
C H A P T E R - 6

I can't really remember much of what happened after that.

It's been a while, actually, to have this familiar feeling surge around me.

As I was walking past down the lake street, I'm taking a look at this beautiful sunset in the hills.

Cars just passing by and having their own worlds.

And then there is me.

I envy those people; who are... happy with their lives, couples who have their "someone" and love them wholeheartedly.

I stopped by my usual coffee shop and ordered the usual one before I come home.

As I was waiting for my drink, I noticed this boy. Looking at me from a distance, outside the coffee shop.

I may have seen him somewhere before. I think he goes to the same school as me. Maybe?

...Wait, have I?

Why am I unsure all of a sudden?

What the hell?

Then I caught a glimpse of him looking at me --

"One Large Iced Hazelnut Coffee for Sara on the go!"

"Oh shit, that's me. I should get going."