
Becoming the best with a leveling system

Ash_Adams · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The nightmare gate

Ch 2

"i remember now"

Noah raises his hand in front of his face, and it starts shaking as he remembers the terrible experience

"i went into a gate it wasn't big or necessarily hard but, after i found the boss room it got significantly harder"

"so what I'm hearing is the boss was harder than the regular monsters?"

Annoyed he said"the boss was a type of humanoid monster, it was bigger though like a kind of giant it looked male, but it had on armour so it was hard to tell the armour was pure black which didn't fit in seeing as almost every other monster was white, there were others as well they weren't as big. maybe 13 feet tall. they all had weapons made out of stone though they were also male and had black armor they seemed to worship the bigger one."

the recruiter is skeptical but listens

"there were also ones that fought against the black armored monsters. they seemed to be of the same race of monster though they didn't hold any weapons, they were a bit more powerful and had white armour, the white armoured monsters finished off the smaller black armored ones, and stole their weapons. then they started fighting the bigger one…. they were no match. He started smiling as he ate them and crushed them under foot. The big monster suddenly looked at me and then smiled larger than any other smile I've ever seen it went to his ears and i saw blood stained teeth that looked bigger than my entire arm, he was enjoying killing them"

the recruiter asks"how did you make it out"

"well i ran but I didn't even make it out the door by the time the big monster was behind me it smiled again he then lifted up his foot and was about to stomp on me i was able to escape by rolling out of the way, i quickly left. afterwards, after a while i went back and as soon as i touched the door it told me I didn't have the key"

"who told you?"

"you cant see it?"

Noah opens the System in front of the recruiter but he didn't see it

"alright you've wasted enough of my time on these idiotic claims I'm leaving"

the recruiter leaves, but tries to recruit Noah anyway out of pity

"I'm sorry ill consider it"

the recruiter tries asking politely"are you sure this is your last chance"