
Becoming the king of apocalypse as a Zombie

This novel will be paused for the time being. A former underground boxer decides to live a good and normal life. after deciding to attend the concert of his favourite Japanese idol to have a good time he wouldn't expect that his fate would change forever. a sudden blinding flash of light in the outer atmosphere followed by a loud bang caused everyone to lose consciousness. 1 day after everyone passed out people started to wake up. when Joseph woke up he saw that people were vomiting blood and falling down and after several seconds they would get up and attack people that were unaffected by what had happened the scene of seeing nearly 50000 people fighting and running for their lives made him realize that he needs to get out of there no matter what but as soon as he decided to get up and run... Hi this is my first time writing a novel and English is my 3rd language but I will try my best to write an interesting novel pls go easy on me ^-^ Read the auxiliary chapter for more information

Miyuki_Cat · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Dungeon Raid

Joseph was now outside the Entrance of Skytree he was ready to go in but he had one big question he asked Godiva isn't it too unfair for me to be able to enter this Dungeon. Goblins are at the same level as those Lesser zombies so, me going and raiding this place is too unbalanced and unfair he asked. Godiva gave him a simple answer

[Simply, you are an anomaly in the system normally Monster's thoughts are affected by Zenith and they are bound to their territories and can't leave their territory no matter what but you are not bound by Zenith and have the freedom to move anywhere you want to add on that you monopolized a whole war that was supposed to give birth to a monster that would become master of Tokyo dome and eventually expand to Tokyo dome city and after several years Tokyo dome would become a local Dungeon but without any gates. soo in short if you were bound by Zenith you wouldn't be able to leave Tokyo Dome.

Also, there is one more weird thing that happened since I met you there is an item called Soul beads that is made from the soul of living monsters it's my first time seeing it, it seems like it's for you since you don't bite others you are not able to extract their souls and instead of that you have soul beads.

The human soul beads are 300 points and Goblins are 10 each same as lesser zombies you have 9 Goblin soul beads I will add them to your total evolution points.]

Thanks, Joseph replied he didn't want to bite any monsters and especially humans and was worried about how he would extract their souls to evolve but now his concern was no longer needed.

Joseph was now in front of the elevator he hopped on and moved up due to Skytree becoming a dungeon the operation system was now completely magical he moved upwards to the first floor of Dungeon it was the first observatory platform.

There were a total of 100 goblins there Godiva told Joseph that this place needs a party of 8 to clear it and they have to be at least LVL 10 and above.

But Joseph Alone was strong enough to overpower 30 LVL 10 humans at once. So he didn't really care about that restriction and moved on. He pummeled the Goblins left and right he didn't have any weapons His Axe had become dull due to high defence of scaly so he throw it away long ago.

He killed all of the Goblins and moved to the second and last floor it was the second observatory platform.

After reaching there he faced 200 Goblins and understood why this dungeon need a party of 8 level 10 players so he naturally became cautious Nah why would he, he went berserk and killed the rest of those pesky bastards for some reason he was enjoying their *Grrrr* *Grrr* in pain maybe it was because of those two females the one he followed up to Skytree was on the verge of death and during the fight one of the Goblins finished her.

It was unfortunate but something inevitable in this new cruel world. He finally reached the boss it was 4 hobgoblins and one shaman Goblin.

he got Within 20 meters of the Boss he wanted to activate his newly Gained skill to check its properties out.

He then just simply thought of the skill Ox Assail then an X appeared on the boss only he could see it he rushed towards Shaman and It was incredible he was way faster than Normal in Just 2 Seconds before the hobgoblins Guarding the Boss could React he Gathered all of his Strenght and hit the boss with his good old Left hook.


The head of the boss exploded due to the force of the Left hook splattering his filthy blood Everywhere Joseph Cursed the ba*tard for not being as tough as he imagined him would be.

Joseph Was mad his new Sweatshirt was Dirty his T-shirt also had blood on it he then used Goad Zone and gathered all of the Hobgoblins they were stronger than normal zombies but not too strong he killed them and took their soul bids and moved towards the gate.

He tried to enter the gate but he couldn't then he asked how he can deactivate the gates from Godiva.

[You just need to put your hands on the gate and let me do the rest.]

Joseph did and the gate was closed in just a few seconds then a Gray Chest appeared where Gate was previously located at.

He opened the chest knowing there would be something inside that wouldn't really help him and he wasn't right actually.

[wow that's a good item you finally have something that can be called a trump card but not a perfect one its a good elixir I will show you the properties of the elixir now]


Elixir of Hermes (common)

its a knock off elixir made in an attempt

of making the original.

Boosts Agility

Effect percentage: 40%

Effect Duration: 5 minutes


Yeah, it's passable said Joseph Godiva wanted to give him a piece of her mind about Joseph's remark but she calmed herself down saying he will be humbled sooner or later.

Joseph then left Skytree due to Skytree being on the way to AOEN lake town he didn't have to take any detours. and moved forward. he still had 21km to go.

As he moved forward he kept an eye out for Those pesky Goblins he saw something that made him very happy on the way he saw a group of goblins being chewed alive by zombies that had swarmed them this scene was just so perfect and satisfactory that he sat there waiting for them to be eaten completely.

as he was going to leave one of the normal zombies rushed him he gave that zombie a look of are you courting death and the zombie smoothly changed direction and moved on.

While going around he occasionally saw several humans but he didn't want to scare them as he was going he heard the scream of help from the distance out of curiosity he went towards the sound and saw 3 men chasing a woman who barely had any clothing on, the screams of the woman attracted the attention of the zombies around they swarmed towards the sound Joseph just stood there as nature was taking its course but a sudden sharp pain snapped him back to reality it was the Holy mana, after all, it was made to protect others and just sitting there wasn't something an apostle or hero would do he sighed and moved towards them Joseph was way to fast compared to normal zombies and humans in a few second he had already closed the gap between him and the place in question but what shocked him the most was those humans. shooting with 9mm handguns they killed the zombies in a matter of few seconds the woman was sitting on the ground wishing she was bitten by the zombies the 3 men approached her while having a dark and menacing smile on their f**king ugly faces.

before they could touch the lady Joseph went forward he wanted to check some stuff out so he made it quick. before they could react he snapped their necks.

Then extended his right hand towards the woman.

She took Joseph's hand with a hint of distrust as to her previous experience and then she saw the notification on her Zenith status window.


Race: Undead LVL:2nd rank


He likes snapping necks snippy snap nap


After seeing the description and how he killed the three men her legs gave in and she fell down.

Joseph wanted information so picked her up like a sack of potatoes and took those guns as well after that he took her to a nearby building to ask her about her circumstances and situation outside.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Miyuki_Catcreators' thoughts