
Becoming Normal Part 2, Far From Rest

ChuckBoy39 · Teen
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15 Chs

The World's Worst Knock

It was a peaceful Friday afternoon at Lincoln Middle school. Everyone was excited for the weekend and Penny and Cyrus were no Exception. Cyrus and Sophia had started some blueprints that Cyrus couldn't wait to test and make a prototype for and was waiting for school to get out so he could make them witch for the first time of his life, Didn't happen before because he loved everything about school. As for Penny on the other hand had just meet someone that she had felling's for, didn't want school to end. She wanted it to go on forever at that moment, something that she never felt before. Maybe she was like that in her past life because she had felt it before. When school ended, Cyrus waited for Penny and began to walk home. "So how was your day Lincoln", Cyrus said. (It was a joke between Cyrus and Penny because Abraham Lincoln was the face on a penny and that the school they go to is called Lincoln Middle school was a funny joke for them.) "It was really good", said Penny. "Anything new", said Cyrus. "I met this guy", said Penny. "What was his name", said Cyrus in a more serious tone. "His name was Cole and he is a huge bookworm", said Penny. "I want to know, did you ask him out", said Cyrus. "NO" said Penny. Sounds like you did with your tone but I'm glad about that", said Cyrus. "Well if you read the last par-", Penny said before she was cut off. "Don't break the forth wall", said Cyrus. "Fine", said Penny. The two walked for a bit until they got to there home and a strange van with the Simmons Center Logo on both doors parked in front of there house. "What's the Simmons Center", said Penny. "Its one of the biggest science research company's in the world said Cyrus. Its like Oscorp but not", Cyrus said. Just then some guys with shades stepped out from the van. "Excuse me sir, were looking for someone named Penny", One of the guards said. "Why are you looking for her", said Cyrus. "Neverminded we found her", said the same guy as he then pushed Cyrus away and griped Penny and threw her into the van. The guys got in the van and speeded off into the street with Cyrus chasing after but couldn't reach the van. Cyrus ran inside to find that Tom, Zeta and Casey tied up with tape on there Mouths. Cyrus untied them and removed the tape with the three gasping for air. "Mom, Dad, Casey, Penny was taken", Cyrus said in a sheer panic. "We know", said Tom. "We saw with our own eyes", Zeta said. "But what do we do", said Casey. "We call an old friend of mine", said Zeta. She then rushed to call someone on her phone. "Hello", said the other end. "Hello there. Its been a while", Zeta said. "It has indeed", said the other end. "Look, my daughter was kidnapped and i need you to help", Zeta said. "Why not call the cops", the other end said. "Because they would never believe us if Simmons Center was kidnapping kids", Zeta said. "True", the other end said. "So i need you to help. Are Cody and Luke also coming", Zeta said. "You better believe it", said Bailey on the other end of the phone.