
Beelzebub: The Delinquency System

Koda Ihono was just a bullied boy with nothing going for him. That is, until he received the delinquency system and swore to change everything. Watch as the power hierarchy of the world is flipped on it's back by Koda Ihono, the one who will be the most vile, evil, disgusting trash of a delinquent to ever walk the earth.

Solo_Livid · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 20: Meeting The D'Ambrosio Family's Godfather

Discord: https://discord.gg/wRU9S2CnAQ


Koda sat in the upscale Italian restaurant, the aroma of gourmet dishes and expensive wines enveloping the room. This wasn't your typical criminal hideout; it was an elegant establishment that often hosted high-society gatherings. The perfect place for a discreet meeting with someone as influential as Vincent D'Ambrosio.

The dim lighting, soft music, and the clinking of fine china created an atmosphere of sophistication. Koda had gone to great lengths to secure a private room for this encounter, ensuring that their discussion would remain strictly confidential.

Finally, the moment arrived. The restaurant's host approached Koda's table and said, "Mr. Ihono, your guest has arrived."

Koda stood up as a group of impeccably dressed bodyguards entered the room. Following them was Vincent D'Ambrosio, a man whose reputation was known far and wide. Dressed in an immaculate suit and exuding an aura of power, Vincent was the epitome of a high-ranking mob figure.

The two men exchanged nods, and Koda extended his hand. "Mr. D'Ambrosio, I appreciate you coming."

Vincent shook Koda's hand with a firm grip and a calculating look. "The pleasure's mine, Mr. Ihono. I've heard intriguing reports about your endeavors."

"Ah have you? I do my best of course, I mean I don't know any other 15-year-old's who can make a million in a few months. I've made your family the biggest drug, weapons, and pleasure suppliers in Ishiyama... And I'm sure the world soon."

Vincent arched an eyebrow, impressed by Koda's candidness. "Indeed, your reputation precedes you, Mr. Ihono. You've managed to gain control over a substantial portion of the market in an astonishingly short time. Your ambition is clear."

Koda chuckled, the youthful confidence in his voice belying the gravity of their discussion. "Well, there's no fun in staying small, right?"

Vincent D'Ambrosio chuckled in return, a deep and throaty sound. "Indeed, Mr. Ihono. Life's too short to play it safe."

Koda smiled, looking around at the quiet people.

The two men dove into their conversation, discussing their respective interests, the challenges of their illicit operations, and the opportunities that lay ahead. Koda shared his vision of expansion, emphasizing the need for a powerful ally like the D'Ambrosio family to ensure a smooth path forward.

Vincent listened carefully, his experienced eyes gauging Koda's sincerity. "Your boldness is remarkable, Mr. Ihono. But what can you offer to solidify this alliance? The D'Ambrosio family isn't known for making agreements lightly."

Koda's smile dropped, eyeing the tables around them. D'Ambrosio had definitely rented the place out, every man and woman in the restaurant were his people. 

"What can I offer? I mean, I've already significantly raised the D'Ambrosio families value, no offense but what do you offer exactly? Besides collection and protecting my name just in case, but let's be honest, I'm doing most of the work."

Vincent D'Ambrosio was silent, he looked angry for a split second before a smile bloomed on his face. "Takamura was right about you, you're a strange lad..."

D'Ambrosio stood up, and the entire restaurant rose with him. "Mr. Ihono, a guaranteed 100 million US dollars, as well as full animosity and protection from the law. And..." D'Ambrosio paused, a cheeky smile on his face that made the smiling Koda drop his smile in a second.

'What's he planning.'

"Marriage," Vincent D'Ambrosio said, his eyes shining as Koda's heart dropped. 

'I underestimated them. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck...'

"Marriage to my daughter, once you are both of legal age of course, but for now you will date and get to know everyone in the family, I'm not saying you'll replace me of course... But you will be a D'Ambrosio if we continue this partnership, 50/50 split still of course."

Marriage. A merger of not just their criminal enterprises but their families as well. It was an audacious and unexpected move, a bold power play. Koda had always been agile, able to adapt to changing situations, but this was a game-changer on a whole new level.

He looked around the restaurant, the eyes of the other members watching, some curious, others clearly intrigued by the drama unfolding. This was a pivotal moment, one that would define the course of his life and his future. The decision weighed heavily on his young shoulders.

"Mr. D'Ambrosio, I appreciate the offer," Koda replied, his voice steady despite the storm inside him. "But marriage is a commitment that I'm not ready to make lightly. However, I'm open to building a strong partnership between our organizations and exploring other avenues of cooperation."

Vincent D'Ambrosio's smile never wavered. "Very well, Mr. Ihono. I understand that such a proposition requires time and consideration. Let's focus on the partnership for now, and we can revisit the other matter when the time is right. But for now, you will enter a relationsip with my daughter, get to know her and the family while you decide if you want to die or get married. We have an agreement?"

Koda paused, wanting to attack the man, but that would be stupid. "Alright... We have An agreement."


A drunk man and a woman walked sloppily along the dimly lit streets of Ishiyama City. The night had already taken its toll on them, with their stumbling steps and incoherent laughter echoing through the alleyways.

The man and woman came to a stop near a graffiti-covered wall, their slurred voices indicating that they intended to engage in less-than-legal activities. 

They stopped, however feeling something... Evil pass them.

"Ahh!" They screamed in unison before it was cut off, their throats sliced and their bodies dead on the floor.

"Human who freed me, I must find the human who freed me," A man's voice said with a low growl, as slurping sounds could be heard coming from the alleyway...