
Becoming the best with a leveling system

Ash_Adams · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The beginning

Chapter 1

"Strange"Thinks Noah

"i cant remember anything"

Noah puts his hand in front of his face. Suddenly a blue transparent screen pops up.

he whispers to himself "what the hell?!"

After he's done freaking out he touches the screen nothing happens Noah try's to ignore it and remember what happened

"that's right my name is Noah vilin i am 18 i live in the United States"

he tries to remember more but can't. He looks around it seems he's in a hospital, he sees a mirror and picks it up to see his face, there are a couple bruises and cuts. Noah is 5,6 he has brown hair blue eyes and round facial features he was what you could call chubby.

Noah try's to get up and thinks about the blue board and it suddenly appears

"interesting "

suddenly a knock on the door and a nurse comes in.

"how are you"

"I'm fine"

"that's good to hear are you having any problems or do you need anything?"

"no thank you I'm ok"

the nurse nods writes something down and leaves

again Noah checks the blue screen

"hmm its weird but the screen it kinda looks like what you'd see in games"

he names the board system because of all the comics he has read.

"System what is it you do anyway"

suddenly an emergency quest appears

the quests title is becoming strong, the details say what he has to do.

Defeat 1 monster of a higher level

"yeah right I'm battered and bruised how can i kill a monster, of a higher level no less"

"wait a level!?!? so this really is a game system"

as he says that a person walks in

"hi who are you?"

"i am the recruiter for the genesis guild we want to test if you're a hunter"

he holds up a strange device its a blue cube like thing

"It's called a mana detector it can tell if you have any mana, if you do possess mana you can become a hunter and join our guild"

He explains how to use the machine and then they start

it reads that Noah has 28 mana, its extremely low seeing that to even be considered a hunter you have to have over 20 mana

the man asks if he was a hunter before this

"no I wasn't "

the man looks surprised he asks

"then why were you in that gate?"

"ah i remember now."

This is my first novel please tell me if anything is wrong or if you want something to change

Ash_Adamscreators' thoughts