
Before Meet You

Romance-fantasy-playboy What emotions arise when you observe your body laying weakly with several IV tubes piercing it throughout? Rian, the wealthy playboy, was involved in a tragic accident that left him in a long-term coma. However, something unexpected happened. Rian's soul overheard a paranormal voice asking him to meet the 10 persons he had selected to see ahead of the decision time. Determination is either going to come back to life or die. When Rian went to see his buddies, there was a commotion and great annoyance. Has the Inka's own Om sold it? Was Clara ill or a drug user when whatever occurred to her? Why does Tia constantly form a crush on a muscular man wearing glasses? Before the waiting time starts, Rian has a lot of things to go through. How did Rian the wealthy playboy's tale end?

Be_Maryam · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Rian Phone

Bimo appeared to reach back into his pocket in his pants and pull out his phone. The messages that had been flowing in all this time appeared to be being answered by his hand.

"The youth are aware, right?"

Dion questioned with serious eyes.

"Yon, yes. I have informed others. He answered calmly, "A lot of people tell me the truth.

"The phone was not activated by me. I don't feel like talking right now. I'm still astonished. I purposefully shut off my mobile," Dion stated with a dejected expression.

Then Rian awoke. He returned to the space and examined the body. His clothing is no longer worn by his body. But rather a white blanket to cover his chest and hospital-issued pants.

"There aren't any of my clothing. Where is my phone, then?" Rian inquired with a perplexed expression.

He appeared to be entering the emergency department when he did so. He was seeking the outfits and pants he wore the night before. Perhaps he still has it in his pocket. He searched from the ER room to the nurse's room in vain, failing to locate his clothing. He was unsure of how he might inquire about her attire. He made his way back to the nurse's station, but the nurse wasn't there. Rian decided to sit on the bench in front of his family with a dejected step.

Rian turned to face them once more. He was surprised by their sadness and shame over what had happened to him. He didn't understand their behavior, which baffled him.

"You're upset because you believe I will pass away, right? "Rian, agitated, questioned.

It transpires that Rian misread their demeanor. They appeared to be anticipating Rian because of the anguish, tears, and displeasure they displayed. It is the same as supposing he is deceased.

"Stop crying! I'm still here! I've arrived! in your front. Stop making that awful face. because I'm still alive!" Rian, who is now in the center of his family, yells.

Rian appeared to be extremely angered, incensed, and disappointed by their behavior. Rian entered his room once again and went over to his still-awake body.

"Get up! Get up! Let the tears cease. This is plenty for me. Get your bloody body up!" In front of his body, Rian yelled. He appeared to use his own body as a pillow, a drum, and a trampoline.

"Go to sleep, worthless body! Right now, your face is ridiculous. Get up! Do you like to always be the Prince who is sleeping? Get up! "Rian screams while crying a great deal. He sobbed while his body was motionless and his hand was still beating on it.

Rian seemed exhausted; no matter what he did, nothing worked. He was only able to sit on the ground while tightly grasping his hair with both hands. crying out in exasperation while making a silly face.

The doctor returned later that day to examine Rian's physique. The doctor and two other nurses entered and saw the circumstance.

The situation is steady. Blood pressure is normal, and there are no internal sicknesses or diseases. The state of the heart is also steady. Other organs don't have any problems or anomalies. The eyes are in good shape, and respiration is pretty vigorous "The doctor spoke to his nurse.

While the other nurse assisted the doctor with the examination, one nurse took notes.

"The doctor's, lung, and head recheck findings have been received, and all have shown to be safe, except for suture incisions on the outer skin," the nurse on duty reported.

The results of our efforts are just now. The only thing left to do is for the patient's family to pray that brother Rian will awaken soon, the doctor remarked before leaving the room.

"Damn you, Dr. only a prayer? Here, you are not compensated for being free. He is aware that he is powerless. Stupid physician! What exactly did you study in college? enhanced and typical. What? I'm still unconscious. Stupid doctor. Stupid you all!" Rian yelled angrily. He appeared dissatisfied that the physicians would not perform any further procedures on his physique. Since his parents had enough money to cover everything, he was extremely irate. However, all that was mentioned by the doctor was a prayer to aid in reawakening him. Rian, who is accustomed to depending on what he and his parents have, finds this to be quite unreasonable.

Mama Rian questioned the doctor who had just left Rian's bedside, "Doc, How is my child?" as she awaited his arrival.

"Sorry, Mom. According to the situation, the mother's child is already in a highly stable state. Everything is proceeding normally, just as it should if we were healthy. A significant blow and a very large forehead cut that I originally believed to be broken also revealed healthy health. without any potential negative consequences. This suggests that when Rian wakes up, he will go back to his regular self. But I apologize; there was nothing I could have done to alert Rian. I wish Rian the best in your prayers and those of others. I apologize, but before I move on, "The doctor softly explained. The doctor also had a disappointed expression on his face. He was unable to recall Rian's unconsciousness due to the favorable circumstances.

The helpless-looking Mama Rian exclaimed, "Thank you, Doc!"

The doctor was correct; he was simply a regular guy who knew how to make the most of his circumstances. He is unable to provide healing, though. Mama Rian and others were unable to take responsibility and were left with no option but to recline. They had little optimism after hearing the doctor's explanation. We can only hope that Rian will get better quickly and rejoin them.

With a bag of black plastic in her hands, a nurse appeared to approach Mama Rian.

Sorry, mother of brother Rian's parents, correct? Brother Rian wore this outfit last night, including the top and pants. His forehead was bleeding, and there was a smear of blood on his shirt. The nurse once more took a seat at her picket table and stated, "This is everything that was on her body that night.

Mama Rian exclaimed, "Thank you sus," and Sri took the clothing at once.

As soon as Rian heard what the nurse said, he sprang up and moved for the package. The Slingshot was inaccessible to him. He wasn't certain whether or not his cell phone was inside.

"Hey! Examine the Slingshot. Take a look inside. Perhaps my phone is there!" Rian addressed Bimo, Indri, and Dion.

Because he was unable to speak with the others, Rian appeared distressed. He also decided to crouch down in front of them, ruffling his hair with his hands.

"Whose responsibility is the police station?" Asking Bimo where Rian's phone is, Dion.