
0006 Road Repair_1

Translator: 549690339

Ellen Young arrived at the rear of the village, at the house left by Mr. Young.

In fact, it was just a few dilapidated tile-roofed houses with a large courtyard, situated atop a hill slope. The house was very large. Standing in the courtyard and looking out, one could see layers of mountain terraces overlapping, and the view was quite nice—spectacular and beautiful—though the appearance of the house itself was a bit shabby.

The village head helped her put down her things and was taken aback to see that Ellen Young had already dug up the courtyard, "What are you digging the courtyard for?"

Ellen Young said in a gentle voice, "I'm making a pond to raise fish for my own cooking. Over there, I'm going to plant vegetables, and on this side, I'll set up a shelf with a swing."

Such things are actually not too common in the countryside. Upon hearing her plan, the village head grinned, "Educated kids really do have plans. If you need help, just tell the village head, and I'll help if I can."

Ellen Young nodded.

After putting down the items, the village head left.

Ellen Young first walked into a room on the left; to its right was a small room, the kitchen.

Ellen Young entered the living room, which was too messy. The dirt floor was frozen, uneven, and cracked in some places.

This wasn't where Mr. Young lived later in life; it was the house he had stayed in with Ellen Young when she was a child. As he grew older, Mr. Young moved to the front of the village to have people look after him, and the house had been vacant ever since, left unattended.

Ellen Young liked the quiet, and this place was more than suitable.

Inside the living room, there were a few wooden benches and a wooden table also covered in cracks, on which a mishmash of unpacked items was scattered. A very thin, palm-sized black cellphone rested on the table.

It was so thin, in fact, that if not for its black color, it would be nearly indistinguishable from a piece of glass.

Due to its cool design, it seemed somewhat out of place among these items.

Ellen Young walked over, picked it up, and dialed a number. The screen lit up.

The other side picked up quickly, the voice respectful and cautious, "Yes?"

Ellen Young said, "I want to build a road in Haran Village. Access is not very convenient."

In the past, she had only been focused on her research and studies. With everything running at high speed, various assistants took care of all the basic matters while she was solely responsible for the research, hardly noticing these kinds of things.

But now that she had returned, she realized her village couldn't remain the same.

It needed development.

Building a road was essential.

The person on the other end replied, "We'll build it, build it, build it, the construction team, designer, and planning team will get it arranged for you right away, the latest within ten days!"

Ellen Young said, "I'll need some supplies, remember that, and some special seeds from my laboratory. Move them here, I'm changing their growing location."

The person hesitated, "To Haran Village?"

Ellen Young confirmed, "Mhm."

"Is the environment suitable there?"

Ellen Young replied, "I'll make it suitable."

The person was silent for about three seconds before saying, "Do you really not need us to come help you there? Living alone can be inconvenient, and we've already arranged a place for you in Imperial City…"

Ellen Young retorted, "If I wished for that, would I still need you to arrange it?"

The person fell silent again.

Ellen Young added, "The countryside is quiet, let it be."

With that, she hung up the phone promptly.

The things she needed would be delivered soon enough.

After the call, she set down the phone back on the table, and upon closer inspection, one would see a layer of thin plastic paper underneath it.

After all, it was too dirty.

She walked outside, taking in the surroundings with a deep breath.

Here, it was truly peaceful.