
Becoming The Heroine

Calista, a struggling college student finds herself inside the trashy novel that she last read under the recommendation of her friend. Now stuck inside the novel she finds to be an insult to the literary world, she finds there to be no way out. Leaving her with no other choice, Calista decides to accept her role as the weak heroine, and goes through with the story, albeit begrudgingly. Ctto. The art on the cover is not mine.

Elephteria · Teen
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Chapter 1

Calista's misfortune of being sent to another universe both like and unlike her own may have started on that one fateful winter day when she was scrolling through her phone, as all college student does on their free time (besides having a mental breakdown), and opening a reading app that was currently very popular for the mentally ill. The first one she sees, however when she clicked on the app was the top 3 books, the three most popular books - not in the world, because really, half the novels on that app were no Oscar Wilde, or Jane Austen and the other half Calista doesn't even want to talk about. But who was she to judge? Those novels, although barely comprehensible, were the source of her entertainment, as well as her guilty pleasure.

Calista remembered having her attention caught by the top 1 book, a gold star shining animatedly beside the cover of a blonde woman and a dark haired male holding hands together. The cheesy cover was not what caught her attention though, it was the first few sentences of the summary, she thinks. A small text box below the title that says:

"A Heart's Enchantment"

Really, the title was so awful it almost made Calista choke (and not in the way she normally likes it). She even remembers whispering the name of her lord and saviour out of pure shock and bamboozleness but she ignored whatever was going on with that book title and kept her eyes on the first few lines of the summary, a short sneak peek of what she was about to read.

'Phyllis Arrian is a girl with big dreams. Entering Wynford International High as a scholar student catches the attention of one person. The so-called 'Prince of Wynford' -'

Calista didn't even need to read any more than necessary to find out what she was about to get into. It was the same old poor-girl-meets-richboy-and-they-fall-in-love-the-end. But something about the atmosphere of the book, and the 40 chapters in the table of contents (yes, she already opened it), drew her in. Totally not because she was a sucker for cliché poor girls who enter a prestigious high school, get bullied, and end up dating the most popular guy that everyone worships. She clicks the 'read' button, and starts reading the first chapter of the story, unknowing of what was to happen to her at the end of the novel that started Calista's dilemma.


Her long golden hair flew at the wind's command. It bounced gracefully as she slowly walked towards the black-haired man that was standing alone in the middle of the soccer field. The man, known as Gabriel, sensed the woman's presence, turning around with anger and disappointment in his eyes. The woman, named Phyllis stopped just 5 steps away from Gabriel keeping her distance as she felt what was coming.

"Let's break up." The pain from those 3 words was nothing like the pain she felt when she fell from the stairs because of Uli's schemes. Phyllis felt tears forming in her eyes, afraid of losing the only man she loves the most.

"Why?" It was barely even a whisper. Her throat felt like it was on fire.

Gabriel frowned. "You know why. Don't pretend to be innocent. Uli told me everything. I can't believe you would do something like that. And to my best friend! What did she ever do to you, Phyllis? Why did you become like this? I can no longer recognize who you are" he said and Phyllis felt confused. What did she do? What did Uli tell him?

"What do you mean?" she meekly asked.

"You pushed her down the stairs! She needed to walk with a cast for 2 weeks!" Gabriel shouted angrily.

Her eyes widened. That couldn't have happened because it was Uli who pushed her! "I never did! She's the one who pushed me! That's why I was absent for 3 weeks! You never asked how I was doing so I couldn't tell you" she tried to tell the truth yet Gabriel, who had full trust in his childhood friend, closed his mind.

"Don't try to reason with me. Let's break up. I never want to see you in my presence, as well as Uli's" he firmly said and turned around to leave when Phyllis grabbed his arm.

"Please! Don't leave me. I-I love you so much, Gabe" Phyllis spoke the first words she thought of, desperate to keep the man she loves by her side.

"I'm sorry, Phyllis. I'm at my limit. Let's just both move on" Gabriel said, his heart wavered after seeing the tears from her ocean blue eyes that seemed so innocent but he knew better, or at least Uli told him better.

Gabriel removed Phyllis's hand from his arm and left, leaving Phyllis alone, tears running down her face as she felt her whole world breaking. She lets herself kneel down on the ground, finally using up all of her remaining strength as she clutches her chest, sobbing silently.


"Book 2 Coming Soon"

Calista blinks….and blinks again for the second time. She stares at the last sentence of the novel that she binged as she laid on her bed sideways, with her phone drying her eyes because she was holding them so near to her face. She turned herself on her back and clicked on her phone to open the comments section of the app, reading through every single one and just seeing either praise for the novel or spam comments.

The novel…which was titled 'A Heart's Enchantment' was not very good truthfully. It did keep her entertained enough to forget about her piling school works that she needed to do that night and were most likely due next morning. But really, how on earth would she finish them all when it was already 3 in the morning?

Again, the novel was alright but it seemed to have been made mindlessly by another mindless author. And how the hell did it take the top 1 spot in the rankings anyway? There were so many other books in that app worth reading - well, as much worth as they have inside the app anyway.

Calista remembers insulting the novel some more that night. She can vaguely recall (as she was letting very elegant words run out of her mouth) calling the female lead, if her memory serves her right 'a weakass bi***' which has been censored for the kids out there. And she remembers being severely annoyed by the male lead of the novel, how ignorant he was of what was happening to the girl he 'loves' and how much worse the other side characters were. Which said everything about how bad the story was.

Could it really have been the cause of what has happened to her? Could there have been an entity somewhere listening to her and thinking that it would be hilarious to send her inside that novel that she was thoroughly enjoying ripping to shreds with her colourful remarks? Calista was ready to fight if that was the case, oh, she was ready to punch someone after holding back for a month. Yes, she punched someone last month, but that was only because they were being a bi-

Contrary to what Calista expected, the novel was far from being cliché…in the worst way possible. Sure, the only cliché thing was that the female lead was a scholar student enrolling to a very prestigious school for the richest kids and that the guy was basically royalty there, along with three other boys and a girl who was his childhood friend who all ends up terrorising the female lead and bullying her in the worst ways ever known to mankind. Calista was certain that the author was a sociopath because really, why did they like torturing their heroine so much?

Well, for one thing, Phyllis was not poor at all. Her parents were both accomplished in their respective fields and medicine and law. In fact, it was even implied that they were rather famous, and Phyllis's house was described as 'couldn't be compared to a palace, but something you would see in a magazine of modern model homes.' Phyllis lived in a mansion…she was very rich. In fact, Calista didn't even know why she applied for the scholarship when she could very well have her parents pay for her tuition. But who was she to judge? She was just a reader, a financially troubled reader whose parents' jobs could barely even pay their bills, much less her college tuition. It was a good thing Calista was an only child.

The next thing was that for someone who was supposedly the top of their school (before the main female lead took the spot), the main male lead was very ignorant and dumb. Not to mention a creepy stalker and an asshole. What part of watching someone all day, following them, and basically stalking them is romantic? We all have our kinks, sure, but Calista draws the line at non-consensual stalking. And she also draws the line at being a creep. That was not cool at all. And she does not even want to mention that Phyllis actually found it romantic after Gabriel told her that he watched her for weeks, rather obsessively (might she add), before talking to her. Calista actually doubted herself whether she was reading A Heart's Enchantment or Twilight.

The two main leads, no matter how foolish they were - because god forbid they really were the most foolish couple she read about - nothing could have ever prepared her for the hate that she felt for the main side characters, specifically Gabriel's lackeys and his childhood friend-slash-obsessive stalker. Rian, Ace, Eriq, and Uli. Oh, dear Uli. That girl, or demon, or whatever creature she was, is the most demonic thing that Phyllis might have had the misfortune of ever encountering. Seriously, she was a villainess in a league of her own. Some of her bullying methods were not even bullying anymore, they were attempted murder. Calista wondered how on earth they were ignored by the staff of the school as well as the authorities, because really (she takes a deep breath for her own sanity), they were horrifying. Plus, what kind of name was Uli anyway?

That night, Calista went to bed peacefully, and she awoke, in her bed and in her home, and in her universe. No, that was not quite how she landed in another universe. She did not sleep and suddenly woke up as a stranger in her own body, no.

Calista woke up to her alarm that morning, a wonderful and calming song called 'Highway to Hell'. She did her usual morning routine, which is lie in bed and contemplate on sleeping for another hour, and crying to herself that she needs to attend her lectures or she'll never be rich. After dragging herself off of her very comfortable bed, she dragged her feet into the bathroom outside her room and looked at herself in the mirror, seeing bags under her eyes before laughing at herself.

"I look like a raccoon but I haven't got anything done with the report that was due today," she remembers saying and laughing hysterically but really, it turns out that she didn't need to be scared of anything, because she wasn't even able to reach her local university that day.

Calista then received a message from her friend just as she was changing her clothes. She picks her phone up and reads the notification that popped.

'Hey, did you read the book I recommended to you? Author just dropped the next season!'

Calista had replied and though she was late for her first lecture, she sat back down on her bed and went on to have a conversation with her friend instead of just waiting until they met each other on campus because really, how else would 21st century friendships work?

Calista told her friend everything that she thought about the web novel, and how bad she thought it was. At that moment, her friend told her that she thinks that because she was used to reading classic literature hence, every novel she reads on the web she considers trash. Calista retorted that she enjoyed many other web novels, just not that one before moving on to ask what she meant by the other dropped the next book.

'Yeah, I already read everything! It's still ongoing but there's this new character called Einar Valerian. You have to keep reading, Cal! I think you'll really relate to him. He's like the boy and fictional version of you.'

By the time that her friend was convincing her to read the second book, Calista was already out of the house and was walking to the bus stop of their town. She stops to think of what to reply as she sits down on the bench, waiting for the bus to come by. Calista remembers clicking away on her phone again and giving in to her friend's urging.

'Fine, I'll read it.'

Her memory after that was fuzzy. She can recall hopping onto the bus and finding a seat just behind the bus driver. She, however, couldn't recall ever getting off the bus. And no matter how much she tries to remember the details, everything was dark and blurry, as if she had amnesia or something. Calista thinks she remembers shouting, and…well, blood. Whose blood it was she didn't know. Only that there must be so much of it and that everything was dark and there was nothing.

Today, she sits ( on the ground with her legs crossed comfortably of course). In front of the huge mirror in the huge room that she was in. She swallows, and silently observes the unfamiliar reflection showing on the mirror. Which she thinks is an absurd thing, because how else would one find herself unfamiliar with her own reflection? Unless of course, she was blind at birth and suddenly became able to see. But that couldn't be the case because Calista would surely know if she had been blind, right?

Then how else would one explain how she looks completely different than what she actually looked like? Not to mention that her tiny bedroom became as huge as their living room. But before she panics about getting kidnapped and put into a very fancy (and girly because Jesus help her there was too much pink) she decides to focus on why she looks like a completely different person. Not even 'like'. She was a different person!

Calista proceeds to list everything that was different. First of all, hair, brown to blonde. And it was clearly cared for with how thick and healthy looking it is. So unlike her really damaged curly brown hair that she had no idea how to take care of.

Eyes, brown to a brilliant, bright blue that Calista didn't know was possible for one to possess. Seriously, she's never seen such dazzling eyes, they almost seem like they were glowing under the warm, morning light of the room. Her eyes travel across her face, her once bushy, brown, arched brows that she used to have turned thin, straight, and blonde. Her Greek nose became small and carefully pointed, something you would usually see in antique porcelain dolls. Her jaw that was once masculine and wide-set, became more feminine and rounder. The thick lips that once was the envy of her friends were thinner than what they used to be, yet it looked plumper now, and softer-looking. There were no blemishes on her skin, as if the body she was now occupying had never experienced the horrors of teenage puberty and retained their baby skin. Seriously, how was that even possible?

The next thing that caught Calista's attention as her gaze travelled downwards was the clear mountains on her chest. She shrieks. "AAAH!" her hands immediately cupping them both. What happened to her A-cups!? She gave them a small squeeze, proving that they were indeed real. No wonder she feels as if there was something straining her back! There really was no doubt that this body was not hers. What else would explain the sudden growth of her itty bitty breasts! She looks at them again as gently pats them down. Again, there was no doubt that the melons on the chest of this stranger were double Ds. No doubt indeed.

After inspecting her strange body, a thought came into Calista's mind. That there was a possibility that she was now possessing someone's body. And that she must have swapped souls with them. What happened to her body then? Does it mean that the original owner of the body she was in was now inside her body? All this thinking was making her head hurt, and leaving her with more questions than she could ever answer on her own.

She flinches and stands up immediately when the door of the room opens, eyeing the white, golden knobbed door warily (also, the gold knob really was so unnecessary, it makes her want to roll her eyes). The door opens fully, revealing a woman that was really uncanny with the body she was in. There was no doubt the woman was related to the girl. Both of them had the same blonde hair, except the woman had green eyes, rather than the dazzling blue. Calista stood rather stupidly, but really, how else was she supposed to act around the stranger who was now smiling at her brightly and sweetly as if she didn't notice anything strange regarding her daughter (Calista reckons the girl must be her daughter).

"My dear, there's no need to look so surprised to see me. I know your maid normally greets you in the morning but I thought it would be a nice change to greet you today before I go to work." The mother chuckles and opens her arms as she walks forward to embrace her daughter. Though, Calista was so bamboozled that she only stood at her spot, and on reflex, returned the hug awkwardly and stiffly.

"Good morning, my love, and congratulations on passing the exam!" The blonde woman releases her to reach something on the inner pockets of the white and expensive looking, blue coat she was wearing. When she gives it to her, Calista has just realised what she was handed. It was a letter, which she took carefully, confused as fuck and silently panicking at the situation she was currently in. But if she didn't know how to deal with this calmly then it would be unusual of her.

"Exam?" She carefully speaks, and finds out immediately that her once deep voice (at least for women) became light, airy, and definitely more feminine.

"Yes! The entrance exam for your dream high school, dear!" The mother looked so happy for her that Calista was touched although she doesn't really know her. Her ears perked up in something that she realised, however.

High school.

The body of the girl she was in was currently in high school. That was certainly a clue, though, and would mean that she really didn't know the girl. Perhaps she was not even in her country anymore. Calista was already feeling a huge headache coming from thinking of solutions to her current predicament. How she would solve this problem, she doesn't even know where to begin.

Calista started to open the letter, and was greeted with a large logo on the top of the letter, and beside it was the name of the school.

Wynford International High.

'Oh shit,'