
The Scared Kid

When everyone heard the video about the scared kid they thought what he said and what he showed was fake including you but it wasn't and it was


"You see this right?!" You hear coming from your younger brothers room in the next room over, the sound of the kids voice wouldn't have usually startled you if it didn't sound.... so real and genuine. You open the door to your bedroom and step out into the hallway. A slim bit of light coming from the closed windows, barely illuminating your path in front of you to your brother's room. You takes a few steps into the hallway. Remembering all of the Creaks and Placements of Tables. Finally seeing the open room of  your brothers room you step into your brothers room, comic books and Toy action figures line the shelves of his room.

Your brother sits at his desk with the computer turned on the light from the computer hitting his face as he watched the Computer on the desk with an intense glare. You walk to him and put your hand on his shoulder startling him, but he pauses it.

Bradi: "Crap you scared me!" You give him a pat on his shoulder giving him a slight relaxation.

Jay: "Sorry, I just... heard this weird scream come from in here. Was it that?" You point at The computer screen and he nods, the video shows two pale figures crouched down over a laying body under the barely visible street light because of the terrible quality. That's all you can see before your brother continues the video. The terrible quality turns back to a pale boys face, around your brothers age with a frightened expression on his face.

????: "I don't know what to do. Hopefully. This will reach some government official or something and they can stop this." He says in between ragged breaths. "My mom and dad are gone and left me alone with my 18 year old brother I don't know where he's at. I just hope he comes home soon." The boy points the camera again toward the figures under the streetlight.

Unfortunately for the kid, the two figures turn around and you can finally see the body under the lamplights. It's a kid maybe 15 years old he wears a brown shirt and blue pants with Nike black and white shoes. His insides are ripped out and sit limply over his body. The figure on the left is a white male bumps and bubbles form quickly and pop and reform a green goo falling out every time. He has blond, bloodied hair. And a pale face. The figure on the right is a brown woman with black hair and like the figure on the left. has bumps forming and popping. She has brown tank top and has jogging pants on. Finally the boy turns the camera back on his pale face and speaks.

????: "oh sh— they're coming, I'm going to upload this to YouTube so. Good luck to you all." The video ends and leaves you and your brother sitting in the dark. Your brother turns around in his chair and looks at you.

Bradi: "That's real... Don't ya' think?" He raps his foot lightly.

Jay: "Nope. Maybe it's just some prank or a trailer for some movie." You turn towards the door and start walking. But your brother stops you.

Bradi: "I checked in the description jay, it's not a trailer..."

Jay: "Okay, well I'm going to bed , you can do whatever." You step back into the dim light and back into your cold room. Pulling the covers over your head to hide yourself from the only thought coursing through your head

'Is It Real?'