
Beelzebub: The Delinquency System

Koda Ihono was just a bullied boy with nothing going for him. That is, until he received the delinquency system and swore to change everything. Watch as the power hierarchy of the world is flipped on it's back by Koda Ihono, the one who will be the most vile, evil, disgusting trash of a delinquent to ever walk the earth.

Solo_Livid · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 11: Ryuuga's fall

"Bring her around again!" The men said as they walked off, leaving Hana on the floor with Koda leaning against his motorcycle, smoking a cigarette, and swiping through the pictures.

"You ready to go home? I think this is enough," Koda said nonchalantly to the girl at his feet covered in a white sticky substance. Her nether regions were bloody and clearly visible from her ripped dress.

Koda took another picture as she got up weakly, her mascara covering her face and her eyes dull.

"You did good," He said with a smile, her body shuddering as he placed her carefully on the motorcycle.

They got to her house quickly, and she weakly slid off the motorcycle and limped up to her house.

"I'll see you tomorrow, tell anyone about this and I'll really kill you Hana," Koda said before she got too far.

"I..." She said weakly. Her appearance was truly pitiful. "I won't tell anyone..." She finished, going into her house and shutting the door behind her.

"Where have you been! You and your boyfriend said right after... Hana?" Her father said, his anger ceasing as he looked at his daughter's appearance.

"W-What happened?" He said with a shaky voice, coming up to her slowly. He tried to grab her shoulders but she flinched back, her body shaking as she slid down the door, tears falling from her eyes.

"Daddy... Am I dirty?" She asked, crying as she looked up at her father, her eyes little black pools instead of their usual brown.

"Hana... What the hell happened?" Her father repeated, clenching his fists. He already knew, it was too obvious what had happened.


"Looks like his princess didn't show up today, should we try getting at Ryuuga-"

"Do you three ever stop gossiping? Fuck off," Koda said, walking past the girls again as he looked at his phone. Hana hadn't answered any of his messages over the weekend, and now she was absent.

'Guess it messed her up more than I thought...'

"You!" Ryuuga yelled suddenly, getting in Koda's face. Everyone turned and watched immediately. 

Koda raised an eyebrow, his gaze locking onto Ryuuga's intense eyes. "Me?" He said in a mocking tone, pressing a button on his phone as he smiled widely. "What do you want?"

Ryuuga didn't waste any time with pleasantries. "Where's Hana? You better not have hurt her or done anything stupid."

Koda couldn't help but smirk, playing it cool despite the growing tension around them. "Hurt her? You think I'd do that after our little date?"

The students watching held their breath, wondering what would happen next. Ryuuga paused after Koda said this, taking a step back. "Date? No, you're lying why would she go on a date with you..."

"Maybe she needed a real man to protect her instead of some horndog," Koda replied, his smile growing wider.

Ryuuga clenched his fists, clearly struggling to control his anger. "Don't play games with me, Koda. If you've done anything to Hana, you'll regret it."

Koda leaned in closer, their faces mere inches apart. "What's it to you, Ryuuga? Are you in love with her or something?"

Ryuuga glared down at him. "And if I am?" He said in a dangerously frigid tone. He was clearly on his last straw.

Koda wasn't worried though. He had made sure Hana was as loving to Ryuuga as possible. The truth about the boy was that he craved affection. He wanted to be loved by someone. So having Hana show him that affection had been the trap, roping him in as deep as possible in this short time.

Koda's lips curled into a sly smile, and he stepped back, putting a little distance between them. "Well, Ryuuga. If that's the case, you're in for a real treat. Hana's had quite the change of heart recently."

Ryuuga's eyes narrowed, his fists still clenched, but a flicker of confusion crossed his face. "Change of heart?"

Koda nodded, enjoying the torment he was causing. "Oh, absolutely. She's been spending a lot of time with me lately. You could say we've grown... Quite close."

The words hit Ryuuga like a ton of bricks. He could hardly believe what he was hearing. "What are you saying?"

Koda merely shrugged, his nonchalant demeanor infuriating Ryuuga even further. "I'm just saying that Hana might not be as clean and innocent as you think, in fact, she was moaning like such a little slut on Friday that-"

The tension between them reached its breaking point, and Ryuuga couldn't contain his anger any longer. With a fierce yell, he swung a punch at Koda, aiming to knock some sense into the smug delinquent.


"Geez, trying to attack someone you're conversating with? How disgusting..." Koda said as he used the end of his phone and smacked it between Ryuuga's last two knuckles, breaking his hand and sending the boy to the ground holding it in pain.

Just then, the sound of many phones went off, and Koda smiled even wider.

"If you find it hard to believe, just check your phone..." He said, hardly able to contain his laughter as gasps and disgusted expressions rang through from the crowd. 

Koda had taken dozens of pictures, and also a few videos of Hana's night adventure, and they were now sent to everyone who had a phone within a mile radius.

The entire schoolyard erupted in chaos as the scandalous photos and videos spread like wildfire. People huddled around their phones, gasping and whispering about the shocking content. Ryuuga's face turned pale as he watched the images on his phone, realizing what Koda had been saying.

"Do you understand now Ryuuga? No one can love you, you're just a useless delinquent with no future, why would any girl want you?" Koda said with a smile as he stood up straight, looking at the defeated boy.

"Just go crawl in a hole and die," He finished, turning around and walking off.

Ryuuga, shattered emotionally, couldn't find the strength to respond. He watched as Koda walked away, a bitter taste of defeat lingering in his mouth.

Koda had destroyed him without throwing a single punch. Ryuuga was beaten.

Meanwhile, at Hana's house, she sat shaking on her bed, watching the videos being sprea all around online.

"She's such a slut," One comment said. 

"Ew does she have no shame?" Another said.

"Isn't that Hana Kurosawa?"

"My life... Is over," Hana said in defeat, dropping her phone...