow her, while quickly increasing my speed to catch up.


Yeah, as usual, I grabbed her on the shoulder.

"It's not open to public."

"And, it's not even real."

We, human have already civilized for more than 2000 years, and at 20th century, technologies advance really, really fast.

With some thinking of common sense, such a sword won't exist as it will defitely rusted no matter what kind of material it uses.

Thaaat…should be enough to convice her, I suppose.

"Fine, let's go check the famous Stone Henge, then."


"I mean, why not?"

"Let's see…yeah, it's open for public."

Stone Henge, literally stone. We're looking at a set of stones.

"What do people find interesting and exciting about these stone? I really don't understand that."

"Yeah, yeah, just keep looking at that rock."

"Just like that!"

A flash, did she..just taking a picture of me analyzing a rock?

"Ugh, why are you still looking cool even when you were just looking a rock?"


"Let me see that."


"I'm a good photographer, aren't I?"

Woah, that was such a good expression.

If only I could immortalize it without her knowing that I took it….

But…where the heck is the 'cool' in me from that picture?

"I looked like stupid there."

"Eh? But….well, let's just make the netizens judge it."

"Aaaand, posted."

"Wanna hit some ice cream store while we wait for the reactions?"


- BanGod : You have a boyfriend?!?!

- hitmeinstomach : Who is that? I feel like you're having fun there!

- hitmeinchestinstead : replying to hitmeinstomach I'm sure she's finally got a boyfriend! How lucky….and such a cutie.

- ImmaNerdin : After thorough research and digging, I found out that, the person in this picture doesn't have any social media account showing his face.


He is quite popular streamer, that's all I could say.

- ….


"What the heck."

"See? You're cute, and cool!"

"But, the me in that picture really stupid-looking."

"I won, so feed me~"

We're currently eating ice cream. And for some reason, she make a bet, a harmless one.

'The wrong one will feed the winner.'

I mean, it was a win-win situation regardless of who is winning the bet, so, without any hesitation I agreed on it.


I only need to…feed her these ice cream…right?

Why does she act like these things is hard to do?

And thus, the romantic feeding session, results in failure.

Poor Stella, she tried her best.

After a whole night on the plane, we finally arrived at the mansion? This guy…

I straightly go to the supposedly my room, and to my surprise, the whole computer set that I put was

here, and I meant it.

The computer literally the same with the very same disk and setup.

What's wrong with him?

I thought he move to Jakarta only for a short while…

Well, the difference was now it's double bed instead of single.

Just when I was about to hit bed…someone breached the perimeter!

Nah, it's just Stella.

Oh come on, I waited for eternity to land that joke.


"Father said this was my room…"

"Yeah it is."

"Then, why are you here and…those computers?"

As I pointed my finger towards the double bed, I said "See that thing?"

"Honestly, I don't mind, but it's definitely gonna be awkward, isn't it?"

"Where did he put my privacy away~"

"Yeah, this mansion was quite big with some vacant room, yet he deliberately set us to get on the

same room."

"That's that. Wanna go out and grab some fast food?"

"Who are you? Rinka won't go outside, he will just order it online."

"But….true that, I'll just search the online food delivery system in this country."

"Thanks for the reminder!"

"No, I mispoke alright."

"So, where we going?"

Why did such lovely girl even like me that much again?

These question kept repeating itself, like a broken clock waiting for it's battery to be changed.

Ah right, she was actively ignoring me at first.

"Never. Ever. Talk. To me."

"No matter what?"

She...this girl really ignoring me.

I mean, that was a given, as I would also do the same if I was in the same shoes.

A stranger, that you don't even know their backgrounds, was engaged to you by your father simply because both the parents have made a promise about it.

AND forced both of you to live under the same roof.

But, this is definitely awkward and uneasy experience.

Should I open up?

But…after that, do you still think she would open to you too?

So, there is no other choice other than intruding her lif, huh?

Yeah, there isn't.

Come on, do the 'Pin on the wall thingy'!

Nope, I'll go with the more traditional means.


First day, still ignoring me, as if I'm not even there.

"We need to talk."

No luck.

"What you wanna eat tonight?"

It still doesn't work…

After a whole week of hard work, I finally threw away my dignity as this whole week was really, really weird and awkward.

"Hey, I like you."

"what's wrong with you?"

Oh? A response. Nice, it's actually working.

Each day, it kept going downhill.

And, after the 4th day.

"Where were you? Your father worried."

"Why should I answer that to you? I'll hang up."


"Fine, I'm waiting."

"It's not an importang thing…but…"

"Hurry up, I wanna do something too."

"I love you."

"Yeah no, I'm hanging up."

What the heck is wrong with that guy?

Did father really hire such a weirdo for me?

Sure, it was a son from his friend, but it still weird.

I'm definitely overthinking thing…wait.

Didn't I already crossed this area?

Focus, Stella, you have technology.

As soon as she tried to open her phone, hands was already creeping behind her, and soon after, her

vision became pitch black, covered by some sort of fabric.

Yeah, kidnapped…or so it is.

The kidnapper, I hired them to do so.


30 minutes has passed huh.

Let's get the operation started.