
Becoming Mrs De Haan

Just like Witches in their family. Idara Simons was supposed to get married to a Human to maintain the nature's balance. On Her Engagement party with Anthony Restrova, She gets entangled with a soul shifter that teleports them from 1998 to 2023 where she was born as an ordinary human and was about to get married too. This time. Not to Anthony Restrova but to Simon De Haan. The most dangerous soul shifter who she have only heard stories about. Now she had to find a way to send them both back to their time since it was the only way to trap De Haan. If ONLY she knew what she was into.

Vera_Felix · Fantasy
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2 Chs

I am not ready

Idara stared at the ceiling feeling tired even though she just woke up from sleep. She could hear the noise outside her room but prayed they could just quiet down and leave her alone.

At 19,She couldn't believe she was getting married to Anthony Restrova, A man known for his narcissistic behaviour but she owed it to her fortress and the world if she wanted to nature to be balanced.

Her door opened and she closed her eyes immediately pretending to be sleeping but her eye lashes kept on shaking nervously as she could feel her mother staring at her.

"are you going to stand up peacefully or do I have to spray water on your lovely face?" Grace asked.

"I think peace is always the best option especially in the morning" Idara smiled sitting up and closing her eyes as her mother opened the windows to let sun into the room.

"it's your engagement party and you need to look happy and beautiful, having a mood will only give you wrinkles and an unhappy marriage"Grace said sitting beside her daughter.

" it's already an unhappy marriage since I do not even know the man I'm about to wed"Idara sighed.

" look at I and your father. we have the happiest marriage and we can not even live without each other yet we only met a day before our engagement and you have known Anthony for a week now"Grace smiled.

" mother, our characters differ so does our marital success, besides who wouldn't fall in love with father since he's the most handsome and kindest man in the fortress, I don't see myself and Anthony ever being happy"Idara replied.

" You might think that way now but I'm sure you will get to love him just like we already like him for you, so stop the excuses get up and out of the bed"Grace smiled.

" I am not ready, for marriage, for engagement, for love, for children. I'm only nineteen"Idara tried again.

" I got married at seventeen and had you at nineteen, get up Idara or face my wrath"Grace stood up placing her hand on her waist.

" seriously mother? can you not do this for me? "Idara asked.

" I kept making excuses for you, You are Nineteen and ready to become the next matron of Rezoli witches, You can't take your place without receiving the balance of nature, get up Idara or I will make you, my mother and her mother is on the way, you do not want them here"Grace answered.

The curtain moved slightly and two women with white hair appeared dressed in silver Sheith gowns.

"we are here to witness the grand engagement of the leader of Rezoli" One of them said.

"mother, Granny" Grace turned hugging them.

"it's 10:0'clock,What are you still doing in bed?" Amber Williams, Idara's great grand mother asked.

"I was just about to go downstairs" Idara smiled at the strict petite woman.

"we could hear your conversations from miles ago.. that's the work of the mushroom planted in your room since you turned eighteen, Idara, your mother is 38,Don't you want her to receive the honour she gave me and I gave my mother, that have been running down in our lineage for ages.. don't you like the silver hair we have? your mother can have it too once a new matron takes her place, I received mine at 30,Do this for your mother" Donna, Her grand mother smiled.

"I .. of course I will get married to Anthony" Idara stood up immediately.

"you raised her with dotting hands but it's time she starts learning her place as the Matron" Amber smiled.

"we will be waiting downstairs, we haven't being received yet" Donna said.

and just as they appeared, they disappeared and her mother sighed in relief.

"I will get ready" Idara said looking at the mushroom.

"I will send the maids upstairs, congratulations Idara" Grace smiled and walked out of the room.

Idara walked to the mushroom and uprooted it from the root and watched it spring up just like it had been.

"ugh" Idara sighed angrily walking back to her bed