
Bedding My Vampire Mate

[Check out my new novel, "THE BILLIONAIRE'S BABIES ALL WANT ME"] "Greatness comes after the third death". .... Joanna Anderson, had nothing except the empty title of being the King's mate, making her a foe to everyone in the kingdom. Losing her mother in infancy, despised by her father and having suffered so much for years, she was pushed down a cliff and left to die. Kayden Greyson, the fifth King of Twipera, was a gentle and loving soul until the day he lost his beloved and everything changed. With the bitterness of heart and the mysterious death of all kings in their four years of reign, bothering him, he is helplessly faced with death. Can he find out the true cause and save himself or would he fall prey? And what has her survival had to do with his life? **** The wind howled in response as its sweetness, welcomed the body that was thrown into its embrace. "I have suffered too much all my life to end up like this. I don't want my life to end like a joke. I deserve more than what I got from life. I, Joanna, refused to die.” Tears rippled through her face as she closed her eyes waiting for the final destination at death’s door. But… it never came. No one has ever entered the Ancient Forest of No Return and come out alive but this powerless werewolf girl did. Not only coming back alive but with a system, making her powerful through completing missions. The last thing on Joanna's mind after returning was having a relationship or anything that has to do with love but the first mission she got changed everything. [Main mission: Seduce and make your mate hard and say I LOVE YOU] [Reward: 50 exp] [Failure: returning to level 1] Almost pulling out her hair or crying, the mission remained unchanged. She needed to seduce the king either way. ***** This is not your typical kind of werewolf novel. I can assure you that this book is different. All you need to do is to be a little patient and you will see the magic happen. Also to the curious ones who want to know, this is a romance story and although the MC has a SYSTEM the story won't be focused solely on the system aspect. It will explore the romance part of the story majorly, so those who are still contemplating, add the novel to your library

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Is Someone There?

These two people were the only ones who will get worried if she doesn't return home.

As much as her little brother likes her, she also loves him very much; she will never transfer the hatred she has for his mother and step sister to him just because he is their flesh and blood.

She will pay back each individual according to how good or bad they treat her.

"That is because Tony treats big sister the best," Anthony said with a smile.

"Big sister, don't worry after your birthday party and you get your powers, those who bully you will not be a match for you," Anthony tried to cheer his sister up.

"Also, when I grow up I will take revenge on all those who beat you up. I will teach them a lesson on your behalf, don't worry," Anthony beats his chest to show how serious he was.

"Then that means I will have to count on my little rice ball to grow up into a fine young man. I can't wait for that day to come," Joanna said beaming. She embraced Tony before she made him lay down on the bed. She covered his body with the blue quilts.

"It's already time for bed so let me tell you your normal bedtime stories," Joanna said, adjusting the way she sat on the bed. Joanna didn't even start narrating the bedtime story when Laura barged into the room and ordered Joanna out.

Laura glanced behind her when they were some distances away from Tony's room. "There are some clothes in the laundry and mum said she wants it washed, dried and well ironed before morning," Laura said in a carefree tone.

"My uniform is among and I want it washed, dried and well ironed…,"

"Didn't you warn me never to touch your uniforms so what…,"

"I have changed my mind so do as I say. Also you know what happens if you ruin any of the clothes right?" Laura asked, staring at Joanna's right thighs as a reminder.

Joanna subconsciously touched her right thighs after Laura left. The last time she burned Adhara clothes, the wicked woman had pressed her right thighs with the hot iron.

Even though that happened about three months ago she still feels the pain like it happened yesterday.

Joanna didn't bother to go to her room, she rushed to the laundry to get her task done for the night.

The scene she met at the laundry made Joanna's legs go weak.

Joanna stares at the heap of clothes lying before her not knowing whether to cry, laugh or pity herself.

"I guess no sleep for me tonight again," Joanna muttered. She didn't have time to waste. She hurriedly got to work.

If she wanted to finish the heap of clothes before the evil woman woke up, she knew she needed to wash faster than she has ever done and that is what she did.

The fear of hot water being splashed all over her body didn't dare make her slack or doze off.

By the time she finished everything it was time for her to do her normal early morning routine and that is exactly what she did.

As usual she left the house with an empty stomach but after receiving her daily dose of beating from the woman who complained that the meal she cooked was salty when that was a big fat lie.

Joanna left the house feeling terrible and her heart grew heavier when she recalled the event that took place yesterday. She knew there is no way the mean witches will let the matter slide. They will only stop chasing her until they take revenge.

She barely escaped yesterday and today she has to continue hiding if she doesn't want to be beaten blue-black.

Joanna was only able to hide away for three days.

On the third day, after writing the exam, she went to the restroom to ease herself only for the door not to open when she wanted to get out.

"Is someone there?" Joanna repeatedly knocked but none answered her calls. She was still seeking for help when she heard footsteps close to the washing hand sink outside.

"I know you are there so stop pretending and help me out."

Joanna waited for the one outside to help her only for someone to pour a liquid substance over the wall and onto her head.

Lowering her gaze to see what was poured on her, she was shocked to see blood all over. She was drenched from head to toe by the strange blood. The blood even splashed on the white tile walls.

She didn't need to be a seer to know those behind this cruel act.

"Something stinks, can you perceive it?" Nora standing a wall away from where the locked Joanna stood said.

"What could stink so much, oh my gosh?" Tiffany asked, pretending as though she wanted to puke.

The other girls wanted to laugh seeing Tiffany's dramatic look but they suppressed their laughter.

"What could it be if not, stinky Joanna," Doris said, causing others to burst out laughing.

"We know you have just offloaded the meal you ate in the morning into the toilet that is why we specifically came to feed you. I hope you love it, stinky Joanna?" Sophie said, smirking evilly.

"Thinking back now, I see that we brought her the wrong meal. Since she is a werewolf, her meal is supposed to be raw or cooked meat right…," Doris dragged to lay emphasis on the fact that Joanna wasn't a vampire. She signals Tiffany to talk.

"How could you call it the wrong meal? Have you forgotten that stinky Joanna is neither a vampire, werewolf or a human, haha…," Tiffany jeered at Joanna, laughing hard at the end of her sentence. The others ended up laughing even harder.

The drenched Joanna stood there not knowing what to do.

Who should she blame for her predicament?

Should she blame her deceased mother for giving birth to her or should she blame her fate for being so unkind to her.

Even when she was in her mother's womb she began suffering both from starvation, cold and even heat.

All these became worse when she came into this world.

Her mother died of poor health two years after giving birth to her. She was almost frozen to death after being born because her father didn't care about her.

She is considered his biggest mistake so how could he care about her living or death?

Right now she has no mother to blame so she could only blame it on her cruel fate.

"Be careful stinky Joanna because the next time you go close to our beloved king, Tiff's man, it might be the effect of scorching water you will be suffering from," Nora said with pride. The girls left the restroom after completing their task.

"Hey Joanna, why are you sulking? You should be happy that they let you off by doing this instead of hitting you until every part of your body aches. Be happy," Joanna muttered to herself. A painful smile appears on her face.

"Maybe things will get better when you regain your powers on the full moon which is also your eighteenth birthday," Joanna tries to make herself feel better by saying these words. But these words didn't stop her heart from bleeding even more.