
•~•Chapter 184•~•

Virgil and Dale easily step back to avoid the shower of metal, Drew using this opportunity to drag a bitching Jake to safety, the reason the Head Beta had cursed earlier was because as soon as both Alphas made their appearance, Jake had ordered the Warriors to take the Omegas out to the woods.

It was like the idiot was hellbent on having himself ripped to shreds.

Jaxon's voice filters in to Dale and Virgil at this very moment, distracting them further from chasing after Jake and Drew.

'Dale! Virgil! They're moving again!' 

Jaxon all but screams into their heads, making them wince.

'Sure, we might have an idea of where they went, keep us updated though.'

Virgil replies, leaping over the pile of fire irons, Dale following quickly behind him as they dashed down the hallway in pursuit of the other Werewolves.

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