
To the Capital (Part 5)

"Hahahahaha!" A sinister laugh came about

"So it was you! It was you who stole my hard-earned fruits of labor!" like a demon who just had been unleashed to the very surface of the human empire, Ai showed his domineering aura with his seething anger.

It was his effort to pick those fruits! It had to be his breakfast today! He had to be full today! But everything became nowhere at all! TOTALLY INFURIATING!

"Heh, it wasn't our fault also, it wasn't you who didn't notice us at all, and also why can't you share your blessings then? I saw you that you had spare food for this morning right?" Mei Mei looked at Ai then gaze over Liu in an imposing manner, totally disregarding the other who had a fire already burning in his head

"HUHHH!? A flat mountain dare to mock me eh? Eh- eh what's that? There's nothing there at all huh, aren't you crossdressing? Are you a male instead huh? A beauty without mountains? How disgraceful" Ai then blurted insults towards the imposing woman

"You-YOU!!!!" Mei Mei was angry right now, she new that she was not blessed with those large mountains but it doesn't mean that she's not gonna be immune to insults regarding her malnourished mountains, OF ALL YOU COULD SEE! Why would my mountains be heard of!

"Come! FLAT MOUNTAIN! FIGHT!" Ai taunted Mei Mei more

Huh, you dare mock me after you stole my fruits. You're way too young to make this daddy of your's kneel down. Let me slap you with my insults then let's see who stand gloriously

Seeing the woman and Ai fighting each other, Liu can't help but laugh at the both of them, but still he recognized this group, especially Ni Zhou, they talked once about a matter on school so he still remember him, they traded glance to each other and nodded.

"Now, now, everybody I believe you're not here to do something bad right?" Liu looked at Ni Zhou

and the latter smiled and nodded

"And Ai you can fight later on after we reach the capital, our goal is to reach the capital, these group is from the village so we can talk about you're grandiose fight okay?" Liu tried to pacify the Raging Ai

"Hmmph, I'll let this matter slide since my brother is begging me to spare you! Hmmph!" Ai angrily said to the flatmountained woman infront of him

Liu was stumped at the shamless of this guy, I never begged you to stop, I just tried to pacify you that's all, you assuming bastard.

Liu thought to himself

"Oh yeah, like a chibi like you can ever reach me," Mei Mei retorted an insult to the small man

It was not that Ai is really small, but rather Mei Mei is much taller than him, so it puts him in a chibi position

"It's okay to be a chibi, but a woman without mountains is much for disgraceful than a man who is chibi, tsk." with a look of disdain Ai turned his back to the lady

"Y-you!" Mei Mei was at loss here, she knew that she can't defeat this scoundrel with talk so she decided to shut up

Seeing the two still was at their word war, Liu just brushed his shoulders

"Since we've already here why not make a new party then?" Liu proposed

"NO! NEVER! EVER!" Ai was the one who disagreed

Liu already foresaw that this bastard brother of his would disagree, so he whispered something on Ai and later on Ai silently nodded after,

"Not bat, Mei what do you think about it?" Ni Zhou didn't agreed right away because he knows that Mei Mei had an authority of deciding since they were in the same age,

"Hell no! I don't want to be close to a chibi!" 'Mei Mei disapproved the whole thing directly

Same with Liu, Ni Zhou already saw this coming so he whispered something on Mei Mei and the latter nodded her head silently

Since Ye Xie cannot yet give decisions she was forced to come along to the two wierd boys.

The group that consisted of 5 people traveled to mountains, they crossed rivers, and slept into bushes same as before.

They had a smooth travel to be precise, there wasn't a problem, like the other day that Ai and Liu was chased by a snake.

The time they spent to travel was more on introducing theirsevles, knowing one another and some gibberish word war betweein Ai and Mei Mei.

Time passed quickly and they were already at the boarder of the forsest

"Look! I can see the capital already! Mei Mei shouted excitedly, she was excited because she can be enrolled in the capital as a apprentice mage and on top of that she can be separated from the midget that was her mortal enemy

Seeing the excited woman, Ni Zhou smiled

They were now in the capital, the place where they would really end up making as an official mage,

tears slowly appeared in his eyes, he remembered his mother and father and her two sisters, hey didn't make it, as for the two sister's of his he doesn't know where they are right now, they were separated because of the panic of the people that time, scared silly he ran offwhere and soon he realized that he left his sisters in the house,

Ni Zhou regretted this stupid action of his, so he promised himself that he'll work hard and be brave enough to face demons like that, and also find his two sisters

Ye Xie was asleep, she was a kid so easily get's tired after walking a rough bumpy path.

After viewing the capital at a far distance, the group decided to walk forward to their very destination.

Ai was in deep thought while walking

Many things happened that time, they were forced to go to the capital urgently, a beast appeared, a read veil covered the whole village, a demon's emergence and to top of that a Blast of grand magic eradicated the whole village,

He was surprised and amazed and also scared, so this was magic, it can turn someone into a god and someone into a trash, he promised himself to be a great magician someday and take revenge for the sake of the people in the village that took care of him, they may not be closely related to him but it was them who openly conversed to him and counseled him about his false fabricated stories, he felt a tinge of sadness seeing them die, he not gonna make their heroic and glorious act that night to go to waste.

Someday, sometime I will avenge Mu Village


A loud bell resounded on Ai mind and he fainted