
becoming immortal

"he" had everything, but he was still nothing but a spec of dust in the universe. So he grew untill he was no longer just a spec. He realized he could still die, but he still wanted to live. so he would do anything he could to survive. - The story follows the main character who reached a new world and is exploring ways to become stronger while getting closer to his own experiences, alongside the side characters who will interact with him. author's note: I'll be open to some suggestions. please leave reviews if you want to. (cover art is made by me so it's not very good)

OFWAR · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Northern lights.

Anas tilted his head after hearing the question, but then he nodded with excitement.

Edric laughed as he picked up Anas in his arms and used essence to make Tihoro and Urosu start levitating.


their feet separated from the ground and they got farther and farther away from it, and soon enough their house became a small dot on the ground.

The children looked around in awe at the vastness of the world and how small they really were, and Edric felt happy seeing them like them like that.

[But, why did you brought us here Edric?] Asked Urosu wondering why Edric would bring them here.

[Haha, Just wait a little bit and I'll show you something cool](E)

(Huff... I wonder if I can pull this off...) Thought Edric as he expanded his senses to cover the whole planet.

He sensed the magnetic fields of the planet and realized that he and the children were actually quite nearby from the north of it.

He started moving his essence and then he used all of it.

Spreading it around the planet, he realized that he would be able to do what he wanted easily.

His essence "grabbed" the planet's atmosphere, he wanted to grab just the core but he wasn't able to do it on his first try.

(I bet this will cause a lot of damage, but I don't care) He thought as he moved the essence once more, moving the atmosphere and the core of the planet at the same time.

Violent, no, catastrophic winds started to roar, they created tornadoes and ripped trees off the ground.

The ground started to shake as well, and cracks appeared on the ground.

He could have decreased the damage he caused had he had more essence, but he had already used up most of it already.

Edric moved his remaining essence back into his body and created a barrier in a hundred meter radius to protect the kids and their house.

(Wow... That's a lot of damage)

The children looked at this in shock, they knew Edric was strong, but not THIS much.

After a few minutes the wind calmed down, but it was still quite violent.

It probably wouldn't calm down completely even after a month, but Edric didn't care that much.

after a few minutes in the windy night they saw the star filled sky being illuminated by a green light.

The children looked at these lights in the sky with interest and wide eyes, and Edric laughed seeing this.

Worth it.

And so... Edric and the children spent the rest of the night watching the northern lights.

They were beautiful.

Watching them was a unique experience, there was something almost magical about them, as if they were a glimpse into another world of wonder.

As they fell back to the ground and Edric put Anas out of his arms, the sun started rising once more.

A new day had started.


Edric put the children to sleep and then he went sleep and then he walked towards his room.

He layed on his bed and closed his eyes, sleeping and then he felt his consciousness reaching into his subconscious.

He had a dream today as well


A 15 year old was walking out from a school when he mumbled to himself.

[geez, I'm tired of school. Everything is easy, the people are boring and it's basically a waste of time]

He seemed to be quite bored, and he decided to stop going to school.

He wasn't being arrogant, school was quite easy for him and he learned more by himself anyway.

They weren't any people he liked talking to in school so he wouldn't regret not going.

There was just one problem...

(...Will mother allow me to do it though?)

He wasn't sure, his mother seemed to really value the educational system and she was the one that payed his bills.

Well, he would have to try first.

As he continued walking he saw a 17 year old guy at the distance and he frowned.

(Ugh... I why did I have to cross paths with this guy of all people)

He tried walking pass him but then he was stopped by him grabbing his shoulder.

(W-what does this guy want?!)

He panicked a bit because this guy had been bothering him without any apparent reason, talking about some woman or something.

[H-hello dude, how's it going?] He said with caution.

[*Sigh*... I just wanted to apologize to you for bothering you all the time] Said the 17 year old as he looked at the teenager apologetically.

(??? What?) He was shocked seeing him like this, although he welcomed the apology.

They both talked for a few minutes, and he realized that the other guy had a girlfriend and he saw her looking at him so he got jealous, he was really through with his apology and they both ended up becoming friends.

As he walked back home, he felt that today would be a good day.

But he was wrong.

Today would be, perhaps, one of the 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗱𝗮𝘆𝘀 in his long life.

Next chapter will be a little bit of Edric's backstory before he stopped being a normal human.

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