
Beelzebub: The Delinquency System

Koda Ihono was just a bullied boy with nothing going for him. That is, until he received the delinquency system and swore to change everything. Watch as the power hierarchy of the world is flipped on it's back by Koda Ihono, the one who will be the most vile, evil, disgusting trash of a delinquent to ever walk the earth.

Solo_Livid · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 16 Fight with Rio's men Final


Discord: https://discord.gg/wRU9S2CnAQ


The dimly lit, smoke-filled pool hall was filled with the clinking of billiard balls, low conversations, and the occasional burst of laughter. It was a popular gathering spot for the city's criminal underbelly. Koda, after months of careful planned attacks and prostitution deals, had managed set up a meeting with one of the local gangs second in command, Hiroshi Takamura. 

As Koda entered the room, the chatter died down. Seeing a kid walk in was, for lack of a better phrase, fucking insane to the gang members.

He strode forward confidently, his leather jacket and unruly hair adding to his intimidating demeanor. Takamura, was already there, seated at a corner table with two of his well-dressed henchmen. Takamura was in his forties, with a scarred face that told tales of his years in the criminal world.

Koda took a seat opposite Takamura, and their eyes locked for a moment. It was a silent battle of wills. The room's atmosphere was heavy with tension, and everyone present knew that this meeting could quickly turn sour.

Takamura, breaking the silence, finally spoke in a gravelly voice. "So, Koda, what's this big deal you've got for us? I... Trust you aren't here to waste time, since there would be consequences for that kind of thing."

Koda didn't flinch as he felt the cold metal blade rest itself on his neck, knowing appearances were everything to these guys.

Koda leaned back in his chair, pushing the blade away and smirking. He pulled out a manila envelope from his jacket and slid it across the table to Takamura. "It's all in there, as discussed on the phone. The details of the operation, the risks involved, and the potential profits."

"A folder? Why can't you just tell me?" Takamura asked, squinting his eyes in suspicion as Koda rolled his eyes.

"My god, I thought you guys were gangsters," He said with a sigh, sitting up and side eyeing both henchmen behind Takamura. "Who knows who's a spy in this business, who knows who's looking for a way out... And who knows who's trustworthy here. Just read the damn folder yeah?"

Takamura's henchmen exchanged glances before the man took the envelope, nodding as he quickly skimmed through the contents. Takamura's eyes remained fixed on Koda, his silence making it clear that he expected Koda to elaborate.

Koda continued, "I've got a supplier in the next city over, one who can provide us with high-quality merchandise. The demand for these goods is rising fast. With your connections and distribution network, we could make a fortune. The risks are there, of course, but we've got the muscle and the cunning to handle it... As for the second business, I know it's a huge market, but I bet I could be the best there is..."

Takamura nodded, his scarred face showing no emotion. "Your profits are good, amazing in fact. I'll give you that. But the risks... they're substantial. You know that getting involved in this business means making enemies. And doing this kind of business is a sure way to get yourself killed.

Koda acknowledged the truth in Takamura's words. "You're right, making enemies is inevitable in this line of work. But that's why we've got to be ruthless. We've got to be smarter and more ruthless than anyone else out there."

Koda suddenly got up, faster than anyone could react. Takamura was a dangerous man, and he was not one to be nervous, but any man would be nervous with a Glock 19 pointed at them.

"Don't move," Koda said, eyeing the two henchmen. He then smile, pulling the pistol back and sitting on his chair. "We have to be more evil than everyone else... Even the Yakuza don't use guns after all

Takamura leaned back in his chair, his sharp eyes never leaving Koda. "You're not just asking us to take a risk, Koda. You're asking us to take a leap into the abyss. If we're going to partner with you, we need to know that you're willing to go to any lengths to protect our interests."

Koda's smirk remained. "Takamura, I've got nothing to lose. I'm ready to do whatever it takes to make this work. I'm not just asking you to take a leap; I'm already free-falling. The question is, are you ready to jump with me?"

Takamura sat there in thought for a long while, but finally, he held out his hand. "Kid... I think my boss will have a pleasure working with you."


Hana lay awake in her bed, staring up at the ceiling in silence. Tears welled up in her eyes as she couldn't shake the feeling that she was sinking into an abyss, consumed by a sense of hopelessness. The voices of her classmates echoed in her mind, cruel and unrelenting. She felt as if there was no way out, no escape from the pain that gnawed at her soul.

'Should I just... Die?'

"Hana?" Her mom's voice suddenly called out, her door opening without a knock. "Your friend is here."

Hana flinched at the word. Friend? She had no friends, not since... 'Ah... Koda,' She thought, sitting up robotically as the boy slipped past her mother, a kind smile on his face.

"Hey Hana," He said with such kindness, such compassion, that if she didn't know better she'd think it was real.

Hana's mother seemed uncomfortable, but she closed the door and went back to her house chores, leaving Koda and Hana alone in her room.

Hana laid back down, ready to hear whatever Koda would say to demean her this time. She'd... Gotten used to it.

Koda sat down on the edge of Hana's bed, his eyes soft with an unusual warmth. He didn't utter any insults or snide remarks. Instead, he simply looked at her, his expression one of genuine concern.

"Hana," he began, his voice surprisingly gentle, "I don't know what you're going through, but I know it's tough. I can see that you're hurting. I've said some terrible things, and I can't take them back, but I want you to know that I didn't mean them. I was just... messed up, and I took it out on you. I'm sorry."

Hana blinked in surprise, her heart skipping a beat. This was not the Koda she had come to expect. She cautiously replied, "Why are you being like this, Koda? What do you want from me?"

He set his hand on her head, stroking her hair gently. "Nothing, if you don't want to do that work anymore I won't force you."

Hana widened her eyes, her body shaking. 'I... Don't have to do it anymore?' She thought, staring up at Koda as if he was an alien.

"Haha, I see you're happy about that," Koda said sadly, "I'm sorry Hana," He said, grabbing her hand and bringing it up to his face, kissing it.

Hana looked even more shocked as she saw tears in his eyes. Koda? Cry. Something had to be wrong, who was messing with him.

'Wait... Why do I care? No I should just say I can't do it and-'

"Hana... I need you..." Koda said while he cried. In that moment he no longer looked like the usual monster she had come to expect, no he was now just that boy she'd met in elementary school, someone to protect.

'No...' Hana thought as she sat up. 'I need to stop, I need to scream, what am I doing?' Se tought as she kissed Koda, tears falling from her eyes.

"It's... Okay, I'm fine with the work... I won't leave you," She said with a shaky voice as Koda nodded with an innocent smile.

"Here," He said, putting down a stack of cash next to her. It was a power move. She knew that, she knew there was no chance she could leave now, every word he said was just trying to draw her in, and it worked.

"This is enough to bail your dad out, or pay rent for a few months until your mom finds a job..."

With these words, Koda stood up and walked toward the door. "Thank you Hana," He said with the same smile he'd been using from the start, but it seemed much more sinister than it had when he first walked in.