
Becoming the king of apocalypse as a Zombie

This novel will be paused for the time being. A former underground boxer decides to live a good and normal life. after deciding to attend the concert of his favourite Japanese idol to have a good time he wouldn't expect that his fate would change forever. a sudden blinding flash of light in the outer atmosphere followed by a loud bang caused everyone to lose consciousness. 1 day after everyone passed out people started to wake up. when Joseph woke up he saw that people were vomiting blood and falling down and after several seconds they would get up and attack people that were unaffected by what had happened the scene of seeing nearly 50000 people fighting and running for their lives made him realize that he needs to get out of there no matter what but as soon as he decided to get up and run... Hi this is my first time writing a novel and English is my 3rd language but I will try my best to write an interesting novel pls go easy on me ^-^ Read the auxiliary chapter for more information

Miyuki_Cat · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Unexpected turn of events

Joseph now had successfully dispatched every second rank agility type zombies.

He now only had to fight the strength and mage types. the busty lady was still giving commands to her Legion 30 minutes later on the roof of buildings surrounding the building Joseph was standing on many zombies appeared.

Each building had 3 Conjurers accompanied by 4 Warriors protecting them.

Seconds later Conjurers started casting many different offensive type spells, Joseph dodged most but got hit by a few however thanks to Holy shroud there wasn't any serious damage. Joseph located the strongest Conjurer and throw his Battleaxe as hard as he could his strength was nothing to scoff at before the Conjurer could even come to its sense it died with a big crack splitting its head the force behind the axe was so high that the axe flew away into the distance after killing the Conjurer.

Throwing his weapon wasn't the best thing, but that Conjurer was a lightning type mage and in a prolonged fight, it could deliver serious damage to him. Warriors didn't make any moves and just stood there protecting the Conjurers it was the first time that Joseph saw strength type zombies not being aggro and keeping their distance.

Joseph had to do something he chose the weakest side that was the one that had lost one of their Conjurers and Jumped over. 4 warriors attacked immediately while one of the conjures buffed them their strength lacked behind Joseph but not by much however their agility was far behind Joseph.

Joseph hit one by a beautiful and clean left hook causing the zombie's neck to break due to the force. 3 Warriors left

two of them attacked from both sides Joseph jumped up grabbed their heads and pushed them down to the ground, Joseph then pressed their heads against the ground so hard that their skulls were crushed.

1 warrior left as he was getting up one of the Conjurers chained him to the ground the other hit him with thick ice spikes two of which pierced his back but didn't go in too deep before Joseph could break free from the chains the warrior zombie grabbed his neck by both hands trying to snap Joseph's neck however the warrior was too naive after Joseph broke free of the chains faster than the zombies thought he grabbed the warriors neck with one hand and show him how it's really done.

Only 2 conjurers left, Joseph just casually walked up to the now scared Conjurers with no protection and kicked one in the stomach so hard that all of its ribs were broken before he could kill the second one all of the other Conjurers from other buildings start attacking him they had abandoned the last Conjurer on Joseph's side.

Busty lady saw everything unfold she commanded the warriors to attack Joseph altogether it was clear that her strategy was useless against Joseph's might.

Joseph jumped back to his building and before he could choose another target he was attacked by all of the warriors there were now 12 warriors left.

12 of them were buffed by different conjurers from their respective units.

they tried to gang up on Joseph and kill him that way however thanks to Joseph's high agility they were no match he punched them left and right and hit them till they were dead.

It was a really spectacular sight that you wouldn't normally see in this world.

A young handsome man illuminated by the night sky the skyglow shining on him while he was covered in blood, fighting with all his might to survive was a really spectacular sight indeed.

After Joseph killed the warriors, Conjurers tried to run away but they had gotten too close in order to support the warriors.

Joseph used Goad Zone on the conjurers this time it worked since they were second rank Joseph's INT was higher than them.

All of them rushed Joseph as if they were CQC masters however they were not.

They just died hopelessly under Joseph's bloody hands.

Now the only second rank zombies left were the ones protecting the Sorceress.

Joseph was standing on top of the building looking down on the sea of undead and a sudden notification popped up


One of the gods wants to have a one on one conversation with you do you accept?

[ YES / NO ]

Joseph asked Godiva which god it was but she didn't know. poor Godiva was still gathering Crystal cores.

Godiva assured him that the gods won't be able to harm him since he is a residence of earth.

Joseph pressed yes. He then was suddenly teleported to a place raging with hot flames, Rivers of lava flowing in all directions, Raging flames reaching over hundreds of meters tall there were several floating arrows showing him the way so he followed after 10 minutes he reached a throne that was soo large it could even rival sky scrappers on earth all Joseph could see were two ginormous legs that extended down from atop of the throne.

The throne suddenly shrink smaller at a rapid rate till it reached normal human throne size on the throne a beautiful lady sat her red crimson eyes were shining brightly her skin was a scarlet red colour her pitch-black hair looked as if it was void itself. one of her hands was holding a pitch-black animal pelt that was around her neck, with her other hand she was playing with her tail as Joseph was looking at her face Joseph noticed a set of horns coming out from both sides of her head, her Golden horns looked as if she was wearing a crown.

She was what you expect from a demon before Joseph could say anything with a seductive voice the beautiful demon said:

sign a contract with me I will give you the power to fight back, on the other hand, your freedom will be mine, choose, either live and become my direct subordinate or go out there and die.

Joseph's expression turned ugly even if he were to die he wouldn't choose to serve someone else he didn't want to live like how he did in the past before he could state his opinion the seductress and playful demon laughed and said I was joking I'm on your grandma's side I'm lucifer the mythical demon lord you know.

Lucifer was supposed to be male Joseph said is this for fanservice Joseph said Lucifer was supposed to be a handsome playboy Joseph claimed who are you Joseph stated with a strong displease.

Lucifer sighed and said:

-it always works *humph*, you enunch.

She then turned into a handsome man and said is this what you want with a dissatisfied voice, for the record I just didn't want to use my male form as to not shatter your confidence as a male after all you can be considered grandma's adoptive son.

He was indeed handsome he personally shattered my confidence I don't know about Joseph.

Lucifer extended his hand and put his index finger on Joseph's forehead and said this will hurt after you return back to your world you will see the effects, before Joseph could react a pitch-black ball that looked as menacing as you could imagine entered his forehead.

Joseph fell on his knees pain enveloped his body he was shaking and screaming as if he was possessed by an evil spirit it went on for what seemed like an eternity.

Joseph slowly regained his composure and looked at Lucifer with eyes filled with detest and loathe, Lucifer grabbed him by his hair lifted him up and looked at him dead in the eyes and said you f*cker you are still not at the level where you can look at me like that be grateful and f*ck of from my domain.

Joseph was back on the roof as if he never had left time was stopped when he was with Lucifer.

2 notifications popped up



You have received the blessing of Lucifer the king of hell.

(+100% affinity with unholy aka dark mana)

(+100% affinity with dark magic skills)



You have learned 2 new skills

{{ⁿᵉʷMinion Manipulation LVL 1 (S+) :

You can manipulate and control other creatures of your kind that are weaker than yourself.

No mana required

Up to 10 Minions at a time.}}

{{ⁿᵉʷShapeShift LVL max (SS+)

Originally a skill that is associated with the Norse God Loki

Lucifer is a master of shapeshifting himself rumours say Loki and Lucifer had a contest to determine which one is better at shapeshifting however Lucifer lost miserably

You can shapeshift to any creature weaker than yourself.

it costs 10 mana per minute.

skill cooldown: No cooldown as long as you have mana you can use this skill.}}


Godiva was surprised and baffled but she decided to switch the sense function off and let everything happen she didn't sign up to be a character that needs to explain and make sense of everything she was just there to help Joseph with HER COMMON SENSE and everything going on were anything but what Godiva deemed common sense.

Joseph was happy and know that these skills will definitely help him, in the long run, he said his apologies to Lucifer and tried to come up with a game plan to get out of this mess that his arrogance had caused.

I know it might seem like the original holy and dark mana fusion type cliche but I promise that there won't be such things and from dark mana, Joseph will only gain some minor or good skills

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