

Letters appeared again and they rolled


It was fast from the first and got slow after, the letters were making the spectators gulp, are they really having another S division student? Although many were confused in this incident, some where having their minds getting crazy also, they expect Ai to be in S class because of this incidents and also him being a Quadro Elemental Mage

The letters got now slowed on letter


and it turned to letter E

Ai was exhilarating at this moment, the letters still was moving, that means the next letter would be S!

He was a S student!

Liu and his group had their hearts thumping more furiously this time, it was visible that the letters is still moving just that is was really slow, unbelievably Ai would be in S division, they already foresaw this earlier, but they want to see it with their own eyes that the letter would be S

The Officiators were now grinning non-stop,

" As expected! AN S!" the other man told the 3 men in blue coat

"you need not to say that An Mu" the man with a patch on his eyes said to the one who shouted

"Let's just see with our own eyes, and also" the head officiator beckoned a guard towards him

"Prepare the necessities for another S student. I believe that lad is an S student" the HEad officiator told the guard

The guard nodded his head and left.


"Shit! He's gonna be an S!"

"Oh my! an S!"

"That's for geniuses right??"

"He must be powerful that's why"

Whispers filled the stadium,

Then the letter on the stone turned S! and it stopped!

The onlookers were turned silent this time,

And screams erupted


"Hohohoho! Lucky GUY!

Many were jealous to this guy,

The most happy group were Liu's group he had already expected this outcome, just having the Quadro Elemental Mage was enough to rattle the world

Everyone was smiling, looking at Ai, specially the officiators,

It really happened another S student was born again! The Academy will now rise it's ranks in the Yearly Competition between Magical Academies

The 4 officiators went down and congratulated the dazed Ai,

Ai was surprised to this, he was really expecting this but to really achieve it on hand he was really surprised..

But then, the letter from letter S changed to E again and it shone so bright and stopped

"...." Liu's group

"...." Officiators

"...." Onlookers

Ai was gonna go down and boast his achievement when the stone shuddered and shown letter E. All his boasting towards his brother Liu had been drained on the spot. He was feeling happiness when really struck him really really hard, the once Student of S division turned out to be actually a student of E division!

"I-I" Ai was gonna say something about the stone being wrong or malfunctioning, he was gonna say that he belonged to S division but then


The stone seemed to understand what Ai was gonna do so it shown so brightly with a humongous letter E showed.

Ai was truly shocked at the stone, he was gonna say the stone was malfunctioning and yet the stone already indicated the he really belonged to E division



Ai was gonna try saying something to the officiators when the stone blinded everyone with light and a giant letter E was floating in the sky witch golden runes circling around it.

The officiators were stumped on this, this phenomenon never happened once at all, and what about the stone, the stone seemed to truly indicate that man was E. It even made the letter A giant floating in the sky.

"Sheesh" The head officiator embarrassedly went to Ai and patted him shoulders.

"Kid, the stone is really implying you're an E," he told the kid with jaws dropped on the floor.

"I-I-I" Ai was really lost at words here, he didn't understand this at all,

The crowd was also flabbergasted in this, they were scammed by the stone afterall.

"Alright, alright, welcome to the E division. Now go" The head officiator told Ai

"Alright then" Ai responded without emotion


Ai walked out of stadium filled with embarrassment towards his group, he knew that Liu would tease him to death with this.