
Beelzebub: The Delinquency System

Koda Ihono was just a bullied boy with nothing going for him. That is, until he received the delinquency system and swore to change everything. Watch as the power hierarchy of the world is flipped on it's back by Koda Ihono, the one who will be the most vile, evil, disgusting trash of a delinquent to ever walk the earth.

Solo_Livid · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 18: God of Combat


Discord: https://discord.gg/wRU9S2CnAQ


Koda's eyes fluttered open. The harsh, unforgiving light of a single bare bulb hanging from the ceiling seared into his consciousness. His head throbbed with pain as he struggled to focus his vision. Panic coursed through him as he realized he was bound to a chair in the middle of a dimly lit kitchen.

As his senses sharpened, Koda's heart sank. He was surrounded by Rio Tanagawa's formidable men, who stood in a menacing semicircle around him, their expressions devoid of sympathy.

Rio Tanagawa himself was leaning casually against the kitchen counter, a predatory smile on his face. His perfectly tailored suit and slicked-back hair contrasted sharply with the grimy, rundown surroundings.

"Morning, Koda," Rio purred, his voice dripping with mock politeness.

"What the fuck? What is your deal!" Koda yelled, struggling against the restraints.


Rio chuckled, tapping his fingers rhythmically on the countertop. "I was gonna let you have your fun to be honest, I just made sure to be ready after you beat Takeshi, he's the weakest of the three but he was the strongest besides mine and Daichi's squads... It wasn't until I saw what you were like for real that I decided to bite this whole thing in the bud."

Rio opened the fridge, looking at Koda's family's food with disappointment. "I can't believe you were acting out so much when you're this poor..."

Koda's eyes flashed with anger, but he maintained his composure as best as he could. "You don't know a damn thing about me, Rio. I don't care who you think you are at school, I'm already city bound bitch"

As Rio rummaged through Koda's family's kitchen, Koda scanned the room for potential escape routes. His eyes landed on the window a few feet away from him. It was a longshot, but it might be his only chance. He'd need to escape his restraints first though.

"Besides," Koda continued, "you don't need to do this. We can work together, I struck up a deal with the D'Ambrosio Family, I'm sure we can split the profits..."

Rio glanced back at Koda, his expression a mix of amusement and annoyance. "You really think you can strike a deal with me now? It's too late for that, Koda. I hate competition. Daichi is a fucking idiot who's only strong, he's also poor, so he's no real threat... You however, you have the light."

"T-The light?" Koda asked, looking at Rio as the boy closed the fridge, opening up a thing of yogurt.

"Yes, the light, the urge to be better, the want to be the best. Not only that, but you made so much happen in just a little bit of time. I thought I was reading a manga every time I saw or heard about the things you do. So... I really need to kill you. I have so many plans for after I graduate, and you are the only piece of shit around who can really stop me..."

Koda decided to go for broke. "Come on, Rio. This doesn't have to be the end of this whole thing. I've seen how ruthless you can be, but I also know you're a businessman at heart. Let's find a way to coexist."

For a moment, there was a flicker of doubt in Rio's eyes, but it was quickly replaced by a cold, calculating look. "You're a pretty smooth talker, Koda. But I'll end this game before I'm invested, thanks for bringing this by the way," Rio said, holding up Koda's gun with a smile. 

"I've only seen fathers, but this one will do the job now then... With enough money, I can probably chalk it up to suicide. You were troubled, your girlfriend's nudes were leaked and you're neglected by your parents because they're always working... That sounds great~"


Rio dropped the gun, flinching ever so slightly as a bullet lodged itself in Koda's shoulder. searing white pain washing over him.

"Guh! What the fuck Rio!" Koda yelled, clenching his teeth as Rio picked up the gun again. "Sorry, this is my first time shooting a gun... But I might as well get used to it."

Koda looked down the barrel of the gun, his heart pounding.

The necessary requirements have been fulfilled, would you like to Activate God of Combat State?

"Anyway, goodbye Koda," Rio said, looking gleeful as he pulled the trigger.



Rio widened his eyes, looking up at the gun, a bloody hand was wrapped around the barrel, forcing the gun up.

Rio slowly looked down into Koda's eyes. No, those weren't his eyes. What had once been brown eyes, were now gold, shining bright as Koda looked much more muscular, and his brown hair was now a deep red.

"Fuck... My hand, seriously what the hell?" Koda said, his voice much deeper as he snatched the gun, crushing it and throwing it to the side as he walked off toward his jacket on the counter.

He took out a cigarette, lit it and exhaled in relief. "My god, everything is so strange like this, you look so small Rio, and my mind... Hah, it's filled with all these battles, it's crazy, I might go insane..."

'Not to mention... My stats.'

STR: 99


DEF: 99


CHA: 78

In "God of Combat" state, you are given the first God of Combats status, as your base form is weak, you can currently only hold this state for 200 seconds. 140 second remaining.

"Well... That gives me a reason to continue growing my stats huh? I wonder if I could hold it indefinitely if I got mine up to a certain point..."

Koda looked to the side, seeing Rio move in slow motion toward him, punching slowly toward his face.

"Wow... So slow," Koda said with a yawn, exhaling his smoke before jabbing Rio in the face.

He did it with his usual strength, but Rio's face collapsed in on itself, his skull broken as he flew slowly back, smashing into the wall and shattering his body, falling slowly on the counter in a sloppy bloody mess.

Time is up!

The world's time continued, and Koda's body turned back to normal, he felt so slow, so weak as he walked to the mushy bloody mess that was rio.

Slowly his eyes widened, and he jumped toward the sink, throwing up.

You have commited a Murder! Congratulations! Murder is the second most evil act that can be done in this world! You've recieved a reward for passing this milestone!

[Everything is fine]-

Use this scroll to make everyone think everything is fine. Killed someone? Everything is fine. Raped a girl? Everything is fine. Destroyed the world in a nuclear war? Don't worry, Everything is fine. (Can be used only once a year.)

Koda looked at the scroll as his hands shook, he looked between Rio and the scroll, feeling as if he would throw up again.

"Everything... Everything is fine."