
Becoming the king of apocalypse as a Zombie

This novel will be paused for the time being. A former underground boxer decides to live a good and normal life. after deciding to attend the concert of his favourite Japanese idol to have a good time he wouldn't expect that his fate would change forever. a sudden blinding flash of light in the outer atmosphere followed by a loud bang caused everyone to lose consciousness. 1 day after everyone passed out people started to wake up. when Joseph woke up he saw that people were vomiting blood and falling down and after several seconds they would get up and attack people that were unaffected by what had happened the scene of seeing nearly 50000 people fighting and running for their lives made him realize that he needs to get out of there no matter what but as soon as he decided to get up and run... Hi this is my first time writing a novel and English is my 3rd language but I will try my best to write an interesting novel pls go easy on me ^-^ Read the auxiliary chapter for more information

Miyuki_Cat · Fantasy
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29 Chs

All Out War p.3

After Fuyumi used the skill Joseph's head started hurting his vision was fuzzy he couldn't focus he only could see a silhouette of Fuyumi.

However thanks to Modern Martial Arts he was able to Parry several of Fuyumi's moves but as he thought he is going to be ok Fuyumi pierced his heart causing him critical damage Joseph was a zombie he couldn't feel pain and even if his vitals were damaged it wouldn't affect him that much but due to the system that gods had implanted on the world if your vitals were attacked you would receive critical damage.

Joseph's HP dropped to 10% he was really on the verge of death but when he thought he was finished a big rock that looked to be a piece of cement hit Fuyumi sending her flying.

It was the scaled zombie, thanks to Fuyumi's skill he found an opening and killed Spikey.

Joseph took this chance and hid away from the other 2 to recover.

Joseph was feeling mixed emotions it was Fuyumi who helped Joseph through his toughest times even If it wasn't her intention it was still something that Joseph was grateful about.

He didn't have any choice but to hide he waited there while the other 2 were fighting since Joseph was a tier 1 zombie they saw each other as the biggest threats.

Thanks to the healing capability of the holy shroud Joseph already had recovered to 50%.

The sound of metal clashing could be heard all over the stadium Joseph took a look and saw that the battle was finally coming to a close he got ready and waited for the right time to jump in.

Scaly swung his axe wide causing Fuyumi to take a few steps back Scaly then rushed her and used his free hand to grab a seat and throw it towards Fuyumi, to dodge the flying object she dove forward she was now in the of the field.

Scaly took the chance and Jumped towards Fuyumi he tightened his grip and swung his axe vertically trying to kill Fuyumi in one hit she dodged by rolling to the right and used the second skill that she was hiding.

Melody of Death was her second skill as she was using it Scaly also used his skill Fortification was his skill but Fuyumi's skill was a skill that count as a mental attack, not physical Scalies skill was useless his eardrum burst and for 2 seconds he was stunned.

These 2 seconds were enough for Fuyumi to finish the Job she swung her dagger horizontally trying to decapitate scaly but her dagger was shattered due to the high defence of scaly and his skill, he snapped out of it and Swung his axe one last time pouring every ounce of energy and power he had left.

In order to dodge, Fuyumi jumped backwards but the attack was too fast and while she was still airborne the axe got one of her legs She fell.

Scaly was a zombie and he didn't have any stamina meaning he wouldn't get exhausted but his body reached its limit and he fell on his knees he tried to get up.

Joseph who was hiding in the background rushed forward and used all of his might and hatred towards scaly and swung his fireman axe. decapitating the scaly who didn't have any skills left to protect himself.

Joseph moved towards Fuyumi tears filled his eyes his vision got blurry but in order to survive in order to become stronger in order to end Fuyumis misery, he resolved himself and finished her in one hit.

Tears flow down his face his knees gave in he fell he wasn't feeling good nor happy he was feeling hatred, hatred towards the Gods for doing this to earth hatred towards his fate out of nowhere all of the emotions that Godiva had previously suppressed overwhelmed him causing him to vomit over and over.

But Joseph wasn't ready to give up, Godiva explained the main objective of Zenith to Joseph while he was hiding, so he wanted to become powerful enough to stand up against the gods however he knew he couldn't hurt them so his targets were the Apostles.

Godiva for some reason couldn't read his mind ever since Joseph got up and killed Macho but her woman intuition kicked in and she knew that she made a big mistake telling Joseph about the Apostles and their Objective to spread the influence of the gods.

She finally understood a third party other than her gods were involved she wanted to detonate Joseph's brain and kill him. as a super system that had served many monarchs, warlords, warlocks and supreme leaders she had developed an instinct and was able to feel how much potential a person had and Joseph topped that list.

As she was detonating the possible threat a cold and scary voice that of an overprotective mother said no you don't you little sh*t, after hearing the voice she felt immense pain and lost consciousness.

After 10 minutes Joseph got up the normal zombies and lesser ones were still fighting there were only around 50 of them left Joseph went over and kill the rest after that he looted every single crystal core he could find including the three rank 2 crystal cores.

The armour of spikey was destroyed he then learned when an item's durability reaches zero it shatters.

the only item he could pick up was the axe of scaly but durability was below 5% and he didn't want to have a weapon that can get destroyed anytime, especially in a fight of life and death.

His own chains were super worn out soo he used the keys and unlocked the locks he had used to keep the chains in the place he then throw the chains away and moved on.

Joseph didn't feel exhausted both mentally and physically but his body was sour and his movements were stiff he decided to sleep to rest his body and to think about how he would move in the future.

Grandma could have left Joseph's emotions to remain blocked by Godiva but she wanted him to see the true colour of the world she wanted him to experience what it means to lose someone she didn't want Joseph to forget his humanity and become a mindless tool whether this tool was to be used by her or others.

Joseph was the first human or zombie? that she had talked to at first she wanted to use him as a tool to keep those Gods occupy while she recovered but now she felt some sort of attachment to him.

She had witnessed the humanities growth from the beginning and what she felt right now was the same as those mothers that would do anything to protect their child.

She thought to herself it's not a bad feeling while having a gentle smile.

Joseph couldn't sleep due to the fact that he was a zombie but he closed his eyes while he was wondering what to do in the future he heard a beautiful and familiar voice that brought back many memories it was coming from a dead zombies body.

He moved towards where he heard the voice coming from it was right outside of the room he went in to rest he reached to the zombie's pocket and took out the phone, it was the zombie's alarm to not forget to take his pills.

He didn't care about that after all the zombie was dead all he cared about was the voice it was Fuyumi's voice once again tears filled his eyes he took the phone and used the zombie's fingerprint to unlock it he then changed the lock to his own fingerprint and then prayed for the zombie and moved on the phone contained all of Fuyumi's music Joseph went back to his room he turned up the volume and closed his eyes before he knew it he fell asleep.

{Melody of deaht}

a skill that stuns the enemy a powerful and rare skill. only bards whose voice has been heard by many can unlock this kill

Rank: (C)

Mana usage: 30

Stun duration: 2 seconds

cooldown: 10 minutes


A skill that forms a magic layer on someone's body that can completely block one physical attack. blocks 40% damage from the upcoming attacks a rare skill that the odds of obtaining are 1 in 100000

Rank: (A)

Mana usage: 40

Skill duration: 40 seconds

cooldown: 30 minutes

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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