
Becoming the new Protagonist of the Game’s World

4 chapters per week - Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday - 20:00 UTC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Can there be two protagonists in the world? It was an impossible feat to achieve while playing the game. But now that Loic Ferblanche has reincarnated into the same game world, he will try to archive the impossible once again.   Follow the path of the genius boy to see how he changes everything to create a world where two protagonists can exist at the same time.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the first novel I’m writing, and I need your comments and reviews to grow. Please drop some!

Mickey1207 · Fantasy
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35 Chs



"No, we won't. It's just a hypothesis we came up with after a few hours of research. Nobody will take it seriously, but it should be enough to impress the instructors and get a perfect score."


After hearing his explanation, I was really impressed by his intellect. I already knew he was a genius, but seeing it with my own eyes left me in awe. It may have been just a hypothesis, but everything he said made perfect sense. There wasn't a flaw in it. It was as if he could understand and think exactly like Arandir Exla himself.


'Simple deduction!'


How can you say that with a straight face? There was absolutely nothing simple about it. It was completely on a whole other level than how a normal person could think.




Once again, I started feeling goosebumps over my whole body. My instinct was trying to warn me not to be on his bad side. Was I really planning to make him my subordinate? How stupid could I be? Rather than him becoming my subordinate, I could end up being his subordinate instead.


I started remembering what happened during the combat class a few days ago. Pride and arrogance won't bring me anywhere. In order to fulfill my goal, I will need him to voluntarily help me. But what should I do?


"Axel, did you already decide which club you are going to join when the second semester begins?"


"No. It's only been a week since classes started. Why are you asking?"


"I just wanted to know. I'm actually planning to visit the Spirit Club later. Do you want to accompany me after we finish the assignment?"




'The spirit club'


That was the same club Nyx joined in the game. And during the second semester, a member of that club was going to make a mistake, and a dark spirit would be summoned. But before it could wreak havoc, Nyx and Lucas would kill it together. That was going to be the start of their romance.


"Spirits sounds interesting, but unfortunately, I already have a prior engagement later."


"Oh, you have a really busy schedule. Alright, I don't want to keep wasting your time, so let's finish this as soon as possible."


We stopped the small talk and concentrated solely on finishing the assignment. I was in charge of writing my hypothesis, while Nyx was in charge of writing all of Arandir Exla's achievements. And after two and a half hours, we finally finished.


"I can't wait to submit it on Monday and receive our score. I hope we are in the same group next time, Alex."


"Maybe we will be if the groups are formed 'randomly' like this time."




Nyx started laughing at my comment. If anyone saw her right now, they would be completely charmed by her radiant smile, which was lighting up her entire face with warmth and joy. The game forum always mentions her as a goddess. But it didn't make any difference to me. I don't care about the outer appearance of a tool; I only value its usefulness.


After parting ways with the elf princess, I immediately called the president of the student council.


"What can I do for you, Loic?"


"Are you free right now?"


"Of course I am. You told me yesterday to free my schedule, and that's exactly what I did."


"Alright, I'm on my way to your office."


"Wait, let's meet somewhere else. Your sister is still working right now, and we don't want her to question why we are meeting again, right?"


"Ok. Where do you want to meet then?"


"I will send you the location. Let's meet in half an hour."






I was standing in front of a small restaurant. But it wasn't any ordinary restaurant. I read the sign in front of the entrance.


'Cupid cafe'


Yes, most people would have already guessed by its name that it was a cafe design for couples at the academy.


"Alex Fawn, the president is waiting for you inside. If you could please follow me,


I followed the tall man inside, and he directed me to a private room. There, I saw the president wearing a floral dress.

"Why did you choose this place?"


"Well, isn't it the perfect place for our first date?"


"Oh, you are already trying to charm me. Is that why you're wearing make-up and such an expensive dress? You should already know that those things don't have any effect on me."


"I know, but you still notice them, right? Don't worry, I will be able to change your emotions soon."


How troblesome. I looked around and noticed that we were in a large room. There weren't any windows on any walls, and only one table and two chairs were in the middle. The table was already filled with food, and I could guess that the president had already ordered everything in advance so that nobody could disturb us later."


"Are you sure this is a safe place to talk?"


"Looks can be deceiving. You taught me that when we came here for the first time."


"What do you mean?"


"Outside, this place is a normal cafe with a romantic atmosphere for couples. But in reality, this place is actually my headquarter. This room is a special one that was imprinted with a silence barrier. So even if you yell, nobody will be able to hear you outside."


"I see. Now I understand why everyone is calling the first prince a playboy."


"You already made the connection?"


"Who do you think I am?"


"You are right; I'm already used to your intellect, but it still surprises me every time. Just like you have already guessed, the first prince comes here every day to assign a task to each member, and to avoid any suspicion, he always brings a girl with him."


"Except Samuel, who else do you have under you?"


"Here, I have already made a list of everyone who is currently working for me."


The president gave me a few sheets of paper, and I could see at least 300 names on them.


"How many can you trust?"


"All of them. I hand-picked them myself based on my previous life experience."


"And who among them knows about me?"


"Don't worry, I haven't revealed your real identity to anyone. But I told them that you're a promising figure and not to do anything against you. I told them that during this meeting, I would be trying to convince you to join our organization. So, what is your answer?"


"Are you asking me to include your organization in all of my plans?"


"Of course, from the perspective of the members, I'm the leader. But we both know that you are the real mastermind."


"Can I meet some members? There are a few names on that list that even I don't know."


"Just tell me who and when, and I will organize everything perfectly. But first, there's someone who you should be aware of."




"Did you notice that someone has been following you since the first day you set foot inside the academy?"