
Becoming The Richest Person By The Daily Special Price System

Author: Clouds Become Dragons
Magical Realism
Ongoing · 529.2K Views
  • 40 Chs
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What is Becoming The Richest Person By The Daily Special Price System

Read ‘Becoming The Richest Person By The Daily Special Price System’ Online for Free, written by the author Clouds Become Dragons, This book is a Magical Realism Novel, covering SYSTEM Fiction, FACESLAPPING Light Novel, RAPIDDEVELOPMENT Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: [Ding! A Lamborghini Veneno is now on a flash sale for $9.90!][Ding! Shares for Target Corporation are now on a flash sa...


[Ding! A Lamborghini Veneno is now on a flash sale for $9.90!] [Ding! Shares for Target Corporation are now on a flash sale for $99!] [Ding! A King Villa worth 100 million dollars is now on a flash sale for $2!] … … After his girlfriend ditched him for a rich guy, Christopher unlocked the Daily Special Price System. He could purchase anything valuable in real life at an extremely low price. Everything felt like a dream and Christopher could already envision a perfect life ahead of him. Moreover, he discovered that there were all sorts of peculiar items available in the system, such as a Comprehensive Body Enhancement and various elixirs!

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Han Tae Sook is a young boy who always got bullied in school,his father always hated him and he only had his stepmother by his side,his father was a crazy man who enjoyed torturing others,and always had several women at his side,he only used his wife as a sex toy and his stupid son as a punching bag. Then was he was sixteen,his mother got hit with a severe sickness,She had cancer,and his father had refused to help her so she ended up dying in Tae Sook hands,Tae sook had lost it he didn't eat for days,neither did he get out of his room,all he wanted was his mother back ,three days after his mother's death he saw his father getting sucked off by a strange woman,then finally he completely lost it,he closed his eyes and all he could see was his father's psycopathic acts,his father was a lunatic,and now so was he Then after staying in his room all alone for two weeks,he went to school,he had changed a lot,he became one who could not tell between wrong and right,he became cold and distant, Then when he couldn't take it anymore he went to the toilet and cried there but his bullies came to him and started bullying him,so he killed them,then he left the school,the news had spread and everyone knew he had killed,then his father who was afraid of losing his good reputation bribed the media to hide the news and sent him far away to the United States.He told him to leave him and count him as dead in his life his father promised him money,education, for him to never show his face to him till death comes And he did just that,he went to US and studied there he never showed his face to his father and had changed his name to Kai,then at the age of twenty two he became a successful bussinessman that hid himself no one knew him,he had also became a crazy psycopath who took care of his things in his own crazy style,he had no mercy to people who wanted to mess up his plans and those who dared to anger him,the only person that he cared about was Leonard his young brother He felt nothing to hurt innocent people that's why most people tried to keep themselves on his good side, Then one day when he was back in Korea,he met this girl who had been sold to an old man by her uncle her dress had been ripped and her body was full of scars she was crying and begging him to help her,the only reason he took her in and took her from the man was because she looked as hopeless as his mother had been,seeing her like that bought some feelings in his cold heart so he unknowingly gave her a soft spot in his heart secretly He had made her help him with raising his young brother Han Tae Yoon that preffered being called Leonard,he was his young brother who had been isolated at his doorstep when he was a baby,he was the baby of the woman who was making love to his father three days after the funeral of Kai's mother,she was a model so she couldn't risk having a baby now that is what she wrote on the note,he had to raise him alone because he didn't want the baby to be as pathetic as he was,and now Leo was eight years old,but the boy kept calling him his father and kept asking for a mother so when he brought the girl to his home, he thought it was a perfect opportunity,and made Lee Seo Jun,his mother, But will the poor girl be able to handle him,a man who changed women everynight and his rules??,but as they lived,She slowly began to fall for him,even though the man was a cold jerk and she sets on a mission to win over his heartless soul,and make herself the only woman he loves and cares about Will she ever succeed?,and what happen when the girl learns about his mental condition?? Read to find out

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AKVN · Anime & Comics
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Raw: 首富从特价购物系统开始 626 Chapters No MTL (yet) [img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins]


raw pls....[img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp]


I love the plot of the novel, it's very alluring and interesting. am waiting for the release of the novel...............................👍🙏👌👌👌👌👌🙏🙏🙏🙏🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


chinese novel where they hard to believe that he is rich and he continuesly face slapping them i don't know but chinese people are really love to mock other people


Very basic Chinese style face slapping novel. nothing interesting here. '


I m Angry.... 6 Chaps & Then Premium... What A Greedy Author. ...............................................................................


Reveal spoiler


Gave it a 3 all around because it locks to early to really get a feel for the story. Also once i started reading the raw novel the names and a few other things are slightly different.


kya plot hai bhai maja a gaya mujhe aur logon ka to pata nahi h lakin mai jarur ye waali novel pakka padhunga . I am waiting for it to be released soon to read .


Concept is cool but everything else is pretty bad. The MC doesn't even try to hide it, it's pretty bland, MC is prideful and 2D, it's brain-dead is the best description. If you want something generic, boring and overly sensitive but also prideful MC turn off your brain and read this.


What is this even? He gets company shares like nothing. Where do they come from, you cant just get 70% of a company. Where do these shares come from? The former share holders all died at the same moment? If you are using a world setting that is supposed to be close to reality you have to use some logic while writing. And how do you think people are supposed to get an impression on the story with 5 free chapters? No one unlocks/buys chapters to a book he doesnt no anything about on this platform.


pls update soon [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


Reveal spoiler




When this title would be release ? 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


story is good and well developed and characters is also good but updating story is pretty bland try updating more frequently good luck 😊 😊




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