
Before Light

In barren lands roamed by Demons of dark, beings of light The Starbreakers fight back and try to save the people from the Demons' grasp.

JumboWong · Sci-fi
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25 Chs

Before Light - chapter 9


Shooting a hole in the Betelgeuse, the Dark Unervas and the Liger Demons sneaked in the ship, to suck the Light inside.

The Demons parted ways and searched each corner for light.

Lima quickly crawled up from the wreak and saw that Neliya had fainted, lying next to her.

" Lima ! Neliya !"

Lucky cried out, crawling out from the fallen corridors.

Lima quickly hissed vigilantly for Lucky to keep quiet and pulled Lucky close to hide behind a broken generator.

A Demon Liger walked past where Lucky was, sniffing their scent.

Lima pulled out the Golden marble in her necklace and it turned into a light saber, as she slowly pointed at the other end of the broken corridor, showing Lucky a narrow path to escape together.

Lucky pulled Neliya across the narrow path as Lima stayed behind to lookout.

Lucky and Neliya had passed the narrow path, now it's Lima's turn.

But Lima waved them off

" Tell the others to hide in their rooms !"

Lima whispered.

" But Lima !"

Lucky whispered back but Lima left, in search of Yuri.



Firren stood up from under a fallen piece of roof, injured in many places.

His StarBreaking armor he summoned and checked the Ship.

The radar beeped nonstop, detecting Demons on deck !!

Firren turned around to reclaim his Fire swords when he saw a Lightning fist shooting towards his face !!

Firren slided himself down to the floor with great agility as the Lightning punch flew straight above his face, the sheer forth crashing many layers of broken walls.

Lo, before him stood full Berserk StarBreaker armored Seito, sizzling with pale yellow Lightning and his visor screen chaotic.

Seito is now blind by chaotic memories colliding inside his head !!

" Seito ! Listen to me ! The Demons have attacked !!"

Firren cried

" We must secure the Ship !!!"

" Who....!!!....."

Snarled the anger blinded Seito incoherently

" Where am I ! ! ! !"

And Seito lunged forth with a Lightning punch, bashing the floor and filling everything in the locker room with strong electric charges.

Firren like a fiery meteor burst forth with full speed and pushed the Seito out, out of the lockers and into the central area of the ship.

Children fled here and there in fear after the impact of Demon attack and they saw Seito burst out and came to the Crazed StarBreaker for help.

But Seito couldn't care less and was about to punch the floor, causing a great Lightning explosion !

" Stay back !!" Firren cried and ushered the children back just in time to safety while he shielded the blow.

" Everyone !! Follow me !!"

Lucky and Neliya finally arrived and with the help of Neo and Kai and other friends, the children escaped into their rooms safely.

" But where is Momo ?!"

Lucky cried out after realizing Momo is gone !

And they saw that Momo was outside, trying to make contact with the Berserk Seito.

But alas !!

A Seito punched a great Lightning explosion and before Firren could save the loli, Momo was hit by the lightning, and fell unconscious.

" Momo !!"

Lucky wept, and so did all the children that witnessed such tragedy.

Neo, angered by this, had come up with a plan !

" To Me !"

Neo spake to his trusty gang, Kai, Rio, Finnir, Treize, and Owl

" We will sneak into the Android control center and control some Androids to stop Seito !!"

" We will join too !"

Said the Lollies Lucky, Feira and Neruko.

Which they did, on their way finding Reina slaying Demons across the airship corridors and led them to the android control rooms safely.

With the androids now controlled by clever brave children, Firren and Reina and the children together temporarily restrained Seito with Android wires.

" GO, Reina..!!"

Firren cried, pressing the restrained berserk Seito with the androids

" I got this !"

Nodding quickly, Reina rushed off, as Firren quickly told the children controlling the androids his plan.




What did you see, Yuri ?

Yuri opened her eyes.

It is snow,

And it is cold.

Very cold.

She is in the middle of a Snowy field.

Yuri was on the floor, and as she tried to stand up, she found her arms were tied behind her back by dark materials of Demon substance, and her legs too were tied and spread to separate sides.

" Yuri."

Yuri looked up.

" ..... Vitas....??"

It was Vitas, but a Kid !! A young Vitas stood before her, expressionless.

And Lo, from behind the small kid Vitas, appearing from the dark lurking shadows, a Dark Unerva Vitas, in full Demonic Armor and wings of Demonry wide spread menacingly, behind the child Vitas..

" Let him go...!"

Yuri begged, struggling to be free from her tight demonic bondages

" Let Him Go, Vitas !!"

The Dark Unerva Vitas didn't move, and stood in silence.

While the kid Vitas stepped forward

" Look, Yuri."

Kid Vitas pointed at a side.

Yuri followed his finger, and saw a loli Yuri amongst a crowd in the snowy night.

The loli Yuri was standing next to a woman figure.

"..... Mom...."

Yuri whispered.

" Look closely, Yuri."

Kid Vitas pointed

And the sky changed color, the world around Yuri swirled and it was grey day, the sky grey and dank, the air stagnant and damp.

Yuri saw a white building, and a circular runway in a wide field before the white building.

A large old clock hung on the middle of the white building.

" This is where we once belong."

Kid Vitas explained

" Where we must go back."

What world is it ?

What does it look like ?

Where do we come from ?

Yuri has many questions, and the Kid Vitas seemed to have heard all of them.

" We come from a World that betrayed us."

" We come from a World where we hurt each other."

" But we must go back."

" We must fix it."

And Lo, the Kid Vitas showed the naked tied Yuri, corpses of Dead Children !! Lying all over the field with blood running out of their dim lifeless eyes and half opened mouths.

The Children !

Yuri knew them All !








.... Vitas...

There, she saw, Kid Vitas, lying motionless, with one hand, clenching tight to a loli,

..... Yuri....

Yuri began to cry, her tears flowing down like streams and she moaned for the desperation before her,

Before the Light.

" I can Take you there."

Spake the grown up Dark Unerva Vitas, coming to Yuri and touched her wet cheeks

" Don't be afraid."

" Wait !!"

Yuri wailed

" Wait..."

" We don't belong here, Yuri. But far away in a time before all This, is where we belong !

The World Before Light,

The World where you were there

I was there,

My World

Your World

Our World.

But we were betrayed, and now we are here,

We must go back.


Join me.

Help me, Fix it."

And Yuri nodded.

And so the Dark Unerva Ritual commenced.

Lo, with a push, the Dark Unerva Vitas pushed the tied Yuri to the ground, at the same time his dark armor crawling away like liquid of their own intent, exposing Vitas' white chest and clear angled chest muscles.

Before Yuri could fully react, his arms were already tightly around her, tearing her armor one part after another, exposing her pale flesh, squeezing in such strong embrace. His one hand started to slide atop her clean stainless back slowly, up and down, while his other hand went down, caressing downward, moving from Yuri's buttock, to her thigh and then slided to the front between Yuri's legs.

Yuri began to cry.

She had no idea what was happening.

But Vitas needed her help.

He needed her.

His arms, his grasp,

His Longing for more of her.

Vitas needs her, Yuri kept telling herself,

Vitas needs her.

Vitas needs her.

Vitas' hands didn't stop there,

His hands seized her swelled breasts, squeezing them, locking her nipples between his curved sinking fingers.

Yuri struggled back from his grasp, but immediately remembering that

Vitas needed her,

She turned back,

Only to see not Vitas,

But a dark looming figure, a stranger forcing her and violating her in every way.

This is not Vitas.

This is someone else.

Vitas won't..... Vitas wouldn't do this !!

" Yuri...."


Yuri looked back up in confusion as the shadowy figure grabbed her close by the shoulder

" It's alright..."

Vitas told her.

It was his voice.

" Let us go back... Together."

And Yuri let him grab her, yank her, drag her, force her throughout this uncouth ritual of dark, of primitive raw force, letting Vitas' Demonic but genuine feelings run through her veins and send those charges across her nerve endings, a destructive sensation.

Yuri looked up at the chaotic grey sky, letting Him, this Vitas he no longer knew, conduct this Ritual all over her fragile body, bearing all the pain from the Dark Demonic ceremony with a couple of uncontrollable nervous spasms and struggle but without fighting back, only cry.

And cry.

The snowflakes dropping onto her lifeless eyes.

Slowly, Vitas came close to Yuri's face, tainted by pale translucent milky liquid

" Are you ready ?"

He asked.

Shivering, Yuri could but nod.

And Lo tentacles from the dark pulled all at once, tightening the bondages all over Yuri.

Even the tentacles around Yuri's Windpipe squeezed and Yuri gave a jolt and a short scream, before gradually succumbing to the Dark, trembling and struggling as if for mercy.

Vitas spread his wings, and touched her bruised wet face croaking for air

" I'll meet you there, Yuri, in the———"

All of a sudden, Machine guns rattled and broke the shroud, and Lo, Vitas was back in the iron vault which was shattered by the explosion.

Vitas turned around and Reina secretary, in her StarBreaking armor crashed in on Vitas and knee choked the Dark Unerva Vitas on the floor.

" What Have You Done to Her ! ! !?!?!?!"

Reina shrieked in sheer Rage, pointing her two machine gun wrists on Vitas.

Reina turned to look and saw Yuri, and her shock cannot be contained.

Lima, after slaying demons along the way, finally arrived as well into the iron vault but was too late, and what she saw of Yuri stunned her numb and Lima fell to the floor on her knees in disbelief.

" YOU ! ! ! ! !"

Reina secretary charged forth !!!

But Vitas Dark Unerva swept the room with his twice larger Demon wings and flew up to the ceiling and dashed down once more to grab Yuri away with him, But with a clean flashing strike of the Light Saber, Lima slashed forth and Vitas faltered.

" Leave Yuri Alone ! ! ! ! !"

Lima yelled, tears rolling down nonstop

" She had had enough Suffering !!"

" She'll suffer more here ! ! !"

Vitas argued

" This Is Not Where We Belong ! ! ! ! And You know It !!!"

And Lima faltered, because she knew Vitas meant something, but she can't agree, yet she didn't have enough reasons to disagree !!!!

Reina secretary punched her way to Vitas but the Demon wings swept her back.

Now Vitas has the mangled unconscious Yuri in his arms, and they are about to set flight.

Yo ! A StarBreaking Bazooka missile flew straight towards Vitas and pierced him out of the Ship and exploded like a Starbreak.

Vitas was wounded and Yuri, now in the hands of Reina, was too far from Vitas' reach.

" Vitas."

Bradson Captain, wounded and uniform tattered, crawled out of the wreck and dashed to the scene as fast as he could with his StarBreaking Bazooka launcher in hand

" Yuri doesn't belong to you. Never does she belong to anyone."

And Papa Bradson took off his coat and shielded Yuri with the coat

" Yuri Belongs to Herself."

Vitas looked at the captain with sheer demonic anger

" Very well."

Vitas decided, flying off to the North

" I shall lead Legions of the Past to Smite your World of Lies !!"

And Vitas flew away in sound breaking speed, towards,

The Cold North.



Back to Firren versus the Berserk Seito.

Through Neo's commands, the children, all controlling Androids from safe locations, lured the Demon Ligers and Dark Unervas to the lounge, where Firren had planned to lure Berserk Seito there.

Seito smashed everything in his wake, striking all the Demons and dark Unerva with hyper lightning into ash crisps.

The Children cheered.

The Demon problem solved.

But Berserk Seito not yet subdued !!

And The Lightning StarBreaker is about to Starbreak ! ! ! ! !

Firren calmly remembered his Starbreaking senior's teachings.



" You see, Firren.

StarBreak is a form of ultimate sacrifice, a final choice to End the Game, to win, but to say bye bye to the rest of us."

" If it can destroy the Demons and save Light, I presume it's worthy, Senpai Solo."

Firren presumed in a room of mental training with his Senior, a muscular chill dude sitting on a desk.

" Easy for us to say in this room, My young apprentice."

This Solo StarBreaker chuckled

" Let it be this. Imagine me in a dire situation, surrounded by seas of Demons with my Lovely Coco, there's only one way to End this and it is StarBreak.

Now, who should it be ?"

" Obviously you, Senpai."

Firren deducted without hesitation and remorse.

" Certainly I will, to let my dearest Coco to get out and sacrifice myself, but then Coco will stop me so she could sacrifice herself ! to save me as well ! Oh, the Dilemma !!"


And the Senpai Solo fell to the ground, shot by two StarBreaking rifles from the back.

Firren stood up and saluted

" Ca... Carrie Senpai !"

Firren said aloud with a proper salute.

The other senior, a young woman older than Firren approached the two, stepping over Solo's body

" How many times did I tell you... STOP Calling me Coco ! ! !"

" Senpai, please don't kill Solo senpai ! I need him to pass the Test."

Young Firren begged.

This young woman smirked disdainfully

" Seriously. You are asking this loser for help ? How desperate are you ? Even He failed the Exam himself !"

Firren started to shiver in fear of failure

" I will fail...I am reluctant, I will lose ! I can't be a Leader ! I can't have my own team ! I am Demon feed !!"

" Chill, young Firren."

Solo crawled back up to the desk

" See ? Even I failed the Test and look at me ! Commanding my Coco——"

" YOU, Are under my command."

The young woman senpai hissed murderously, pointing a magnificent rifle from no where at Solo's chin.

Firren looked at his two seniors that are Top of the StarBreaker League, now bickering before him.

He wished to be like them.

And now Firren stood up from his cowed state, remembering the wise advices from his seniors

" There are two ways to cancel a StarBreak, either you StarBreak First, or you reach the Reset device."

Carrie Senpai explained.

" The Reset device ?!"

Firren was amazed and Carrie Senpai pointed at the middle of Firren's Chest.

" It's right where Starbreaks Are."



Firren prepared a Dashing stance,

While Berserk Seito engulfed himself in a ball of Lightning, preparing to Starbreak through his fury to destroy everything, including himself.

And Firren burst into flames, becoming a burning meteorite and dashed forth towards Seito, reaching out to smash Seito's StarBreak Reset Device !!!!!

So near, yet a small distance too far !!!

Firren couldn't reach, and was pushed back by the sheer Force !!

Children cowed in fear !!!

Seito StarBreak Commence ! ! ! ! !

Then the Children noticed something enter the sky above.

" Look !!"

The children cried out in surprise

" Something's coming, it's coming straight towards Seito ! ! !"

Lo indeed !

A Rock like entity flew towards Berserk Seito, and opened to reveal a New Starbreaker, a silver StarBreaker !! Entering the Lightning force field unfazed, unscarred, unstoppable, and with one wholesome punch of a huge maximum StarBreaking armored Fist through the chest of the Berserk StarBreak, It sent Seito zooming across the whole ship and flying out to the dry rocky canyons below.

The children all came out of their safe rooms to watch, and cheer.

Firren panted in relief, as the new comer reached out a hand to Firren.

" Long time no see, my young apprentice."

Spake the heavy armored silver StarBreaker that looked like a huge piece of rock from a distance.

" Long time no see, Solo Senpai."

Firren smiled in relief, and took his hand.

[........To be continued]