

The School Life went on as usual

Its not because the teachers are incapable but this is what a teacher can offer because of their remoteness their resources about magic is hell limited as well all about mana.

People who managed to awaken elements will be summoned on the capital to be nurtured and thought thoroughly about magic and its different forms, offensive, defensive, trap, Aoe spells, and individual spells as well as Buff spells

So remote village are given manuals about mana. as a basic foundation for a magician in the near future. To build a sturdy foundations is a must in order to be an excellent magician.

Its like building a house, if your foundations is sturdy then it will be strong and last more in the challenge of time but if it isn't then it will be destroyed in the short run.

A week has already passed since his transition in this world.


Ding! Ding ! Ding!

"Class dismissed and go home now, study well the awakening is up right ahead in month's time and also the school have given you tomorrow till Till the 1st of the month as a self study to your basics, after that the ceremony of awakening will start and it will be the time to reap the rewards of your hard work." the teacher dismissed the class while smiling

End of class

"Ai can we to for a bit?" Liu asked Ai in all seriousness

"Well I'm done with the studies so I have time" Ai looked at Liu and he seemed to be really serious in this matter, is Liu gonna force me out? I barely lived in this world, I cant let him force me out, shit hell if I even wake up tomorrow safe if I dont have a shelter to rest my body to. This beautiful body of mine shall not be tainted and abused I am so heavenly handsome there will be lots of those who will abuse me.

Ai became restless after walking a bit with Liu in the house.

Ai had been observing Liu since they left the school and the latter had been so serious that his jokes doesn't even make this guy laugh or smile even one bit.

Feeling nervous and scared, Ai had already planned to bow or even submit his own self for the guy in order to avoid being exiled from the shelter he is staying

The duo then came to the house..

At the kitchen Liu had been so silent and went to cook food for dinner, which naturally makes Ai much more terrified

Even in Dinner Liu had been silent and not even batting an eye on Ai, which is not normal because when these two ate they would be like a broken radio, yip yapping non-stop

But today was different.

"Ahh- ahmm Liu?" Ai anxiously asked

"Ai" Liu sighed deeply then continued " the thing is, you know you've been living in my house for the past week and were all like brothers, well I already considered you to be my brother, just that" Liu cut his words and stared at Ai intently

Seeing this Ai hurriedly kneel down infront of Liu, heck! this is it! He's gonna send me out!

Shameless I may be! But this is for the safety of your Heavenly handsome prince!

"Liu!!! Dont PUUUUUULLLLEEEEEASSSE! Dont send be out!" Ai gave a red carpet acting with effects of snort and tears so big like a pearl dripping out of the human eyes,

"I will do anything you want! I'll become your slave! Just don't send me out, I need a shelter, Your the only friend I have! my Brother! My highness! Please!" Sorting out all of his acting skills, this assuming bastard put through all his heart in this matter

'No matter what I must not be sent out!' Ai swore on his self

Liu was gonna say that he wanna take Ai as his family but This?! THISS!? WHAT IS THIS!

Liu became stupidly dumbfounded at what this bestfriend of his have done in front of him

S-Send out? When did he ever say that he's gonna send Ai out?! HAHAHA

Liu then calmed his startled self and patted the shoulders of this freaking assuming friend of his and lift him up. " What are you doing Ai? Gosh! You're so ugly! When did I ever say I was gonna push you out of this house? Were so close like family and yet Im gonna put you out?!" Liu said this while laughing at this stupidity of Ai has done

Ai then became much more dumbfounded at Liu reaction and he realized that he jump into conclusion! Embarrassed! If there were only a hole here to hide my embarrassing self!

With his Snort and tears and red carpet acting, and all was for naught because he jumped onto conclusion on his own? Ai you've become very assuming, It was right that assuming things would hurt you in the end.

" The truth is, I don't want to stay to be friend anymore" Liu sternly looked in Ai' eyes


Ai's heart skip a beat! Oh god! A lover?! A CONFESSION?!

"A-a-a L-l-l-over then?" Ai said while stuttering


" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You're very Hilarious man! HAHAHAHA " Liu almost died at laughing at this mans wits, he sometimes became so witty but this is the first time he saw Ai become an idiot and an idiot among all idiots!

" No! " Liu quickly said

" Hell! then tell me! Shit! Ai replied angrily at Liu

If glare could kill then this Liu would have been dead now

"Become my brother, a real one at that, not any fabricated stories you have" Liu straightly said

Naturally, Ai's world froze. Time seemed to have stopped

Assuming Ai HAHAHA

SHIXuemancreators' thoughts