
Becoming the best with a leveling system

Ash_Adams · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Finishing the process

Ch 10

As soon as I have picked out a suitable candidate I'll choose this one

system grabs the portrait of a handsome man with dirt on his face rusted armor and white hair

and now i get points based on how much monsters the previous player slayed

congratulations system #109456 you have gained 100 points

this is nowhere near the amount I need to set up proper stats oh well I just need to roll high

system rolls 6 dice with 100 sides he gets a 60 35 66 79 80 and a 65 decides since this guy is a poor knight his stat distribution should look like this







system sighs

the only reason I am doing this is because of the constellations if not for them then there would be no need for systems. Anyways off to terra

its a peaceful morning when Laurence wakes up

"it's morning already huh alright well then I'll just go back to-"

as Laurence is a bout to head to sleep he hears two people coming up the stairs talking about getting a reward for killing someone it's obvious who

Laurence quickly gets out of bed and opens the window then grabs the closet door and opens it he quickly hides in there and when the soldiers enter the room they noticed the open window they started saying that emmeline was gonna kill them

laurence thinks about who emmeline is but he doesn't have to think that hard they must mean emmeline eigyr van der zee the royal princess it wouldn't have been enough to outcast him she even tried to kill him this was unacceptable he grabs his brothers sword that was right next to him and hops out and kills the two people they seemed to be adventurers it seems they had taken a quest to kill him he looks at them and notices they have som nice equipment on them so he takes that but what he didn't know was that there was a third adventurer it was a swordswoman who when he jumped out got shocked she saw him kill her friends so she decided to stab him Laurence who just got stabbed in the abdomin looks back and decapitates her he pulls out the sword and starts bleeding profusely and is about to die and then a white tab appears and asks if he wants revenge


he obviously chose yes